removal of SBR from NFRTR

Feb 8, 2011
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i know on the ATF's website it says you do not have to notify them if you remove the short barrel and install a barrel greater then 16". Im selling my UMP and decided ill send them the letter anyways letting them know. Since im selling it without a barrel, and as a title 1 firearm. Should i wait to receive a confirmation letter back from the ATF about them removing it from the NFRTR or should i be good to go in selling it?
yes, wait. barrel or not it's still title II until you get them to acknowledge that it is no longer title II. they aren't registering the barrel, they are registering the firearm as a whole--the receiver.
on the atf website it states once you remove the short barrel it is no longer under the purview of the NFA as a title II firearm.
i dug into it more... yeah:

A stripped receiver without a barrel does not meet the definition of a SBR or SBS under the NFA. Although the previously registered firearm would remain registered unless the possessor notified the NFA Branch of the change, there is no provision in statute or regulation requiring registration of a firearm without a barrel because its physical characteristics would make it only a GCA “firearm” pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(3)(B). If the subsequent owner buys the receiver as a GCA firearm and installs a barrel less than 16 inches in length (SBR) or 18 inches in length (SBS), the firearm would be subject to a $200 making tax and registration under the NFA by the manufacturer or maker of the SBR or SBS. Because registration depends upon the stated intent of the applicant, there is no provision to allow registration of a NFA firearm by anyone other than the maker or manufacturer.

Installation of a barrel greater than 16 inches in length (SBR) or 18 inches in length (SBS) will remove the firearm from the purview of the NFA provided the registrant does not maintain control over the parts necessary to reconfigure the firearm as a SBR or SBS.

you're fine to sell as is, i must have been thinking something else.
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