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I wouldn't talk about it online anyway. They're watching.
I wouldn't talk about it online anyway. They're watching.
I wouldn't talk about it online anyway. They're watching.
Everyone is a target of "them".I didn't know preppers were a target of "them" whoever that may be.... I thought preppers were preparing for the worse scenarios related to a catastrophic event, whether it be weather, financial or whatever..
I didn't know preppers were a target of "them" whoever that may be.... I thought preppers were preparing for the worse scenarios related to a catastrophic event, whether it be weather, financial or whatever..
I didn't know preppers were a target of "them" whoever that may be.... I thought preppers were preparing for the worse scenarios related to a catastrophic event, whether it be weather, financial or whatever..
Really? NDAA specifically identifies storing more than two weeks of food, "stockpiling" firearms, keeping large amounts of cash, and other prepper type behaviors as possible terrorist behavior. Preppers are explicitly targeted by DHS and the NSA. Or did you forget the smily at the end of your post?
nope... didn't forget a smiley ..... not afraid to do anything that doesn't break a law... kinda like driving the speed limit, not worried about getting stopped.
Not being afraid to do something and flaunting it are two different things.
Trust me guys . In 47 years I learned there are only two people I can trust , God and myself .
Dude it's not like I am going to invite them to my lair and take warm showers with them in my solar shower LOL . Just to bounce ideas around about prepping
Dude it's not like I am going to invite them to my lair and take warm showers with them in my solar shower LOL . Just to bounce ideas around about prepping
The tinfoil in this thread is strong..