Rimfire Madness

Amputee Marksman

NES Member
Jun 8, 2015
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Moving things around in the house preparing to remodel the section of the basement that is finished. Had to move my safes. Didn't realize until I was emptying them out and going through things that I have more 22 rimfire than anything else. I figured for sure it was 9mm but I was incorrect. It was close however the 22s won by 2. Crazy, never realized I was a rimfire fanatic.
Moving things around in the house preparing to remodel the section of the basement that is finished. Had to move my safes. Didn't realize until I was emptying them out and going through things that I have more 22 rimfire than anything else. I figured for sure it was 9mm but I was incorrect. It was close however the 22s won by 2. Crazy, never realized I was a rimfire fanatic.

Alas .... I apparently have the same affliction [rockon]

.22 Range Day 8-24-24  #2.jpg
Moving things around in the house preparing to remodel the section of the basement that is finished. Had to move my safes. Didn't realize until I was emptying them out and going through things that I have more 22 rimfire than anything else. I figured for sure it was 9mm but I was incorrect. It was close however the 22s won by 2. Crazy, never realized I was a rimfire fanatic.

Same here. I don't even shoot .22 very often, but I have far more .22LR than anything else
Moving things around in the house preparing to remodel the section of the basement that is finished. Had to move my safes. Didn't realize until I was emptying them out and going through things that I have more 22 rimfire than anything else. I figured for sure it was 9mm but I was incorrect. It was close however the 22s won by 2. Crazy, never realized I was a rimfire fanatic.
Anything else happen or was this it for today?
I agreed to buy another 22 rifle from a person here on NES.

Damn, all those lever actions reminds me I NEED to get me a lever action 22. I was going to get a centerfire but now I realize I need a 22 instead. 👍

I just can't pick one. Probably gonna end up with a Henry, but the Rossi's and even the Chiappa's look good.
Alas .... I apparently have the same affliction [rockon]

22 Range Day 8-24-24 #2.jpg


Impressive collection.
I don't like to brag, but I have you beat, but I can't help myself, I've been addicted to them since the early 80's. [shocked]
I have at least one lever action .22 from every major US manufacturer past and present, plus a few imports.
The Ithaca M49 (tilting breech, single shot) is one of my personal favorites.
The old Marlin 39a is likely the highest quality rifle of the old school guns, but very hard to fine these days.
IMHO, of the currently available rifles, the Henry is the smoothest cycling, and the best value for the money.
The highest overall quality .22 lever gun on the market right now is the Browning BL-22, but they're not cheap.
I have a 16" micro Midas model, and a 20" grade II version. Both are superb shooters, and that short-throw lever makes them the fastest firing of all the lever guns, because you can just flick your hand open to cycle the action, without changing your thumb position.
I do have a few semi-autos, but they don't see daylight too often.
The second from the top in that photo looks like a Winchester 190, which is the higher grade model.
I have one of those too, I really only bought it because the wood has the same oak leaf checkering as my model 250, and the price was right. [thumbsup]
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Moving things around in the house preparing to remodel the section of the basement that is finished. Had to move my safes. Didn't realize until I was emptying them out and going through things that I have more 22 rimfire than anything else. I figured for sure it was 9mm but I was incorrect. It was close however the 22s won by 2. Crazy, never realized I was a rimfire fanatic.
Its an old man caliber.......my father and uncle bought a lot of it because it was the last guns they shot...then all of it including the guns ended up in my hands now. I have bricks of shit that was bought in the 80's by my uncle.

Any older shooter gets more .22 by osmosis than anything else. I have 15K rounds and half were bought on sale at wal mart or where ever thru the years just as part of normal shopping.

Add to that they are small and easy to store lots of so it gets stacked unnoticed..... i have 1K rounds of 17hmr and dont even own that anymore. But I keep it just in case I ever come across a nice bolt gun in that caliber.
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