Preppers, Minutemen, Zombies and Molle pouches.

That sucks. I had a similar issue with Paypal. I was able to purchase a stock, but when I bought a scope..The checkout would not work and thankfully the seller just canceled the transaction and called it a glitch. I offered to refund his ebay seller fees if he sold the scope again, he did and I held up my end. BS though. I can't stand Paypal but eBay and them are buttpals.

I have an ACU flashlight holder which is too small for a Maglite (the one that takes two AA's). Heres a link so you can see what I am talking about. Condor makes it in several camo colors.Condor Digital ACU Tactical MOLLE Belt Carabiner Flashlight Knife Pouch Holster | eBay

Are you looking for a pouch for a Nalgene bottle or a GI canteen? Condor makes this as well. Condor MA40 MOLLE H2O Water Bottle Holder Carrier Utility Pouch with Mod Straps | eBay

Hope this helps.

- - - Updated - - -

I know the links are eBay but its easier than using google. I know that there are some Airsoft websites that sell MOLLE gear but I don't know about the quality. I would assume some reputable sites would carry Condor and Voodoo Tactical gear.

I have the berkey water filter bottle I want to put a metal cup and hammer chief around the bottle and put it all in the holder so I can boil and pre filter water before putting it in the bottle. Ill take a look at the links after the bruins game though much appreciated. Any other molle stuff that I wouldn't think to get you'd recommend? I have a drago assault 5 day backpack id like to buy the hydration pouch for it, it has its own slot in the backpack for it.
I have the berkey water filter bottle I want to put a metal cup and hammer chief around the bottle and put it all in the holder so I can boil and pre filter water before putting it in the bottle. Ill take a look at the links after the bruins game though much appreciated. Any other molle stuff that I wouldn't think to get you'd recommend? I have a drago assault 5 day backpack id like to buy the hydration pouch for it, it has its own slot in the backpack for it.

I hear ya on the water setup. I have a 1L SS bottle, SS cup and purification powder in my 10 day bag, vehicle EDC and 3 day assault bag. My main water carrier is a milsurp 3L Camelpacl. I paid $29 for one and then $15 for my second one but they can be found cheaper if you look. I recommend a Camelpack for your drago assault pack. I recommend camelpacks regardless:
-hands free drinking
-you don't have to worry about spilling all your waterif you trip or get startled while drinking
-carries a lot of water without being bulky.
-The entire thing can be stored flat and take up very little space.

I ski and after was a Ski instructor at Okemo Mtn in VT. My doctor was the head physician for the Ski Patrol. After seeing a guy who broke 2 ribs from falling on his water bottle after loosing control in the terrain park, I started wearing a camelpack instead of having a water bottle in my chest pocket.

If I can track down a good buy on milsurp Camelpacks on eBay, I might do a Youtube video on then and do a give away on one of them. Maybe even a group buy here.

I hear ya on the water setup. I have a 1L SS bottle, SS cup and purification powder in my 10 day bag, vehicle EDC and 3 day assault bag. My main water carrier is a milsurp 3L Camelpacl. I paid $29 for one and then $15 for my second one but they can be found cheaper if you look. I recommend a Camelpack for your drago assault pack. I recommend camelpacks regardless:
-hands free drinking
-you don't have to worry about spilling all your waterif you trip or get startled while drinking
-carries a lot of water without being bulky.
-The entire thing can be stored flat and take up very little space.

I ski and after was a Ski instructor at Okemo Mtn in VT. My doctor was the head physician for the Ski Patrol. After seeing a guy who broke 2 ribs from falling on his water bottle after loosing control in the terrain park, I started wearing a camelpack instead of having a water bottle in my chest pocket.

If I can track down a good buy on milsurp Camelpacks on eBay, I might do a Youtube video on then and do a give away on one of them. Maybe even a group buy here.


Drago has there own camel pack that fits into the backpack. Do they sell a filter you can attach to the straw of the camelback?
CHeck the various sporting goods/ camping stores. A number of them sell just the water bag as a replacement part.

Google replacement hydration bladder if you cant find them locally.
CHeck the various sporting goods/ camping stores. A number of them sell just the water bag as a replacement part.

Google replacement hydration bladder if you cant find them locally.

I couldn't figure out the exact term to google thank you made it much easier lol!
I don't own a plate carrier. I don't have a chest rig either. If SHTF, does that mean we will all go to war with each other or something? Most of you guys sound like you're preparing for WW3. I just want to stay alive. And to me, that means go away as far as possible from the rest of humanity. Plate carriers are just dead weight. I'd rather carry a few tools instead.
It is a philisophical difference on what is meant by survivalism/ prepper. Sure without a plate carrier and plates you will be in a world of hurt if you are shot. Conversely if you spend all your money on tacticool stuff and have little food or water you will most likely starve to death in a true grid down scenario. Where is the right answer? Thats up to you. Probably somewhere in the middle.
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