Previously Owned Firearms

Mar 28, 2005
Here and There
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I have a collection of firearms, some of which I've owned since childhood. I have them in storage in NH since I moved to MA and didn't have my LTC. Now that I do, can I bring them down or do I have to get clearance/registration?
As long as you have the proper license for said firearms, bring them home and begin to enjoy them. :D You don't need to register them.
FID Card - Rifles & Shotguns holding 5 or fewer rounds, or rimfire rifles with tubular feed magazines of any capacity; no Handguns

LTC B - Any legal Rifle or Shotgun; Handguns holding 10 or fewer rounds

LTC A - Any legal Rifle, Shotgun or Handgun

When there's any doubt on capacity, it's considered "Hi Capacity" if
(1) you've got a magazine that holds more than the magic number of rounds, and/or
(2) it's on the published list of "Hi Capacity" firearms, which is available at

Lynne, actually he DOES have to register each and every one of them, according to the law! Had he moved in with them, even though he didn't have a MA LTC (there is a grace period when you move in, you can keep them in your home for x months while applying for a LTC), he would NOT have had to register them. However, if he brings them in AFTER having moved here, he must register them.

I'm not telling him what to do, only what the law states.
A question to ponder??

How would anyone know when someone brings the gun, that they already owned in another state, into MA to their home? [Posting the fact may not have been the most prudent thing to do. Posing a "what if" question for a friend is another story. Messages can be edited.]

Nobody's setup checkpoints [YET] at the borders!
LenS said:
Nobody's setup checkpoints [YET] at the borders!

Nope, they haven't. I know what the law says Len. I also hate the fact that anything I purchase has to be reported, even when we supposedly don't have any registration laws (yeah, right).

It's up to you, hun, whether or not you fill out the FA-10 for the firearms. From what I've written, I think you know my opinion on it. However, INAL, just a Constitutional Conservative who likes to flip the bird to this leftie state whenever she can get away with it. :D
As long as we're talking about purely hypothetical situations, not involving in any actual people, how about this one:

A person lives in a state in which handgun sales between individuals are legal without any state registration/reporting system. This unfortunate soul is moving to Massachusetts and would like to get several nice guns while he or she is still able. Since the cost of this collection greatly exceeds the cash currently available he/she decides to purchase them on what might accurately be described as the lay-away plan. A friend purchases the desired guns, then gives the poor migrant a signed and dated bill-of sale for each gun. When the new victim of the PRofMA manages to scrape together sufficient funds, he/she takes a visit to the original state, pays the friend and takes possession of the guns. The friend, of course has been charging a handling fee on the transactions by, well, handling (and shooting) the guns.

It's hardly a scenario I'd want to ask the authorities about ahead of time, or admit to publically afterwards, but all sounds completely (if only marginally) to me. Even if I were totally wrong and it were somehow deemed to be illegal, how could anyone hope to prove it actually happened? The guns were legally purchased from a licensed dealer in the home state prior to the move, and the new Mass resident has signed bills of sale dated when he/she was a legal resident of the former state of residence. Then again, it's only a hypothetical situation as we stipulated originally.

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