RIP Vermont: update the restrictions passed the House

But the guvnah said he strongly supports RKBA. <eyeroll>

I was looking for a quote and found an article about him signing the marijuana bill into law this past January (huh, I never knew this happened). Does this guy actually have a position on anything? You're the f***ing governor, grow up, take a position and accept the consequences if people disagree. His pattern seems to be "I didn't want to do it but I didn't have a choice". Lame.

Vermont governor signs marijuana bill with 'mixed emotions'
Something weird I have noticed is like year 1 after marijuana is legalized the state (except Maine?) goes hard on gun control.
Talked to my Brother in Law yesterday AM and he says the local attitude is anger towards Montpelier in general and Gov. Scott in particular. The general feeling is that they are being made into criminals just by passage of this law.

All my family and friends in VT that I've spoken to this week have all said if Scott signs this he's done for in the next election.
And the law will still be the law.
My future state senator is... Jeff Woodburn. [crying]
And my current senator. :(

Where the hell did this douchebag come from? Of course, I left Whitefield in 75 but he wasn’t there then. Is he a transplant from Mass or Jersey? I still have family ties to the north country and no one knows his pedigree.
No one here seems to know. We call him Senator Photo-op, D-DNC -- because that's who he really represents.

No one knows where his money came from, either... but he seems to have a lot less of it after his wife left him.
And my current senator. :(

No one here seems to know. We call him Senator Photo-op, D-DNC -- because that's who he really represents.

No one knows where his money came from, either... but he seems to have a lot less of it after his wife left him.

I tried to do some research on him a few months ago and came up with almost nothing. Where did he move from? I don't think he is from the north country originally. Where is he getting his funding?

I know having grown up there during the 60's and 70's and still having family there, that that area is fairly conservative. Who is his voter base? I wonder if his exwife is a north country native and if so, what her name was (maiden name). I've been to several of his websites and his information in those regards is strangely lacking.
And the law will still be the law.

My point is that the locals in VT that I've spoken to in VT were Scott supporters previously. I truly wonder if Scott realizes that if he signs this his political career is probably over. The anti-gun Dems who slid this garbage under door are not going to vote for him (Scott) whether he signs this or not, meanwhile he quite possibly told a solid voting block of supporters to go to Hell.

Scott is a fool for allowing himself to be pushed into a corner by his political opponents.
he sounds remarkably like Faker, same strategy? Republicans have signed more anti bills than Dims, starting with Reagan, Bush (gun free zones) now Rinos of MA, FL and VT.
Some of these guys like Reagan started out good, but got scared (assassination attempt on Ronny for going against the status quo). Others like Baker and possibly Bush I and II were never good guys, but plants, and probably are being both bribed and blackmailed.
Here's the Oath he took. You folks up in VT ought to remind him how these new laws are in direct opposition to the VT Constitution and maybe find a willing AG somewhere that would be willing to bring him up on perjury charges. Maybe even the threat would be enough to make him do the right thing ?

The Oath or Affirmation of Allegiance

You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will be true and faithful to the State of Vermont and that you will not, directly or indirectly, do any act or thing injurious to the Constitution or Government thereof. (If an affirmation) Under the pains and penalties of perjury.

The Oath or Affirmation of Office

You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will faithfully execute the office of ____ for the ____ of ____ and will therein do equal right and justice to all persons, to the best of your judgment and ability, according to law. (If an oath) So help you God. (If an affirmation) Under the pains and penalties of perjury.[1]
My advice to the Governor is twofold. One, expect lots of blowback over this and most likely not getting reelected should he choose to run again. Secondly, acquire a real big set of broad shoulders come racing season at the local stock car track he races at because the boos are going to be loud and clear and I will be there rooting for him to introduce himself to the "wall" (aka the widowmaker) that runs along the front of the track and always ends the racer's evening in a hurry.

If Scott races a car(s), rather than wishing that he hits the wall, why don't all gun owners just boycott the track whenever he races?
To expand on that, liberals are supported by people who don't bother to do any research, don't listen to facts, don't care about statistics, etc. Conservatives are supported by people who do the opposite. When a group of people starts to learn about how things work they're bound to have nuanced opinions, which makes it difficult to agree 100%. Liberals are easier to keep on topic because they haven't formulated an opinion of their own. That's how you get tens of thousand pussy hatted people to show up. That and free transportation and excuses from work.

I’d *almost* agree, and might have completely agreed some while ago. But now gun control advocacy groups are joined by 97% of journalists who heeded and extended the “Anything goes if it’s Against Trump” doctrine set by NYT in summer 2016 to all matters regarding firearms, GOP, Trump, immigration, etc. VERY smart people have been hired to twist the truth - video/TV media consultants, marketers, social media experts - all willing so sell you any position they are paid to promote. Probably Putin’s guy, at a discount. They all have Harvard & Johns Hopkins papers, great statistics, word-bites, sound-bites, video-bites to attach to any of dozens of stores that are literally created as news by the media.

It’s hard for liberals/lefties to believe that we all don’t tune into NRA-TV, Hannity and FOX to have our beer-soaked brains further addled by gun-nut propaganda. That we have beliefs that go beyond their liberal/leftie “somebody should do something, with somebody else’s money” world of Tweets, Likes & Friends. They’ve got facts, damn it, and not from NRA and Congress paid by NRA!

But yeah, I’ll agree that libs are sheep and they follow the leader. If it gets them robbed, raped and beat - they’ll still blame us.
I can't find anything that says when he has to sign this into law. Everything I see say it's passed the House and Senate but nothing about how long Flip Flop has to sign it. Anybody know?
Some of these guys like Reagan started out good, but got scared (assassination attempt on Ronny for going against the status quo). Others like Baker and possibly Bush I and II were never good guys, but plants, and probably are being both bribed and blackmailed.

Scared? You mean getting elected and then walking into The White House full of zombies and ghosts? Congress filled with irrational crazies? That type of a scary situation? They did not get scared! They just added another check mark to their ambitious bucket list and moved on to golf and other entertainment you need to have before you go also crazy. By the way, Bushes were always just extensions of The House of Saud. Sheiks kept them on the short leash.
I can't find anything that says when he has to sign this into law. Everything I see say it's passed the House and Senate but nothing about how long Flip Flop has to sign it. Anybody know?

From Bill Signing Deadlines - StateScape

There is no set deadline for the legislature to transmit passed legislation to the governor. Once legislation is sent however, the governor has 5 days (excluding Sunday) to act upon it, or it becomes law without his/her signature. If the legislature adjourns, the governor must sign or veto legislation within 3 days of transmittal, or it is pocket vetoed.

So it depends on when they “transmit it to the governor”. The S.55 status page doesn’t say it has been transmitted, but that doesn’t mean anything. It could potentially be among a larger package of bills transmitted to him, and they might not update the individual bills’ status pages.

But the takeaway is that it can become law without him lifting a finger so long as the legislature is in session.
From Bill Signing Deadlines - StateScape

So it depends on when they “transmit it to the governor”. The S.55 status page doesn’t say it has been transmitted, but that doesn’t mean anything. It could potentially be among a larger package of bills transmitted to him, and they might not update the individual bills’ status pages.

But the takeaway is that it can become law without him lifting a finger so long as the legislature is in session.

I suspect that like NH, the legislature is always in session to prevent a pocket veto. Meaning the only way to stop the bill is for him to veto it. He could no do anything and it becomes "pocket pass" effectively.
Scared? You mean getting elected and then walking into The White House full of zombies and ghosts? Congress filled with irrational crazies? That type of a scary situation? They did not get scared! They just added another check mark to their ambitious bucket list and moved on to golf and other entertainment you need to have before you go also crazy. By the way, Bushes were always just extensions of The House of Saud. Sheiks kept them on the short leash.
No, scared of their skeletons getting publicized, or in Reagans case being killed. Its naive to think our politicians are being allowed into office (or even being primaried) without dirt hanging over their heads.
I’m now thinking that Governor Scott might not sign it and let it become law. Then he’ll try and say, “hey that wasn’t me, the legislature did it!”
I’m now thinking that Governor Scott might not sign it and let it become law. Then he’ll try and say, “hey that wasn’t me, the legislature did it!”
Although possible, this would be a dumb move on his part. If he has any chance of getting his former support base back, he needs to veto it. If he wants to gain support from the liberal anti rights movement, he needs to sign it. Do nothing, and he just losses everyone.
Although possible, this would be a dumb move on his part. If he has any chance of getting his former support base back, he needs to veto it. If he wants to gain support from the liberal anti rights movement, he needs to sign it. Do nothing, and he just losses everyone.

His decision would be a lot easier if he knew where he stood on the subject and acted accordingly.
His decision would be a lot easier if he knew where he stood on the subject and acted accordingly.
IMNSHO it depends upon which hand has more of this:
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