"Rest in Peace big brother"

I am so sorry for your loss. Never forget the ones that died defending the greatest country on this planet. Without their sacrifices, we would not be the country and people we are.

I always say when a loved one has passed, "I don't remember all the great things you said, all the great things you taught me, or all the great values you instilled in me. What I do remember after all this time is how great you made me feel just being with you. I will never forget you and we will be together again."

For the record the text and picture I posted are not mine, athough he was a KIA in my unit.

I text, call, or e-mail his 'little brother', then age 7, now 60, every April 13th, the anniversary of his death. This year he sent me the above, I thought it was so moving I'd share it. Almost forgot he's a Marine

BTW: The family came to this country in '62' during the Cuban boat lift. His Memorial tribute puts the red white and blue in the Flag for me.
For the record the text and picture I posted are not mine, athough he was a KIA in my unit.

I text, call, or e-mail his 'little brother', then age 7, now 60, every April 13th, the anniversary of his death. This year he sent me the above, I thought it was so moving I'd share it. Almost forgot he's a Marine

BTW: The family came to this country in '62' during the Cuban boat lift. His Memorial tribute puts the red white and blue in the Flag for me.

Nice job Rat 187. I respect your loyalty.
My oldest brother went over there twice, came back twice with holes in him. Brown Water Navy.

He now lives in the mountains and woods of WA state, sadly I’ve only ever met him once. I hope to correct that and find him someday for a visit and a glass of scotch.

I was about 30 when we first met, and the two of us stayed up until 6am talking and drinking together at my parents house. A night I won’t forget.

God bless all of these men and women that dealt with that madness and a country that spurned them to protect politics and promoted the communistic attitudes of dirty f*cking hippies and liberals.
^^^ Thank you, you guys will always have a special place in my heart and the hearts of many good Americans that did not turn their backs on you.

Nothing but respect and complete honor will ever repay that debt brother.
My oldest brother went over there twice, came back twice with holes in him. Brown Water Navy.He now lives in the mountains and woods of WA state, sadly I’ve only ever met him once. I hope to correct that and find him someday for a visit..

Damn 'cams' you need to put that project on your 'A' list. You'll really regret it if you let the opportunity pass you by. The 'brownwater' lads had it rough, trust me. We always flew a 'heavy' fire team when we got the call to support those guys. Hell, we half filled the Mekong with 7.62 brass.

Don't expect your brother to tell he needs you, but know that he does
I’ve tried, for years, letters, cards, phone calls, never got any response to any of them. There’s a long back story to it all, none of it good, and maybe all too painful for him to revisit. I still try on occasion and will keep trying, as of the last several years I don’t even know if he’s alive anymore to be honest or I’d hope that he’d reply.
I’ve tried, for years, letters, cards, phone calls, never got any response to any of them. There’s a long back story to it all, none of it good, and maybe all too painful for him to revisit. I still try on occasion and will keep trying, as of the last several years I don’t even know if he’s alive anymore to be honest or I’d hope that he’d reply.

I have a cousin like this. Second tour in Nam completely bent his mind. As a kid, he would be the one to offer you his lunch, because you forgot yours. The last time I spoke to him he acted like he didn't know me. Sid he had no cousins and if I contacted him again he would kill me. Today he lives in a trailer, outside the gaits of Fort Bragg with his AK, .45 and shotgun. Only leaves the trailer for a sub at lunch and a pizza for dinner. I expect one day to hear that he's blown his brains out. I'd give anything if he would get some help. Go easy Ralph. Your safe now and you have people who love you.
Ya people just don’t get it, they make hero’s out of selfish millionaires who play sports or play pretend in a movie and either don’t know, don’t care or say “f*ck it that dudes crazy” to the ones that really gave everything they had thinking they’d be taken care of, and now eat out of pocket and are completely ignored. It’s sad and infuriating and speaks volumes about society and their priorities.
Soldiers, like God, are only valued when they’re needed, otherwise they’re a second thought to cable tv, internet reception or holiday sales. People suck.

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