Red Flag standoff in NY

Yep. Lots of liberty folks are into alternative comms. I do my best to warn them that the greater ham community will snitch them out faster than a crack whore.
...and over absolutely anything, not even anything egregious.

Years ago, when I was still playing with [a certain well-known humanitarian organization], the chapter next door had an emergency comms guy who was well-known in the Connecticut ham community. (In fact, his father - SK by then - was some sort of leadership.)

Anyway, one day said guy had the mic keyed when, luck have it, the grandfather clock in the background started bonging Westminster Chimes. Someone actually filed a complaint against him for "transmitting music" !!


Blame the innernet. I googled for a random name generator picked that one out of the suggestions! The rest I made up on the spot.

The key to telling a good story / lie is rattle it off so quickly and naturally that it MUST be true.

I used this technique while I was lecturing at the International Conference on Superlattices, Nanostructures and Nanodevices last year. Some joker in the audience asked a question on Quantum Mechanics I was a little sketchy on, but I delivered a quick, detailed and concise answer that was completely bogus. Half the audience knew it was bogus but thought I giving the guy s**t back and the other half simply believed it because of the smooth delivery. Win-Win.
Lots of liberty folks are into alternative comms. I do my best to warn them that the greater ham community will snitch them out faster than a crack whore.
In retrospect, that's not surprising:

Everyone's always fighting the last war or three,
and FCC regulations are in theory at least as concerned with
German spies transmitting intelligence
and beacons guiding planeloads of Commie H-bombs
as they are with interference between radio services.

In reality enforcement mostly appears to just
grab another donut from the break room.
But on rare occasion they can be roused.

And of course NSA's biggest asset is that
no one really knows what they really know.

(Although, an organizational culture which values secrecy of sources and methods
above the content and application of the intelligence itself,
will try and hide the information from the consumers themselves).

Blame the innernet. I googled for a random name generator picked that one out of the suggestions! The rest I made up on the spot.
What's your Method 3 Porn Name?
Ironically, that would be Ginger Lynn.

My cat was named Ginger BECAUSE of Ginger Lynn and I did happen to grow up on Lynn St. (Actually Lynne St but that ruins the story)
We did this in work one time. Mine was Skipper Reynolds (not bad I think). Another guy grew up on Capt Robert Cook Drive (forget his pets name) Totally didnt work, lol
Ironically, that would be Ginger Lynn.

My cat was named Ginger BECAUSE of Ginger Lynn and I did happen to grow up on Lynn St. (Actually Lynne St but that ruins the story)

An interesting coincidence... I was reading the "Too Bob Seger?" thread last night, where this video was posted, and Ginger Lynn is in it:

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