Rockingham Park NH show in mid December?

Thanks for the update (and I was all set to make it). [sad]

Any reason given for the cancellation(s)?

The reason I heard given (from the good people at State Line Guns in Plaistow) is that Rockingham Park is trying to get all "gentrified" and get video gambling in the place. They ditched the "gun show" venues as being too low-brow.

F**k them. I see no reason whatsoever to patronize Rockingham Park...
The reason I heard given (from the good people at State Line Guns in Plaistow) is that Rockingham Park is trying to get all "gentrified" and get video gambling in the place. They ditched the "gun show" venues as being too low-brow.

F**k them. I see no reason whatsoever to patronize Rockingham Park...

That seems kind of bizarre, though, because on numerous occasions in calling
the park, the people at the park were still under the premonition that they
were going to have a show there, but it was the promoter that backed
out for some reason. My wild assed guess is that perhaps they're not
selling enough tables to justify whatever other costs theyre incurring to run
the show? I mean the show isnt that big, but it's not tiny either.

The reason I heard given (from the good people at State Line Guns in Plaistow) is that Rockingham Park is trying to get all "gentrified" and get video gambling in the place. They ditched the "gun show" venues as being too low-brow.

F**k them. I see no reason whatsoever to patronize Rockingham Park...

Damn, I'm glad I checked this post as I was all set in going to the show. Would have been pissed if I drove all the way up there for no reason.

Low Brow? Are you friggin kidding me. Have they looked at some of their clientelle?
I'm only passing along what I heard.

As I consider myself one of "those" people (gun show attendees), obviously I do not believe it...

Consider how gun owners in general, and gun shows in specific, are viewed in the media. It's conceivable that a venue might want to avoid the knuckle-dragging stereotype no matter how far from the mark it might be...
The reason I heard given (from the good people at State Line Guns in Plaistow) is that Rockingham Park is trying to get all "gentrified" and get video gambling in the place. They ditched the "gun show" venues as being too low-brow.
F**k them. I see no reason whatsoever to patronize Rockingham Park...

[shocked] Has anyone seen some of the people who go there to gamble on races????????? <shiver> I sure as hell won't be going back there.
FYI, there is NO SECURITY at Rockingham. ANY of the gamblers can walk down the escalators and "help themselves" to the goodies at the gun show after the show is closed. I know of one leather vendor who had it out with Carole over this and quit doing her shows because of this. I heard other vendors who refused to work this venue due to the lack of security.

This may have something to do with it. Perhaps enough dealers pulled out of this show to make it no longer viable?
They DIDN'T have security????? [shocked] Cripes! If that's true, then I don't blame the vendors one single bit. I can't believe they didn't have any security.....
Carole's idea of "security" at Rockingham is that they shut off the escalators from upstairs (that lead to the gun show floor below) and put one cop on duty wandering thru the 3 room exhibition area!

"That ain't security!" And after a few gamblers wondered down the escalator after hours, while the dealers were putting things away, the dealers got pissed at Carole (rightfully so). You really need a "lockable" hall to secure a gun show, then one cop can manage it.

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