Prepper Meet Ups ?

I didn't know preppers were a target of "them" whoever that may be.... I thought preppers were preparing for the worse scenarios related to a catastrophic event, whether it be weather, financial or whatever..
Turbo I think the guys are trying to pull my chain LOL . HAHA don't quit your day jobs LOL . Oath Keeper for Liberty was having "Prepper meets . But I think he had to give up do to a new " rug rat " on the way .
I didn't know preppers were a target of "them" whoever that may be.... I thought preppers were preparing for the worse scenarios related to a catastrophic event, whether it be weather, financial or whatever..

Being self sufficient means not relying on "them", not relying on "them" makes you a target.
Right after the election there was a lot of zOMG-ing going on around here, and someone mentioned something like this and all of a sudden there were like a 1000 posts from people coming out of the wood work trying to get in on a "prepper group". Obviously it never went anywhere.

Lean on people you trust, and don't talk about it with anyone else. If you can't trust anyone you know, purge your friends and find some new ones.
I didn't know preppers were a target of "them" whoever that may be.... I thought preppers were preparing for the worse scenarios related to a catastrophic event, whether it be weather, financial or whatever..

Really? NDAA specifically identifies storing more than two weeks of food, "stockpiling" firearms, keeping large amounts of cash, and other prepper type behaviors as possible terrorist behavior. Preppers are explicitly targeted by DHS and the NSA. Or did you forget the smily at the end of your post?
Well I do remember that. And I'm glad that they will be too busy tracking the Amish, the morman church, and everyone that graduated Bristol Aggie. To worry about the rest of us.
My prepping setup consists of 2 glow sticks, a Bear Grylls survival knife, and a bag of Snickers.
All jokes aside, there's a few folks who pratice primitive skills together here every so often and I run a canning class with my wife from time to time (one is coming up watch this sub forum for the announcement) There used to be good discussion on prepping here but children will play and they love their rep-circle jerks so it can difficult to get good intel here at times.

I'll PM you a better place for more serious discussion.

Ok kiddies, back to your fun.
Really? NDAA specifically identifies storing more than two weeks of food, "stockpiling" firearms, keeping large amounts of cash, and other prepper type behaviors as possible terrorist behavior. Preppers are explicitly targeted by DHS and the NSA. Or did you forget the smily at the end of your post?

nope... didn't forget a smiley ..... not afraid to do anything that doesn't break a law... kinda like driving the speed limit, not worried about getting stopped.
Dude it's not like I am going to invite them to my lair and take warm showers with them in my solar shower LOL . Just to bounce ideas around about prepping
Dude it's not like I am going to invite them to my lair and take warm showers with them in my solar shower LOL . Just to bounce ideas around about prepping

(humor mode OFF) - In that case, seems like it might not be worth the effort to spend the time to 'meet up' (unless the social aspect is enough for you). Plenty of good (and bad) info and ideas to be found in books, courses, on-line, etc.
The tinfoil in this thread is strong.....but if I were preparing, it is unlikely I would share my resources gathered, etc with relative (or total) strangers.

If the results of your prepping were to become known to them and they found themselves lacking, it makes you a target, hardened or not.

STFU, read, and go to suvivalblog or one of the other ones. Read the pdf at the top of this forum. Read the LDS info. Resist the temptation to play show and tell.

My 2c.

If you're in MA, the moonbat-fu is so strong here that you are unlikely to find much help anyway.
Dude it's not like I am going to invite them to my lair and take warm showers with them in my solar shower LOL . Just to bounce ideas around about prepping

Aside from sharing info and knowledge I think it's a good idea to know a few people who have different skills and resources in your area. Some resources for mutual aid without starting a group or commune, or whatever.

This especially works if your friends and family won't even keep extra food around and probably make snide remarks behind your back.

Yeah yeah, get new friends............
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