RIP Vermont: update the restrictions passed the House

Now they don't know the difference between magazines and ammo? GMAFB. If they really don't know, they should be fired. Do your homework, journalists. If they do know, it's a deliberate "error" to make our side look crazy.

They know the difference, but what sounds worse, them handing out magazines or AMMO.

A 'vote them out' campaign in November, with new candidates throwing their hat in the ring and, of course the court challenge.

Not enough!

What you are missing is the current state of things. They captured women, refugees, and now even children. We are very well isolated and it looks like we enjoy this isolation. We need to get out of it fast!

We need to move from "Please, do not take my gun!" to "Do not step on my rights!" and we need to uncover Democrats and Republicans alike publicly and attack their BS. Every politician is "dirty" and every politician will understand the power of many. Isolation is not working for us!
A 'vote them out' campaign in November, with new candidates throwing their hat in the ring and, of course the court challenge.

Talked to my Brother in Law yesterday AM and he says the local attitude is anger towards Montpelier in general and Gov. Scott in particular. The general feeling is that they are being made into criminals just by passage of this law.

All my family and friends in VT that I've spoken to this week have all said if Scott signs this he's done for in the next election.
NYou may see it but you are not doing anything about it. Get involved! Can you do the same? Why not?

Believe me, I will be. I am tired of sitting on the sidelines and watching NH go to hell in a hand basket. I can't say much more than this right now but standby...
Talked to my Brother in Law yesterday AM and he says the local attitude is anger towards Montpelier in general and Gov. Scott in particular. The general feeling is that they are being made into criminals just by passage of this law.

All my family and friends in VT that I've spoken to this week have all said if Scott signs this he's done for in the next election.

But the guvnah said he strongly supports RKBA. <eyeroll>

I was looking for a quote and found an article about him signing the marijuana bill into law this past January (huh, I never knew this happened). Does this guy actually have a position on anything? You're the f***ing governor, grow up, take a position and accept the consequences if people disagree. His pattern seems to be "I didn't want to do it but I didn't have a choice". Lame.

"Today, with mixed emotions, I have signed" the bill he said.

Vermont governor signs marijuana bill with 'mixed emotions'

They are lining up for their free pmags. Shame they didn't pack the state house with the same numbers to stop this garbage.

Big ups to Magpul and their Operation Airlift.
1. Age restrictions - nobody thinks this will do much
2. Magazine limits - before the law is in effect, there will be more >10rd magazines per capital in VT than anywhere
3. ERPOs - only a single study from CT 1999-2013 that found as much as 10% efficacy in preventing suicides; didn’t work for Sandy Hook, obviously. With 12yr since CA enacted GVPOs/ERPOs, you’d think there would be a study showing efficacy (unless there was, that showed none)
4. Background Checks - expanded a broken system
Talked to my Brother in Law yesterday AM and he says the local attitude is anger towards Montpelier in general and Gov. Scott in particular. The general feeling is that they are being made into criminals just by passage of this law.

All my family and friends in VT that I've spoken to this week have all said if Scott signs this he's done for in the next election.

If what I saw was correct, he is not planning on running again.
He'll take his Bloomberg money and get himself a nice house on the lake next to Bernie's.
What people up there need to let him know is that it won't be over after he skulks off.
Contact sponsors of his race car , show up at the track and protest.
Someone who wants to f*ck with your life shouldn't be immune to the same.

They are lining up for their free pmags. Shame they didn't pack the state house with the same numbers to stop this garbage.

Big ups to Magpul and their Operation Airlift.

pmags were a bonus. They showed up in those numbers because they didn't have to work on Saturday.

ETA: I like that they gave them out to people 18-20 first.
But the guvnah said he strongly supports RKBA. <eyeroll>

I was looking for a quote and found an article about him signing the marijuana bill into law this past January (huh, I never knew this happened). Does this guy actually have a position on anything? You're the f***ing governor, grow up, take a position and accept the consequences if people disagree. His pattern seems to be "I didn't want to do it but I didn't have a choice". Lame.

Democrats are well organized just like socialist or communists. They may have their differences but when the program is created they line up behind it and they all push it. Republicans are an assembly of misfits who can't organize a $ht. They were always running on the assumption that they will be elected by decent citizens who can't stand crazy liberals. Internet changed that. Now you have a large pool of listeners who can give you feedback and can sway in your direction if politicians "please them" in the right way. Internet gives opportunity to bakerism to show "the human face'. Baker and Scott do not get that they are the next on the list and they will be destroyed anyway. They feel the love right now!
Democrats are well organized just like socialist or communists. They may have their differences but when the program is created they line up behind it and they all push it. Republicans are an assembly of misfits who can't organize a $ht. They were always running on the assumption that they will be elected by decent citizens who can't stand crazy liberals. Internet changed that. Now you have a large pool of listeners who can give you feedback and can sway in your direction if politicians "please them" in the right way. Internet gives opportunity to bakerism to show "the human face'. Baker and Scott do not get that they are the next on the list and they will be destroyed anyway. They feel the love right now!

To expand on that, liberals are supported by people who don't bother to do any research, don't listen to facts, don't care about statistics, etc. Conservatives are supported by people who do the opposite. When a group of people starts to learn about how things work they're bound to have nuanced opinions, which makes it difficult to agree 100%. Liberals are easier to keep on topic because they haven't formulated an opinion of their own. That's how you get tens of thousand pussy hatted people to show up. That and free transportation and excuses from work.
1. Age restrictions - nobody thinks this will do much
2. Magazine limits - before the law is in effect, there will be more >10rd magazines per capital in VT than anywhere
3. ERPOs - only a single study from CT 1999-2013 that found as much as 10% efficacy in preventing suicides; didn’t work for Sandy Hook, obviously. With 12yr since CA enacted GVPOs/ERPOs, you’d think there would be a study showing efficacy (unless there was, that showed none)
4. Background Checks - expanded a broken system

This type of thinking will bring us Australia faster!

How about this?:

Recent events clearly show that our citizens can't depend on the police force all the time. It is essential that every citizen has a right to protect himself and in the case of an attack there are no rules or laws in the way of the proper and fast defense of human lives!

That ^ would actually do something.
Honestly, do you think these images will bring us support from those who are in the middle?

What images would? People in the middle don't care about a single mother who shot an intruder five times, saving herself and her children. People in the middle don't care that a guy with a rifle stopped a shooting at a church. People in the middle don't care when women are beaten and raped because it turns out a restraining order doesn't do anything.
That's how you get tens of thousand pussy hatted people to show up. That and free transportation and excuses from work.

Well, that and the monkey-see-monkey-do follow-the-leader tendency the humans have. Especially when you throw in a healthy dose of demonizing the Other.
Well, that and the monkey-see-monkey-do follow-the-leader tendency the humans have. Especially when you throw in a healthy dose of demonizing the Other.

Absolutely. Most people don't want to be in charge and just want to be told what to do.

One of my favorite Dave Matthews lines pretty much describes it. Too bad he's talking about global warming.

Tell me everything will be OK if I just stay on my knees and keep praying
believing in something...
Tell me everything is all taken care of by those qualified to take care of it all.
Let's not overplay this card. Based on some research his father is actually out and sick and his mother is a liberal teacher. Hogg understood his timing and he has support of many powerful groups with money and PREMADE MESSAGES. Hogg is a product of the liberal world we live in and we have decided to ignore because it was "too crazy for us". Well, there is the problem. We should be boycotting all of those companies by now but can you ask even your wife not to buy anything manufactured by Johnson & Johnson? You can't because you have no balls, no message and you are a victim already!

You’ve got it backwards. Hogg isn’t using anyone, it’s the other way around. He’s a useful idiot. He’s a puppet of leftist corporate interests (media etc). They needed a face and he gleefully stepped up for his 15 min. Without their backing he would be nothing.
If what I saw was correct, he is not planning on running again.
He'll take his Bloomberg money and get himself a nice house on the lake next to Bernie's.
What people up there need to let him know is that it won't be over after he skulks off.
Contact sponsors of his race car , show up at the track and protest.
Someone who wants to f*ck with your life shouldn't be immune to the same.
I always chuckle when people threaten the "one term and done" or "won't get reelected". These muppets are ACTORS. They don't care if they get reelected. They're still in the Jr. Supervillain club and will enjoy benefits and a cushy life for them and their kids for the rest of their lives.
They would only care if all of a sudden they were being indicted for treason and their families were going to be left penniless and in jail for aiding and abetting.
It won't matter. The issue is not a lack of people with the right views on social media, it is the people who own and run the social media sites are diametrically opposed to our view. Because of that they make sure that our view gets no traction, and no visibility. You can search for it, but you will be in an echo chamber because it will be kept off trending lists, front pages, and artificially hidden. Since they control the message, they simply ban anyone who has views they don't like and gathers a following, then they change the rules and ban anything gun related as "Encouraging Violence" or some nonsense.

As shitty as it is, the media are against us, and the leftists that run the big internet companies are against us. This leads to oppression because of functional monopolies, and I don't have a solution.
I got a Facebook ban last week for disparaging remarks about an ex supreme court judge.
I don't think Twitter is blocking pro-2A

They don't have to really block it, just make sure nobody that doesn't go looking for it finds it. Middle of the road people go to twitter or friendface and all they see is the anti talking points. They aren't interested enough to go looking for the other side, and since they don't see it trending or on top anywhere they assume that the majority of people believe those anti talking points.

This is how they put out moron "polls" that say 90% of americans want (Insert nonsense gun control here) and don't get called out about it. Since the media is behind the push, and the social media people are actively pushing out any dissent nobody is covering reality, and the public message is pretty uniform against us. The fact that you can put out the truth makes no difference if only we ever see it, I already agree with you, but the message never gets to the people in the middle that need to see it.
It was a great turnout at the statehouse of Saturday. I was there. The mood to the folks I spoke with was the free PMAGS was NOT the reason they were there and the group I was with, including myself did not even try to get one. It was mostly the young people that wanted them. The reason they were there was to voice their opinions and make sure they where heard. All the local TV stations were there covering it. It made the lead story on the 6 O'clock news. To an earlier poster who surmised that there were no rallies of similar size earlier in this debate and that people just turned out for the mags is fake news. Stop It!! We need the truth spoken here, not horse hockey and puffy chest bluster. Earlier rallies during the debates had to turn people away to stand outside as there was no room in lobbies, let alone the chamber and these were work nights. I was there. Saturday had a great turnout because it was a great day, not snowing for a change and as with most right thinking individuals, it was a day off from work.

It has been obvious from the git go that this whole procedure was a sham to all of us who attended the rallies. I still have NOT gotten a straight answer from one lawmaker about enforcement and I have written to every single one of them, and attempted to call all 30 State Senators, along with the email, with only one returning my call. To date I have received only 3 email replies. What does this tell you?

The Attorney General testified before the State Senate that enforcement of the mag ban and enhanced background checks will be done on the "honor system" and his faith in his fellow Vermonters to "Do the right thing". He also sidestepped his deputy AG who testified before the same committee the day before that the AG office considers these provisions unenforceable.

I have a couple of friends in law enforcement and they tell me that they will not bother with enforcing these laws. They say they will simply ask if the mag is "pre ban", if they ask at all and accept the answer given. I realize this is just two individuals, but they also assure me that is the general consensus within the law enforcement community.

My advice to the Governor is twofold. One, expect lots of blowback over this and most likely not getting reelected should he choose to run again. Secondly, acquire a real big set of broad shoulders come racing season at the local stock car track he races at because the boos are going to be loud and clear and I will be there rooting for him to introduce himself to the "wall" (aka the widowmaker) that runs along the front of the track and always ends the racer's evening in a hurry.
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