Proud Daddy Here!

dwarven1 said:
BTW, does "proud Uncle" fit in this list? My nephew called me the other day to ask if he could come and visit while he's up here this weekend. I'm psyched. [grin]

You forgot to mention your niece as well. She fell in love with my 1911A1 and AR-15 last year, and she's in her early-mid teens.
Nickle said:
You forgot to mention your niece as well. She fell in love with my 1911A1 and AR-15 last year, and she's in her early-mid teens.
Nope, I didn't. I'm proud because this is the first time I've had a niece or nephew call me and ask to come visit. [banana]

Although I'm proud of all my nieces and nephews - all NINE of them.
Adam_MA said:
DAMN! You got yourself some REAL busy siblings there!
Well... My sister has a son and a daughter. My brother has two sons and a daughter (who's going to be a REAL heartbreaker - she's a GREAT kid and cute as the day is long!). My wife's two sisters each have a son and a daughter.

It adds up!

And I get to be crazy ol' Uncle Ross, black sheep of the family, to all of 'em. [smile] He rides a motorcycle, he owns guns, he wears armor and hits people with sticks, he even votes Republican!!

OK, yeah, overall life is good.
1 - she moved from NY to Kentucky - and could stand KY for a year. THEN she moved to VT.

2 - you haven't met her yet. Trust me, she's that bad. This is the one who gave me a 30 minute lecture on how I was opening myself "up to the path of violence" by owning a gun. Like it's an evil talisman that will corrupt me like the One Ring or something.
dwarven1 said:
1 - she moved from NY to Kentucky - and could stand KY for a year. THEN she moved to VT.

2 - you haven't met her yet. Trust me, she's that bad. This is the one who gave me a 30 minute lecture on how I was opening myself "up to the path of violence" by owning a gun. Like it's an evil talisman that will corrupt me like the One Ring or something.

I don't really care what she's like, as long as the kids get to grow up here, like they are. THAT will break the chain of Liberalism in that part of your family.

Odd that she likes VT with that kind of attitude, even if she does live in Shelburne. Remember, I know EXACTLY where she lives, I used to live in the triplex next to her, and I have a friend that lived in the same unit she does.

And for those of you that don't know about Shelburne, like Ross, VT Country Girl and I do, it's got a lot of rich folks (a**h***s) living there, including Howard Dean (if he didn't move to Burlington).
Nickle said:
I don't really care what she's like, as long as the kids get to grow up here, like they are. THAT will break the chain of Liberalism in that part of your family.
Well, Ben is a firefighter and a shooter. Think it's broken with him already. Liz is still in high school, but loves shooting - don't know her other attitudes, though.

Nickle said:
Odd that she likes VT with that kind of attitude, even if she does live in Shelburne. Remember, I know EXACTLY where she lives, I used to live in the triplex next to her, and I have a friend that lived in the same unit she does.
She's actually across the street in the new townhouse development now. Owns her own home (and pays a mortgage!) for the first time in her life. She actually moved up to VT because some other friends from her "commune" moved up to VT with an eye towards starting a new one.
You may not Liz's attitudes towards things, but I do. It isn't bad, either. She takes after her uncle to an extent.

You never thought you were going to be a good role model, did ya?
Nickle said:
You may not Liz's attitudes towards things, but I do. It isn't bad, either. She takes after her uncle to an extent.

You never thought you were going to be a good role model, did ya?
Um... no. It still kind of blows my mind when it happens, though. [laugh]
dreppucci007 said:
I got lost in the pages of Nickle and Ross chatting like high school girls after the big dance!

I have them on my camera, Just been a lazy bastard!

As promised, here are some pics!




We had a great day. I hope I will be able to get her back at least once more, but she starts school on Aug. 7th, so I have to have have her fly back this Friday... [sad2]
A real cutie Adam!

Is she left-eye dominant? Looks that way in the picture.
MrsWildweasel said:
She's a cutie Adam. Wow they start school early there. Looks like you guys had a great time.[smile]

Yeah they do start early, but they get out over a month before they do up here.
LenS said:
Is she left-eye dominant? Looks that way in the picture.

Yes she is. I tried to have her shoot left handed to compensate, and make it more comfortable for her, but she couldn't hit the paper that way, and said it felt more natural to shoot the way she is. So, she was doing well, so I let her run with it.
As soon as she's old enough. I still think that 3 is a little too young.

I do have a .22 Chipmunk ready for her when I do take her out...

Small for her length of pull at that age...which I'm thinking is going to be about 5 or 6.

For reference, here's one next to my .357. And it's only got a 5-1/2 inch barrel.

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