Reasons on a NH Non-Res application

I'm a MA resident and just got my NH non-resident pistol permit. The Maine application for same is pending.
Do these licenses also allow one to be in possession of long guns?
You can possess it, but I don't think you can openly carry a loaded long gun in either state. However, I could be wrong.

No license is requried for mere possession of a rifle or shotgun in most states.
Check the hunting laws in each state wrt "loaded long guns". That's where many of the restrictions are.
Do these licenses also allow one to be in possession of long guns?

No, those licenses are ONLY for carrying concealed handguns.

Neither of those two states have any licensing for the ownership of firearms or the use of them so long as they are not concealed.

That's how it is in almost all states.
No, those licenses are ONLY for carrying concealed handguns.

A minor nit- in NH, the license also allows you to have a loaded
handgun in a motor vehicle. NH is free by default WRT open carry
but if you step into the car with it, and you don't have
the license, one would technically still be breaking another law.

I just received my NH Non Resident license (renewal). Wrote the check on August 14, think I waited a week or two before I mailed it so roughly 5 weeks. Issue date is 10-07-2007 and it expires 09-30-2012. Not a bad deal for $20.
Right from the horses mouth: RSA 159:6 License to carry.
{... the issuing authority} shall issue a license {...} authorizing the applicant to carry a loaded pistol or revolver in this state for not less than 4 years from the date of issue, if it appears that the applicant has good reason to fear injury to the applicant's person or property or has any proper purpose, and that the applicant is a suitable person to be licensed. Hunting, target shooting, or self-defense shall be considered a proper purpose. The license shall be valid for all allowable purposes regardless of the purpose for which it was originally issued.
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