Prep of The Day Thread

Store gasoline away from the house. Under steps or porch or in attached garage or basement is not the place.
It's not in either a basement or attached garage. The attached garage has a Yukon (31 gallon tank) a Tahoe (30 gallon diesel tank) a quad, (5 gallon) and a pressure washer, chain saws, etc in it. It's also got cameras and extinguishers, as well as smoke and heat detectors in's a matter of perspective.
Ah ok. Fzrom what I could see of the pic it looked sort of like a typical garage.

I dont have any outside storage here. Back steps offers a bit of protection from the weather and I keep a lawnmower and a 1 gal can there but wouldnt feel comfortable keeping anything more. Should prob spring for a shed at some point.
Just curious how this worked. Did you see a tick reduction as a result?
It worked well for us. I rarely pick up a tick when I'm in the chicken zone. When I stray outside the areas they roam is when I find one on me.

Any quick tips for a homeowner with limited space to get a little victory garden started? Are those separate above ground bags/cubes a bad idea? They seem like a good idea in a lot of respects, one of which being the ability to move them into the garage if needed.

For limited space I would go for pole beans which take up less space and can be grown on a trellis or fence. Same with cucumbers. I grow them in a tomato cage and the grow lettuce around them since they like the shade. I grow tomatoes in large pots and plant carrots around them since they grow well together. Check out companion planting. I saw a cool idea where someone took sections of gutter and put on the end caps, added some drain holes and mounted them on a wooden fence to grow lettuce and spinach. They were layered so when you watered the one on top it would drip down on the others.
More dehydration. Apples and bananas. Question though Can I oil up a gun vacuum seal it and securely store it somewhere In. My home in an undisclosed location?? Of course trigger locked

I'd use Zep IronClad metal preservative or grease not oil. image.jpeg

I stored several guns vacuum sealed for about 12 years using Zep IronClad spray and it worked perfectly.
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More dehydration. Apples and bananas. Question though Can I oil up a gun vacuum seal it and securely store it somewhere In. My home in an undisclosed location?? Of course trigger locked

Allegedly you could wrap it in some closed cell plastic shipping foam, so you don't vacuum it hard enough to tear the plastic on a sharp edge,
Also, don't pull a vacuum hard enough pull remoil into your foodsaver
Allegedly you could wrap it in some closed cell plastic shipping foam, so you don't vacuum it hard enough to tear the plastic on a sharp edge,
Also, don't pull a vacuum hard enough pull remoil into your foodsaver

I never had any luck using Remoil......too light for long term.
View attachment 339773

6 more bags of food for chickens and finished rotating fuel stores, including 6 new diesel, because the cans were on sale for 14.99, so I bought ALL they had.

Also bought vegetable seeds and fertilzier. Hope it's to grow for fun, and not for real
I did this one time years a go on my house generator and realize it was just asking for trouble so I converted it to propane and have about four days worth.
my wife for the first time ever was concerned enough about long term food storage to calculate out requirements and said we need 300 lbs of lentils and rice for our family just in case. I said 'look in the basement, it's been there since 2009'
...and our chickpeas are holding up surprisingly well. [grin]

I'm about to find out about the black beans.
bought 8 more panels for the array, which maxes me out with my inverter. Also got shipping on all the wiring and racking needed to get it on the roof.

batteries, etc which were shipped over a week ago now pushed until saturday 'by the end of the day'

if there's going to be a general shutdown, I am going to put the stoppage to good use
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Been saving the small slivers of soap from both our showers, took those slivers and added them to a half gallon jug filled about a 1/4 the way up with tap water. In about three days time the soap broke down to a thick liquid and im reusing it as hand soap when I work in the garage or outside.

I added more water to the solution of soap and it was still very concentrated with just a handful of soap slivers, I will keep adding to it but for a item I was tossing out for years I can now reuse and its pretty strong even watered down a bunch.
Smells good to, its a mix of Irish spring, Ivory, Ax brand and others we have used. But in the end it will bathe us and it make a large amount, could even use it wash clothes in or rags.
Been saving the small slivers of soap from both our showers, took those slivers and added them to a half gallon jug filled about a 1/4 the way up with tap water. In about three days time the soap broke down to a thick liquid and im reusing it as hand soap when I work in the garage or outside.

I added more water to the solution of soap and it was still very concentrated with just a handful of soap slivers, I will keep adding to it but for a item I was tossing out for years I can now reuse and its pretty strong even watered down a bunch.
Smells good to, its a mix of Irish spring, Ivory, Ax brand and others we have used. But in the end it will bathe us and it make a large amount, could even use it wash clothes in or rags.

If it is thick, you can use a small amount to coat your hands if you do mechanical work. It helps get them clean afterwards.
There is/ was a product called "liquid glove" and that's basically what it was.
If it is thick, you can use a small amount to coat your hands if you do mechanical work. It helps get them clean afterwards.
There is/ was a product called "liquid glove" and that's basically what it was.

I like this idea and I need to machine some parts tonight I will try it then.
I like this idea and I need to machine some parts tonight I will try it then.
Adjust how much you apply and let it dry so your hands aren't slippery. Only a small amount is needed and mostly on places where dirt and grease get ground in. You know your hands best, experiment.
I used to use it when tackling greasey, oily front end work and had good results.
I initially had a tube of liquid glove and found it was just like thickened ivory dish soap, so I poured some ivory dish soap out on a shallow tray and let it evaporate to a thick paste......worked exactly the same at much less cost.
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BJ's carries large-ish containers of unground peppercorns.
Make sure you have salt with your pepper

I don't have any outside storage here. Back steps offers a bit of protection from the weather and I keep a lawnmower and a 1 gal can there but wouldnt feel comfortable keeping anything more. Should prob spring for a shed at some point.
Maybe if there is some money coming, it can go to that.

I never had any luck using Remoil......too light for long term.
Cosmoline has worked for many. ;-)
@Coyote33 it was just a reminder that pepper alone isn't enough, and salt is sold out in many places.

Picked up my remaining panels today. 335w 72 cell poly's


Racking is getting delivered tomorrow


Also sliced up 3.5 pounds of eye round roast for's in the vacuum marinator, this recipe, with added hickory liquid smoke and siracha, plus 1/4 of a cup of brown sugar. Homemade Peppered Beef Jerky Recipe and Video | Hey Grill, Hey

.....and now sipping a rye and doing adult legos

Geissele triggers, a different buffer spring, magpul BUIS and Nikon glass for 2 of the AR's I built. Range to site them in tomorrow after the laserlite gets them close.

I have been forced to resort to liquid helium cooling for my VISA, or it smoulders.
Been saving the small slivers of soap from both our showers, took those slivers and added them to a half gallon jug filled about a 1/4 the way up with tap water. In about three days time the soap broke down to a thick liquid and im reusing it as hand soap when I work in the garage or outside.

I added more water to the solution of soap and it was still very concentrated with just a handful of soap slivers, I will keep adding to it but for a item I was tossing out for years I can now reuse and its pretty strong even watered down a bunch.
Smells good to, its a mix of Irish spring, Ivory, Ax brand and others we have used. But in the end it will bathe us and it make a large amount, could even use it wash clothes in or rags.
Nice. I always "glue" the sliver to the new bar by wetting both and pressing the sliver to the top of the new bar. They bond together by the next day.
Might have watered it down a little to much, I was greedy lol. I went to wash my hands after some machine work and it worked but didn't like the oils I had on my hands. Good thing they add up fast as I will add more to my mix.

And I added a slight haze to my hands prior to working, and before I used the lathe I used the bathroom and without oil on them the crud seemed to come off a lot better, good Idea Uzi.
And fritz I tried the "glue" the old bar trick before only to find out it losses it grip and most of the time its in the critical crack area LOL.
Ordered a Blink wireless camera system. We are in the "everyone has 1 acre and woods" suburb's. The house is set 200' back from the street with woods in the back and lots of approaches to the house with good concealment. It's a low crime area miles from dense populations and I seriously doubt things will ever deteriorate to roving gangs of resource predators, but if it does I probably won't be able to buy these things. Mainly I just wanted cameras for seeing the neighborhood racoons and fox, the 'yotes I hear and the license plate of the libtard that's going to steal my Trump for POTUS yard sign in a few months.

5 outdoor cameras and 1 indoor camera for $400 seemed like a good deal.
Ordered a Blink wireless camera system. We are in the "everyone has 1 acre and woods" suburb's. The house is set 200' back from the street with woods in the back and lots of approaches to the house with good concealment. It's a low crime area miles from dense populations and I seriously doubt things will ever deteriorate to roving gangs of resource predators, but if it does I probably won't be able to buy these things. Mainly I just wanted cameras for seeing the neighborhood racoons and fox, the 'yotes I hear and the license plate of the libtard that's going to steal my Trump for POTUS yard sign in a few months.

5 outdoor cameras and 1 indoor camera for $400 seemed like a good deal.
Ive had these and have had limited issues with them. Easy to set up. Weak link is they work over the internet so you need an internet connection to view them. If the net is down for whatever reason or if your phone has shitty service you may get an alert but not be able to see whats going on. The factory supplied brackets are cheesy as well. I got some aftermarket ones.
Ordered a Blink wireless camera system. We are in the "everyone has 1 acre and woods" suburb's. The house is set 200' back from the street with woods in the back and lots of approaches to the house with good concealment. It's a low crime area miles from dense populations and I seriously doubt things will ever deteriorate to roving gangs of resource predators, but if it does I probably won't be able to buy these things. Mainly I just wanted cameras for seeing the neighborhood racoons and fox, the 'yotes I hear and the license plate of the libtard that's going to steal my Trump for POTUS yard sign in a few months.

5 outdoor cameras and 1 indoor camera for $400 seemed like a good deal.

Never doubt how bad things could possibly get.
Always be armed sufficiently to repel what ever might invade your AO.
Combination IR/Motion sensors will give you coverage without internet dependence.

See Dakota Alert MURS devices.
Idk if this belongs here, but I thought it was interesting. I'm home bbn with my kids today and my daughter wanted Mac and cheese, so I went to the pantry to get a box and grabbed the first one up, happened to be Frozen 2 shaped. I glanced at the directions and noticed it only required 3 tablespoons of milk instead of the normal 1/2 cup. When I need to mask up and head out to the store next time, I'll be sure to get the Frozen 2 mac and cheese to maximize my milk stores.

Just got Back from Hudson Market Basket. Very large panic. Two lines foaming around to the back. Today is one of our shopping days and it took us over an hour. Cashiers doing a great job but people panic with large amounts or two carts full. One woman spent over $400. You can blame the media for most of this BS.
Ha! That’s a normal shopping trip for me.
Idk if this belongs here, but I thought it was interesting. I'm home bbn with my kids today and my daughter wanted Mac and cheese, so I went to the pantry to get a box and grabbed the first one up, happened to be Frozen 2 shaped. I glanced at the directions and noticed it only required 3 tablespoons of milk instead of the normal 1/2 cup. When I need to mask up and head out to the store next time, I'll be sure to get the Frozen 2 mac and cheese to maximize my milk stores.

The shapes boxes are often smaller.

I packed 20lbs of pasta into mylar. I suck at transferring stuff from bag to bag.
I heard several stories on social media today regarding farmers in adjacent towns having problems with people stealing eggs and chickens. I didn't think we were there just yet. The stores still have food. Be safe out there.
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