Proctor, VT Appleseed 11-12 Aug 2007

May 5, 2005
Vermont, a Free State
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Want to get some quality training from some of your friends? Come join us for a good weekend, and learn how to shoot a rifle effectively.

Range: Proctor Fish and Game Club

Address: Proctor Fish and Game Club
VT Route 3
Proctor, VT

Website: No public website. Details can be gotten from Nickle, Crak or Dwarven1

Range Fee: None (RWVA fee is $70 for weekend, $40 for one day, 20 and under free, current military active/reservist free)

Camping Available: Yes, Primitive. Cost should be free.

Hotels: Yes, numerous, check Rutland, VT and Brandon, VT listings

Directions: Coming soon

State Laws to be aware of: (Disclaimer: we attempt to tell you the most important ones, mag size etc. but you are required to check for yourself) No silencers are allowed in VT. Loaded rifles and shotguns are not allowed in vehicles.

Range Rules: No loaded firearms on the range unless on the firing line and load command has been given. Numerous other rules, TBA in the Safety Briefing.


Who to contact for more information: Nickle, or PM Nickle, Crak or Dwarven1 right here at NES.

Link to Register:
Crak can't make it; it's his first anniversary that weekend. Don't know why he just doesn't bring his wife...

Rog, do you need me to make a quick run over to the North Bridge for some holy water?
Crak can't make it; it's his first anniversary that weekend. Don't know why he just doesn't bring his wife...

Rog, do you need me to make a quick run over to the North Bridge for some holy water?

Please do that, a couple of gallons will keep Fred happy.

I'm bringing the usual genuine VT Spring Water from the roadside spring in Middlebury, the stuff that's made a BUNCH of Riflemen. Fred doesn't believe in it, yet, but he will.

In the mean time, he'll be happy with the North Bridge water.

And, yeah, I knew about Crak, I told him if he came on his anniversary, I was going to be mad at him. He's on the Instructor list for Jericho in October. You definitely want to bring the M1 up for that one. I can probably find a full power rifle for Liz as well.
So there I was tonight at Riverside Gun Club, testing out the new firing pin that I just put in my 10/22 and testing out the used 10/22 that I just got for my nephew. The indoor range is 50 ft, so I threw up a silhouette target and put about 40 rounds into the head. One flyer, darn it.

Then the door opens and Chris walks in with the two newest members of the club on their orientation tour. I didn't realize it but one of them took notice of my somewhat perforated target and mentioned it to me later when I was checking out at the bar (bar is where the keys for the indoor ranges are kept).

I was also teaching Chris the proper use of the hasty sling and NPOA... if he can get his breathing under control, he'll do some nice shooting.

Oh, yeah... if I wasn't going to be shipping off both trigger groups to Nickle tomorrow, I'd steal the one from my nephew's gun... it's got a nicer trigger than mine!!!! And I was even able to do some respectable groups with it... standing, no sling, and with factory sights. Appleseed WORKS!
Chris needs to get a rifle that fits. All three of my .22s are now too short, and I think single shots would annoy me to death. (what do ya expect from a "junior program" collection?) And I still prefer double peeps. (^_^)

Seriously, I'm interested, but I want 'MY' rifle first. This winter I should get me a nice bolt action Savage so I can come and work out the rust. I got my Junior Expert when I was 14. Haven't really touched a rifle since 16 or so.

Oh, and Ross, I talked with my dad about the different sling methods, and he agreed that my grandfather preferred the 'tripod' method which is what I grew up with. I do prefer the one you showed me, however.

Damn you to hell.
Chris, I've been thinking about it, and it occurs to me that your right elbow was down too low. If you cocked it up more (which you should do), I think that the 10/22 factory stock might have fit you better. We'll have to try it next time we're at the range at the same time. Unfortunately, my trigger group is off in VT so Nickle can work on it, so it'll have to wait until it gets back here (and our respective lives get a little less complicated!). Sometime in mid-September, perhaps.

Oh, and Ross, I talked with my dad about the different sling methods, and he agreed that my grandfather preferred the 'tripod' method which is what I grew up with. I do prefer the one you showed me, however.

Damn you to hell.
And I can't resist this...


Got another one hooked on Appleseed... and he hasn't even been to one yet! [smile] [smile]
Chris needs to get a rifle that fits.

Chris needs to concentrate on coming to an Appleseed. Gun that fits can be made available for Chris, if he doesn't have one by then.

Said rifle for Chris to use may be centerfire.

Seriously, man, I've probably got something you can use, if you need to. First, plan on coming up, THEN worry about what you're going to use. I've got plenty of loaner rifles, but some do get scarfed up quick. Centerfire shouldn't be a problem, just hope you've got a good shoulder, and it may be a bolt gun.

Yup, I am an RWVA Instructor, and I WILL be at Jericho.
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Like recoil bothers me... (^_^) OK, maybe not a Tyrannosaurus or similar... (^_^) Just something that isn't built for a dwarf. (^_^)

Seriously, Jericho is not in the cards. Busy weekend. But yea, Ross has me curious. And I might have a friend interested as well.
Like recoil bothers me... (^_^) OK, maybe not a Tyrannosaurus or similar... (^_^) Just something that isn't built for a dwarf. (^_^)

Seriously, Jericho is not in the cards. Busy weekend. But yea, Ross has me curious. And I might have a friend interested as well.

OK, so not Jericho. But, I'm going to hold you to one next year, maybe down your way.

Seriously speaking, if we're on a range that will be limited to 100 yards or less, all the rifle you will need is a .22, like a 10/22 that's been tarted up, like an LTR. When we're on those short ranges, and I'm the Shoot Boss, we shoot A LOT. You will NEED 500 rounds of ammo, as you're going to shoot over 400 rounds of it and then some.

Yes, I like to have the students do Rapid Fire drills. It's works on their times, and they actually tend to shoot BETTER. 6 minutes (or less) for 40 shots, in 4 positions, one 10 round mag per position, with the student transitioning from position to position as they need to.

Prior to that, we walk through the stages, in "lock step", with as little as 30 seconds for 10 rounds. Tight, but doable.
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