Reilly Attends Picnic


NES Member
Feb 27, 2005
Plymouth, MA
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Taken from the Reilly page:

More than 600 people turned out for state Sen. Stephen Brewer's annual picnic – including Tom Reilly, who thanked Brewer for his support and promised the Central Massachusetts crowd the region wouldn't be forgotten once he's governor.

Reilly joined Brewer, Congressman Richard Neal, Rep. Anne Gobi, Rep. Todd Smola, Rep. Chris Donelan, and Rep. Lewis Evangelidis and officials from throughout Brewer's 32-community district in a bipartisan show of support for the senator's 18th annual picnic.

Not surprisingly, the crowd at the South Barre Rod and Gun Club was Brewer's largest ever.

"I was thrilled to be here with Sen. Brewer and the region's elected officials for a great day in Barre," Reilly said. "I'm a Western Massachusetts guy so anytime I can get outside Greater Boston – especially on a relaxing weekend day in September – is just the best."

Talking to the crowd and meeting one-on-one with the people on hand, Reilly stressed the importance of bringing jobs back to the region and making sure communities again feel a connection with Beacon Hill and their governor.
"First and foremost, we need a governor who wants to be here," Reilly said. "But more than that, we need a governor who cares about our issues, understands our needs and fights for us every single day - that's the kind of Attorney General I've been and that's the kind of governor I'll be."
Stephen Brewer is one of the "good guys" that works well with GOAL and supports gun owner's rights. So the fact that he held an outing at a gun club is to be expected.

I wonder if Reilly "crashed" the event (this is common in politics . . . I remember it happening at a number of Bill Keating's Summer outings years ago - when he was State Rep/Senator) and is playing it up for votes (and make him look "reasonable" to gun owners - mostly shotgunners who are clueless of MA gun laws and don't care about handguns).

If Brewer invited Reilly, he needs a SERIOUS talking to!

Brewer is a genuine friend of gun owners and sits on the Committee for Public Safety. He attends all the GOAL banquets (at least when we only held one/year) and is very approachable. I have spoken to him personally at many of the GOAL events.

I just sent him an Email asking for an explanation.
If someone was there, please let us know how it went...Reilly at a gun that is a hoot.
Tom Reilly said:
"First and foremost, we need a governor who wants to be here," Reilly said. "But more than that, we need a governor who cares about our issues, understands our needs and fights for us every single day - that's the kind of Attorney General I've been and that's the kind of governor I'll be."

What about the kids who like to play with sling shots?
What about the Walmart employees who wanted time and a half on Thanksgiving?
What about coving up for a campaign contributor?
What about the over priced socialized auto insurance?
What about the ‘list’ of baby friendly firearms?
What about dropping dead? you prick...
...Tom Reilly, who thanked Brewer for his support and promised the Central Massachusetts crowd the region wouldn't be forgotten once he's governor.
Not surprisingly, the crowd at the South Barre Rod and Gun Club was Brewer's largest ever.
Reilly stressed the importance of ... making sure communities again feel a connection with Beacon Hill and their governor.

"First and foremost, we need a governor who wants to be here," Reilly said. "But more than that, we need a governor who cares about our issues, understands our needs and fights for us every single day - that's the kind of Attorney General I've been and that's the kind of governor I'll be."

Addressing the above in order:

He's promising he won't forget WHAT crowd? The gun owners? How will he remember them if he became governor?

Why was it not surprising?

Is he going to make the shooting community closer to Beacon Hill? I doubt it.

Wants to be where, gun clubs? "cares about our issues, understands our needs and fights for us every single day"? Surely he doesn't mean US.
What about the kids who like to play with sling shots?
What about the Walmart employees who wanted time and a half on Thanksgiving?
What about coving up for a campaign contributor?
What about the over priced socialized auto insurance?
What about the ‘list’ of baby friendly firearms?
What about dropping dead? you prick...

Wouldn't it have been nice to have some of us at this shindig??
Wouldn't it have been nice to have some of us at this shindig??

Out of respect for Brewer I wouldn't have asked Adolf why he was wasting his time at the gun club in front of everyone.

I would have asked Brewer himself why he was endorsing such a gun grabber with the balls to show up at a gun club.
If only someone was there with a camera and decided to call
him out. I have a feeling though, that even if Reilly did crash
the party, so to speak, that Brewer simply resisted the urge to punch him
in the face (even if only verbally) given that isn't all that wonderful
an idea to try to get anywhere in politics.

I guess the question of the day though is what was the composition of
the crowd? If it's mostly outsiders from the public and not club
members, then that would explain the lack of heckling. Some of it has
to do with the composition of the club, as well. I'd place a fair wager the
amount of handgun owners is probably diminuitive compared to shotgun/rifle
owners there.

A lot of people don't know how much of a flaming douchebag Reilly is, until
they go to attempt to buy a handgun and realize that they cannot (easily)
buy the gun that's on the front of the new gunrag they got in the mail. Then they
get pissed, throw a tantrum, and then get more pissed, just
like the rest of us.

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South Barre Rod & Gun has a decent mix of shotgunners and handgunners. I'm surprised that they would be keen on having Reilly there!
South Barre Rod & Gun has a decent mix of shotgunners and handgunners. I'm surprised that they would be keen on having Reilly there!

I'm sure there were a bunch of shooters there that were more than disappointed to see Reilly there. But lets face it, they are a bunch of conservatives who have enough class not to make a scene infront of the supporters of Brewer.

Had that been a Reilly outing and Bush showed up, all hell would have broke loose... [thinking]
What about the kids who like to play with sling shots?
What about the Walmart employees who wanted time and a half on Thanksgiving?
What about coving up for a campaign contributor?
What about the over priced socialized auto insurance?
What about the ‘list’ of baby friendly firearms?
What about dropping dead? you prick...

What about saying he will not enforce any immigration laws?
What about the deal he inked with Bechtel agreeing not to release the saftey report after the tunnels started leaking?
What about his arbitray efforts at prohibiting internet purchases on only some items that he doesn't like?

Bastid ( know how to spell, I"m not risking the potty filter)
Had that been a Reilly outing and Bush showed up, all hell would have broke loose...

Bad analogy. Reilly and Bush are from different parties.

I suspect that Brewer, as a Democrat (even though he is a gun rights supporter) had to be kind to Reilly as a somewhat powerful (and influential) member of the same party. Remember, if Reilly stays in office, Brewer has to most likely play ball with him or risk being a pariah.
Not when you consider Brewer and Reilly are polar opposites on Gun Control...

True, but they are still both big D Democrats and from what I have seen in this state you still have to "go along to get along" in politics.
Hell, I'm surprised that Reilly got away ALIVE!

And no, if I'd been there, I would NOT have been polite. (I probably also would have been kicked out for asking Asshat General Reilly some really pointed questions and not shutting up when he dodged them, too...)
Via phone tag, I posed the question to Nancy Snow, Chief of Staff at GOAL and she replied via voicemail as well.

Dems attend other Dems events. Mostly as walk-ins (so club wouldn't have been forewarned nor would attendees). They indeed have to "go along to get along" in MA (and probably all states/Fed) politics, so Brewer couldn't just throw him out even if he didn't want him there.

I recall attending Bill Keating's outing (he was State Rep at that time, back in the 1970s) and a Gubernatorial candidate plus the Secretary of State paid an unannounced visit, handed out their fliers and shook hands.

Brewer may not have been able to throw Reilly out, but if I were an officer of any respectable gun club and Reilly showed up, I'd advise him that he was trespassing and that I'd have him arrested for criminal trespass if he wasn't gone within 1 minute! I'm dead serious about this . . . however I will never be a club officer (that was a decision I made many years ago and a number of clubs ago), so it wouldn't happen by me. [But wouldn't that make a great news story, especially if there was video/audio of his being told he was trespassing and refusing to leave! I can dream, can't I?? I would bet even with that sort of evidence, no judge in MA would have the balls to sentence him to more than saying 5 Hail Marys!]
What about saying he will not enforce any immigration laws?
What about the deal he inked with Bechtel agreeing not to release the saftey report after the tunnels started leaking?
What about his arbitray efforts at prohibiting internet purchases on only some items that he doesn't like?

Bastid ( know how to spell, I"m not risking the potty filter)

[cheers] [rockon]
If Reilly ever shows up at my club, as an officer of the club I will approach Reilly with my phone in my hand, the phonebook already selected on the local gendarmerie emergency number, and my thumb on the send key. I will tell him he is trespassing and has 10 seconds to get off the property before I call the police. Nine. Ten. Send.

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