RIP Paul Gomez

R.I.P. Mr. Gomez.

I enjoyed observing the AK class at the Summit.

Prayers sent for his family.
What does Pincus say?
Sorry, should have copied it...
Rob Pincus said:
The Training Industry lost a friend and an asset over the weekend: Paul Gomez was a friend to many of the leaders of the industry and a talented instructor. A few years ago, I had talked with him about being involved in a project to create an Encyclopedia of the Training Industry because his knowledge of it was so extensive. I am grateful for the many conversations that we did get to have and for the times that we got to hang out. R.I.P....

Yesterday those of us in the shooting community were shocked to learn of the death of Paul Gomez. As someone who had a chance to know Paul on a personal level I can attest that Paul was every bit as good of a human being as he was a firearms instructor. I would like to share with each of you an article giving a retrospect of the life of someone taken way too soon. RIP Paul you will be missed.

A special thanks to Mjolnir from for providing this story.

From a mutual, close friend, instructor and author Andy Stanford:

In Memoriam — Paul Gomez
Andy Stanford

Paul Gomez was one of the ten greatest firearms instructors who ever lived. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. I can back up this assertion with hard facts.
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Yes guys its true. We lost a great mind in Paul. He was very influential in the industry and will be sorely missed.God Speed Brother
Sad that I never got to meet him. I was scheduled for his class in NH in 2008, but it ended up cancelled because he wasn't as well known around here as he deserved to be. He originally badgered Craig 'southnarc' Douglas in to teaching public classes, and I took ECQC after Paul's class was cancelled. So, I owe him a lot indirectly. His posts at BayouShooter, TPI, and youtube were hugely valuable.
The firearms community has lost an amazingly intelligent, articulate, and passionate instructor much to young....

On 6/4/12, Paul Gomez, of Gomez Training International, passed away in Kings County, WA. Details are far and few, but talk is that it may have been diabetes-related from those in The Community that knew him well. Paul was only 41 years old.

RIP Paul Gomez....may God take you under His wing and guide you home. May He bless your family in this time of loss and give them strength. You will be sorely missed....

RIP Paul, I truly regret not meeting you in person.

Here is Paul's youtube page that has some amazing insight. As shooters we can honor his memory by learning from what he left behind for us.

His Facebook page has hundreds of stories from his students and friends. He will be missed.
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