President Joe Biden urged Congress to “do something” on gun control Saturday, the 12th anniversary of the attack on Sandy Hook Elementary

bring your shotgun
Biden: ‘Get a double-barreled shotgun’
If it weren't for gun control and abortion, the democrats wouldn't have a platform to stand on.
They stand on them, but both are failures as far as facts go, so ultimately, they have no platform at all.

The democrat (communist) party should be outlawed in this country permanently. Throughout their entire existence, they have done nothing to improve this country.
They have brought on racial and financial strife along with international embarrassment to this country, the likes of which may not ever be recoverable.
As was mentioned on the MeatEater podcast this week, it don't matter WHAT gun ban they pass in DC. It can't hold up to constitutional scrutiny and will be invalidated. It's a moot issue. Go ahead, Joe. Get a law. Give it a whirl! Yajustdon'tgetit, doya, Scott?

(They brougth it up as an example b/c Utah is trying to sue the BLM to remove the land b/c it doesn't comply with Article X. An interesting argument. I hate to say it, but they're right. But their goal is to take BLM land in their state and then sell it off or use it otherwise. The strict constitutionalist in me says they ahve a right. But the American in me says that we NEED federal land. BLM is some of the most libertarian land in the world. Imagine if there was some in mASS and the mASSwholes on Bacon Hill decided to start messing with it!)
It's just a tactic to turn votes at the next election cycle. Propose "brave new gun control measures" only to have Trump and the Republicans reject them down so the news can have someone to blame for the next gun trouble. Dems propose solutions while Republican's don't. See? It's elementary, Watson!
I think he took a page from Kamala's election playbook. "Ask why stuff hasn't been done. . . . when you've been in power for 4 years and didn't get it done." It goes over HUGE with the voters. LOL
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