Question regarding new regs

Theres a quote I heard and it stuck in my head ever since don't remember from who but it says the following" There will never be justice on stolen land and The U.S was built on guns" remember guys guns will never go up the people in Pakistan making their own guns from scratch...
google the kid in new haven CT was making zip guns at age 10 or so
So I am in the process of filling out the ridiculous forms to register my "AW" s and have a question. Does the form need the finger prints prior to, after or at the time of notarizing?

I heard one say that a notary would require it to be done at the same time, a big problem. ....

I just had this done today. I notarized yesterday and went to NLPD today. They had yet to have anyone come in to get printed for it so they called SLFU who told them to verify my ID against the name on the paperwork and if everything matched to go ahead with the printing. Went to SLFU today and thankfully they are having workers go through the line asking if people are there for permits or to turn in registration paperwork. About five of us got out of line and had the guy check the papers and that was that. He did state that the paperwork can be mailed in. He then also informed us that we were compliant as soon as we handed it in to him and that if we were to mail it, compliance starts as soon as it leaves your hand and goes into the mailbox, not when they receive it or send back the bottom half.
I would never go to the SLFU to turn in the paperwork.

Why give them an opportunity to go through it and make you come back a second time.

Mine is going in registered mail. Period.

The law says you have to submit the info on the form they provide. It doesn't say they have to "accept" it.

I can't believe that there is actually people complying with this law. I've heard from one area that there aren't many going to comply. They said enough is enough. Besides we all know the road that registration leads down. Are there any numbers out yet on how many people have actually registered?
Poking the skunk is what we do in CT.

We don't (yet) need government permission to own firearms like MA people.

Remember, you are not asking permission. You are registering in compliance with an assinine law. You are not asking or applying for anything.

I know people who have refused to notarize the LCM forms because they are simply declarations.


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I have thought the same thing. My intent is to register every flash hider, mag release button, and AR pistol grip that I own.


Don- You're saying that you are going to fill out a separate form for every single part? I have 3 LPK's from the group buy and was debating whether I should do that for every spring, pin, and part in each one of those kits...Just to be a good, law- abiding, citizen....
OK, I have the horseshit magazine form in front of me now. It says:

"Submit proof that you purchased this magazine on or prior to April 4, 2013 to include one of the following:
a sales receipt, or sworn affidavit that the specified magazine(s) was purchased in compliance with state

Receipts? From twenty+ years ago? So I guess I have to go with the sworn affidavit. Anyone have a form for this? Or does that blurb at the bottom count? Does it need to be notarized? (There's no spot for a notary seal or "subscribed & sworn" etc...)
time to give them a list of what they know i have. makes perfect sense to me. [rolleyes]
yes i will also register some 50 mags, which will magically protect the children with guardian angel unicorns. [thinking]
Same here, especially with the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht having been a month and a half or so ago. Descended from Belorussian Jews, myself.
Okay, I have to get this horseshit done. Did the rest of you carry it up to Middletown, or send it (registered, ...)? I don't want these pricks to (1) claim I'm missing a jot or tittle, or (2) claim they never got it.
For my rifles I went up there. For the mags I sent it certified with return receipt just in case. CCDL has a thing about how to fill them out.
(Sigh.) I just put mine in the mail (Priority, certified, return receipt).


I feel so... dirty. (And I don't just mean from the damned thumbprints.)

Maybe by the end of January we'll have an injunction? Though what do you think will happen if the law is revoked and now they have all this information? It won't just disappear...

I moved my stuff out of state for the time being. If the laws are revoked then I won't have registered anything, and I'm still in compliance.

I didn't want to have to do any of this, but the risk of being made an example of, like those people in new york is not worth a lifetime of never being able to own a gun again. Hopefully I'll be out of CT soon, to a place that deserves the name of Constitution State.
I have ar15 "style" lower I made a while ago with no sn# or markings how do I fill out the form
can I make up a model name?
leave it all blank?
myself as manufacturer?
Powerman, I'd contact CCDL with that, that's a very interesting question. My M&P15 doesn't have Importer or Caliber marks, so I ended up leaving those blank (turned in in person and the guy looked it over and said it was good to go).
I have ar15 "style" lower I made a while ago with no sn# or markings how do I fill out the form
can I make up a model name?
leave it all blank?
myself as manufacturer?

If they don't know about it, why would you volunteer the info. Only reason I did my rifle is because they already know I bought it. Don't register an unserialized rifle.

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Powerman, I'd contact CCDL with that, that's a very interesting question. My M&P15 doesn't have Importer or Caliber marks, so I ended up leaving those blank (turned in in person and the guy looked it over and said it was good to go).

Did you look on the end of the barrel? My M&P clearly says 5.56 on it.
Did you guys also provide a sworn affidavit for weapons form? You had to have each one notarized anyway.

Quote Originally Posted by powerman View Post

I have ar15 "style" lower I made a while ago with no sn# or markings how do I fill out the form
can I make up a model name?
leave it all blank?
myself as manufacturer?
..... Don't register an unserialized rifle.....
I put "Self" for manufacture, serial as "none" and caliber is "multi" , the rest I left blank.
As far as the un-serialized is concerned, to be in complete compliance with the law of course. I actual have two that I believe meet the criteria and I want to keep and shoot them in CT.
Actually if you think about it you may want to "declare" all the parts that you have that can be assembled into an assault weapon to be fully grand fathered in. So if you have 20 AR pistol grips you may want to declare 20 riffles.

further review of the of 13-220 act concerning revisions to the original 13-3 law, a threaded barrel was eliminated so as far as I can tell, so a M1A with compensator doesn't need to be "declared" a m14 with flash hider would be (assumes standard stock), but if you put a comp on there your good to go.
Barrel is a Windham, and I'm planning on getting a .300BLK upper as well. No where on the "rifle" (lower) did it have a caliber mark. They said that was fine when I was there.
I only put what was indicated on the receiver if it matched myself. ie if it said caliber and the receiver was marked cal: xyz I put xyz, if no cal marking then I left it blank.
The way I see it a striped AR lower receiver by itself is now a assault weapon just due to the pistol grip. ( well i guess if you have stripped lower and pistol grip in your possession you could get bagged, especially if you have the rest of it or another legal riffle lying around that you could swap parts"
I also left blank the "Permit Number" , as far as I know there is no permit for riffle in CT, it did indicate (if applicable) next to permit number, so it's not applicable in my eyes.

its going to be interesting since I'm out of state and I put my Massachusetts address (same as my CT carry permit). I own a business and property in CT and spend quite of bit of time there including paying most of my state income tax to them. Any trouble in "declaring" these and I probably will file some type of law suite.

I do believe I complied and met the full intent of the stupid law. At this point, I know i'll get flamed, but I had to comply due my present situation.

CT is now officially worse than Mass.
I asked in the other thread - and on the CCDL blog (no answer either place thus far) - what's the "Unique ID/Markings" block for? I have manufacturer, model and serial #. That's pretty much it. So I left it blank. Was that a bad thing to do? (The USPS finally got around to delivering my paperwork today; I expect I'll get the little green card back sometime next week.)
I asked in the other thread - and on the CCDL blog (no answer either place thus far) - what's the "Unique ID/Markings" block for? I have manufacturer, model and serial #. That's pretty much it. So I left it blank. Was that a bad thing to do? (The USPS finally got around to delivering my paperwork today; I expect I'll get the little green card back sometime next week.)

You are way overthinking it. If they don't like what you filled in, they will send it back to you for corrections. This is actually a desired outcome since it costs them time and money to do this back and forth.

Nobody should have registered in person for the same reason.

It is better to leave something blank than to put possibly incorrect information. Rule #2 when dealing with the police (which assumes you have chosen to ignore Rule #1, which is dont' talk to the police) is NEVER lie to the police. When in doubt be quiet or say that you don't know.
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