Presentation of my collection and wish list


Army Veteran
Jun 3, 2006
Metrowest, MA
Feedback: 18 / 0 / 0
Over the years, a few friends and most of my family members have asked me to explain what firearms I have, and why. As someone passionate about gun ownership, I’ve always been happy to take each of them through each gun and explain why it means something to me. However, this recurring question got me thinking about trying to document my collection, and what the individual items mean to me. The linked PowerPoint deck is what I came up with. I’d like to get some feedback from the forum as to whether the deck works, and if there are any inaccuracies or omissions that I should address.

The pictures of the guns and gear in the deck are not my own. I chose to use images from the web, because of two reasons; my photography skills are significantly lacking, and using web images allowed me to select those with a white back-ground, which seemed to work from a visual perspective. While the pictures are not of my actual firearms, all those items shown are in my collection. The exceptions are the items where the picture is outlined in black, and underlined, if described in the text. Those are the items still on my wish list.

I welcome your feedback.



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is all I see now.

I have 2 comments, first the MAS 49/56 semi-automatic rifle mentioned was made in 7.5 x54 not 7.62 (some were converted to 308 as well) and second, I'm so glad you got John Wayne in there as McQ!!

Nice collection, I too feel very insignificant.

Thanks for the comments. I should have mentioned that my MAS was a convert from the original french 7.5 to 7.62/308.

The Duke rocks.

Verrrrry Nice!

If you are ever in my area I would like you to come to the museum and maybe check out my "private" collection.
You have some great firearms there and some that are on my wish list!
You have a couple spelling errors in the paragraph about the Cobray/RPB M10
Equipped with it’s detachable silencer, it was extremely quite. In an article from the late 70’s, it was described how Ingram demonstrated the quiteness of the gun.

You probably used spell check and it never flagged the word because technically it is spelled correctly..... just for a different word.
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