Response from Elizabeth Warren to my email on Gun Control Legislation

I just went to her site and posted this...
Dear Senator Warren,

I am concerned with your recent communication to me. It shows a disdain for a valid concern of a constituent on an important issue.

Your comment, “ I also don't think anyone needs military-grade assault weapons to hunt or Rambo-style high capacity magazines to protect their family from intruders”, is not only inaccurate but is also offensive and strangely ironic.

I don’t know what you mean by “military grade”, but I am assuming that means weapons which are currently issued by the United States Military. Currently, the US Military issues an M4 which is a fully automatic rifle, i.e., a “machine gun”. Machine guns have been essentially illegal to possess since 1934.

Also, your association with “Rambo” is both infantile and ironic. The infantile nature is obvious; responding to my concern with mention of a fictional character. But as long as you brought up the issue, it is intensely ironic that the character John Rambo walked into a town and was viciously harassed by the police for no reason. Sounds familiar.

Finally, this issue is more important than your “thoughts” and my “needs”. This is about the Constitution of the United States and your oath to defend it and my rights to live under it.

I am more sorry today than on the day you were elected to represent me.

Sincerely yours,

Great response, i think we all feel let down by our newly oppointed official.
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My response was going to be:

If this is what you consider common sense reform, then you have only further confirmed the fact that common sense isn't very common anymore.
I called her office and left a message. Their voicemail only accepts messages about 30 seconds long.

I urge everyone to call her tomorrow. This is complete crap and we need to call her out on it.

Her Number is: 202-224-4543. Please Call.

My talking points tomorrow will be:

1) She mentioned hunting 3 times. The 2A is not about hunting.
2) Rambo-style is fully auto.
3) High capacity mags are standard will all pistols in the real world. They are designed for those mags. Some people may need more than 7 rounds to fight off attackers. No one knows how they will react under the stress of an attack. It would be catastrophic to run out of ammo in a bad situation.
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I got it. To, the scariest part of their position is:

I have great respect for the role that hunting and guns play in many communities across the country and believe there is a place for responsible gun ownership in our society.

They KNOW that it's really about defense of tyrannical government, and they slyly EMBRACE some level of gun ownership by trivializing it as a tradition of hunting and sport. That is wanton infringement, minimizing the second amendment to hunting.
"Societies exist under three forms sufficiently distinguishable. 1. Without government, as among our Indians. 2. Under governments wherein the will of every one has a just influence, as is the case in England in a slight degree, and in our states in a great one. 3. Under governments of force: as is the case in all other monarchies and in most of the other republics. To have an idea of the curse of existence under these last, they must be seen. It is a government of wolves over sheep. It is a problem, not clear in my mind, that the 1st. condition is not the best. But I believe it to be inconsistent with any great degree of population. The second state has a great deal of good in it. The mass of mankind under that enjoys a precious degree of liberty and happiness. It has it's evils too: the principal of which is the turbulence to which it is subject. But weigh this against the oppressions of monarchy, and it becomes nothing. Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem. Even this evil is productive of good. It prevents the degeneracy of government, and nourishes a general attention to the public affairs. I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical." - Jefferson to James Madison, January 30, 1787
Ha. I got this email twice. I like that she says gun control won't stop gun violence but we should do it anyway
A US Senator responding to one of her constituents making reference to Rambo. God help us. I got the same response but I send an email to all of them from the Ruger site and now the Smith and Wesson site.One everyday. I bet I am on the top of their "list" when it comes to confiscating my firearms.[laugh]
I don't bother writing to the commie politicians. It's a waste of time.
No, it isn't... If enough people write, they get scared they've gone too far and at least will stay quiet on the issue.

If they are getting nothing but glowing support, they will bark at the moon and encourage the other ones...

I just emailed her back shitting on her and telling her that if she doesn't listen to her constituents, that it's certain doom for her political career. I like to tell myself that it's true.
I got the same damn auto reply form letter. So I wrote back again:

Dear Fauxcahontas.

Thanks for taking the time to send me a generic template letter stating your desire to gut the second amendment and destroy the means we free people have to defend ourselves against tyranny. Thanks for letting me know that you support the oppression of your constituents. Thanks for letting me know you do not take your oath to protect the constitution seriously and will not execute it faithfully. Finally thanks for letting me know that you stand on the side of dishonesty and oppression and stand opposed to truth and liberty. Thanks for letting me know that I as your constituent am not even worth enough of your time to have you read my letter and respond. Thanks for letting me know you are unfit to serve in the office you hold. I will now do everything I can do to see to it you are a one term calamity for this commonwealth.

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My response

Senator Warren

I am also deeply troubled by these tragedies that concern you; However,
I would hope that you would act from an informed stance and not simply
choose the popular and easy answer.

The statistics you quote are disingenuously skewed toward an
anti-firearm stance. As you give no citation for the particular search
criteria used to produce those statistics, I reviewed multiple scenarios
to find the data set used, showing that suicides are included in your
statistics. World statistics show that among similar groups of people,
suicide rates are not effected overall by access to any particular
method. What does this mean? Removing firearms from a population will
not measurably reduce the suicide rate but will only cause a despondent
person to choose another method. We need better mental health access,
not firearms control to combat youth suicide (and suicide in general).
None of these data points tell the true story of why these deaths are
occurring, only the method. To find a real solution we must research the
root cause and then act intelligently to eradicate it.

Also, you propose reauthorizing the 'assault' weapons ban. Given the
fact that the firearms covered are determined by simple cosmetic
features and those are used in a statistically insignificant percentage
of deaths, what demonstrable positive effect can be shown? I propose
that the effect can be shown from data collected during the 1994-2004
ban - there was no demonstrable positive effect. The only result from
the 1994-2004 ban on modern sporting rifles was the criminalization of
otherwise law abiding citizens.

On the gun show loophole, there simply is none. All transactions handled
by a Federally licensed dealer are required to have a background check.
Performance of the background checks are strictly adhered to as the
BATFE is relentless in prosecuting bad FFL dealers.

On personal transfers, your constituency here in Massachusetts currently
has a de facto background check in place for all personal transfers. All
legal transfers must occur between licensed individuals, whose licenses
are quickly revoked upon any infraction. This system is a burden to the
tax payers in Massachusetts and I ask you to investigate the results of
this system - it has solved no crimes.

If the background check system here in Massachusetts has produced no
results, would a national system? Very doubtful, as none of the recent
tragedies would have been prevented by such laws. The only result would
be to further burden the lawful firearms enthusiast with bureaucratic
red tape and higher tax burdens for all. Those who commit violent acts
with firearms are not fettered by laws and would simply continue to
skirt the law.

A true common sense approach would be a program allowing better mental
health access for those in need and to give doctors the tools necessary
to report individuals to the current background check systems (NICS).
The common thread among recent shootings has been the shooters mental
health issues and their doctors inability to respond due to HIPAA law
restrictions. This is the root cause of the problem you have
highlighted, not access to modern sporting arms by lawful citizens.

I welcome an open conversation on this subject, not only with yourself
but all of my elected representatives. Please respond to my concerns
with a directed message that shows you and your office are concerned
with all people you represent. I understand that your schedule is full
and an aid would likely respond but form letters are not the forum for
this important and polarizing subject

Thank you for you time and consideration,

Aaron Pasteris

Contact information was added - will call tomorrow to push the issue
Everyone - please call and write

Every minute you take of their time is one less minute they can lobby against you.

Don't threaten or ridicule as they will hang up.

Ask for details on how their proposals work, who did the research and what were the results.

Ask if what is on the table now doesn't fix the whole problem, how are they going to fix it?

Don't mention your rights as a gun owner or the 2nd, that will shut them down and label you.

Your job is to grid lock their offices.

+ exactly right. DO NOT LET OFF ON THE PRESSURE. Even idiot senators get twisted over LOTS of constituents being unhappy, regardless of what their moronic robo replies say. Then vote them out of office if they continue to neglect their bosses.

No, it isn't... If enough people write, they get scared they've gone too far and at least will stay quiet on the issue.

If they are getting nothing but glowing support, they will bark at the moon and encourage the other ones...

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