Want to get some quality training from some of your friends? Come join us for a good weekend, and learn how to shoot a rifle effectively.
Range: Proctor Fish and Game Club
Address: Proctor Fish and Game Club
VT Route 3
Proctor, VT
Website: No public website. Details can be gotten from Nickle, Crak or Dwarven1
Range Fee: None (RWVA fee is $70 for weekend, $40 for one day, 20 and under free, current military active/reservist free)
Camping Available: Yes, Primitive. Cost should be free.
Hotels: Yes, numerous, check Rutland, VT and Brandon, VT listings
Directions: Coming soon
State Laws to be aware of: (Disclaimer: we attempt to tell you the most important ones, mag size etc. but you are required to check for yourself) No silencers are allowed in VT. Loaded rifles and shotguns are not allowed in vehicles.
Range Rules: No loaded firearms on the range unless on the firing line and load command has been given. Numerous other rules, TBA in the Safety Briefing.
Who to contact for more information: Nickle, RWVA_Northeast@yahoo.com or PM Nickle, Crak or Dwarven1 right here at NES.
Link to Register: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/
Range: Proctor Fish and Game Club
Address: Proctor Fish and Game Club
VT Route 3
Proctor, VT
Website: No public website. Details can be gotten from Nickle, Crak or Dwarven1
Range Fee: None (RWVA fee is $70 for weekend, $40 for one day, 20 and under free, current military active/reservist free)
Camping Available: Yes, Primitive. Cost should be free.
Hotels: Yes, numerous, check Rutland, VT and Brandon, VT listings
Directions: Coming soon
State Laws to be aware of: (Disclaimer: we attempt to tell you the most important ones, mag size etc. but you are required to check for yourself) No silencers are allowed in VT. Loaded rifles and shotguns are not allowed in vehicles.
Range Rules: No loaded firearms on the range unless on the firing line and load command has been given. Numerous other rules, TBA in the Safety Briefing.
Who to contact for more information: Nickle, RWVA_Northeast@yahoo.com or PM Nickle, Crak or Dwarven1 right here at NES.
Link to Register: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/