This is from a news letter I get from a group I belong to.
To All:
"CHECK FIRING" is a military term in the artillery for "cease fire"... collect your thoughts, check all firing data, and wait for further word...
After more checking by our people on the Westboro Baptist Church coming to town, we have found that they did in fact apply for a permit, but their 10 day waiver was denied. (The permit had to have a waiver because it was not done in time). The waiver was done and then denied legally so the city could not be sued over their 1st Amendment rights of "Freedom of Speech". If you read their web site, you will see that they get their money from law suits from suing when their "rights" are denied in an illegal manner. After they were denied, no other word from the WBC has been heard.
The Jacksonville PD is fully aware of the word spreading for this weekend. Since there was no approval for this action , there will be no approval for any kind of "gatherings". No other permits will be issued. The permit request they submitted was for Hargett Street and Hwy 24 across from the Veterans Cemetery.
We as Rolling Thunder, Inc. in Jacksonville have decided NOT to take up action and stand in defense this Saturday as Rolling Thunder, Inc. of NC. I believe the MOPH is also following our lead on this decision.
I have twice telephonically talked with the ISS (Installation Security and Safety) people to include the Asst Director, and Colonel Anderson and they have respectfully asked that we do not "counter protest".
There is a two fold reason for their decision...
1. They will not have permits. With no permits, they have no legal right to protest on or near the base. They will not be permitted to enter or be on gove rnment property should they decide to show up. If they do, they will be trespassing and will be detained by PMO and held for the City Police. Almost all of Hwy 24 leading to Lejeune on the south side belongs to the base. As you approach the base gates, all that land belongs to the base. Without permission of the base command, that is restricted FEDERAL PROPERTY. With no access to the base, they will only have a small strip of "median" in the road, and that is where the Jacksonville PD will come into play. Any hindrances whatsoever by anyone to impede the flow of traffic can be arrested and processed. In other words... no standing in the median!!!! No permit... no legal rights!
2. Col Anderson has asked that this thing be "played down" as the media has already made a huge deal over the Lauterbach incident. If it turns into a "media circus", this will only bring more light to Kansas Church, and that is what these fanatics want. If they are downplayed, and no one cares, they will dry up and go away. They have specifically asked Rolling Thunder not to be there. They respect us, and what we do, and because of that and after careful thought and cooling down from being called "Marine Corps Fags", I feel the decisions of the base officials should be respected and we should honor and trust that the base will handle these people.
We have worked hard to gain the respect and confidence of the Marine Corps Base and the officials of the local community. I agree with the Chapter members last night when they said, "Let's not jeopardize what we have for some stupid people who have no influence whatsoever in what our mission statement is; and let's do what we are suppose to do for Rolling Thunder ®, Inc. and the POW/MIA's. You can't fix stupid!!!"
We will respect the wi shes of Colonel Anderson and his ISS office, and the Jacksonville Police Department and trust them to handle the situation as they have said.