Romanian AK style rifle

The Goose

NES Member
Apr 30, 2005
Burliington, MA
Feedback: 133 / 0 / 0
I picked this up Friday afternoon. Spent Saturday morning cleaning it and then to the range in the afternoon. I put 120 rds through it and it was reliable and FUN! I was shooting on the indoor range so the maximum distance was 25 yards. The target is of 60 shots at that distance.




Makes me wonder, where can one shoot rifles indoors? Can't at Riverside or WPRC, the two places I've been a member.

-= Chuck

Makes me wonder, where can one shoot rifles indoors? Can't at Riverside or WPRC, the two places I've been a member.

-= Chuck

You can at the Loeb Range at Mass Rifle (MRA) in Woburn. You can shoot ANYTHING in that range with the exception of buckshot and .50 BMG. I've shot my .308 indoors there [smile]
Steve, is it a SAr-1? Looks like it.

Shoot the sucker thru 30 rounds of rapid fire as fast as you can. Then wiff the beautiful smell of smoking wood as the upper hand guard innards turn to charcoal !

Don't worry, they never seem to burst into flame but you'll think it might !

They are a hoot !
WASR by looks. No Mag dimples.
Gotta love the AKs. Fun shooters.

OK i need help here, i realy hate to show my ignorance BUT this is the place
to get info, Right?? what does WASR stand for and what the h*#& does
Mag dimples do?? and what is the differance between an AK and a WASR??
cause thay all look alike right ??

Sheriff Dudley
No one is really sure what WASR stands for, I dont believe it actually stands for anything.. I think it is Romanian.

The dimples are meant to hold the mag within the receiver and keep it from wobbling. That is their sole purpose. The WASR doesnt have them because the rifle was intended for a single stack 10 round mag. The US importer dremels out the opening to accept the standard large capacity mag.

THe AKs in my photos for the most part are of the SAR series of Romy rifles which have the dimples. It is significant to note that the SAR series rifles are military spec receivers which is why I like them so much..

I really like my SAR-1. I had to put a 1 inch butt plate extender on it, to make it work better for my long arms. I also changed out the trigger parts to get rid of a horrible 'slap' and I changed out the 'switch' to one with a longer 'tang' and a notch that allows the bolt to be locked back. The 'tang' allows you to easily flip the safety on/off without taking your hand out of firing position.

All are really cheap mods.

One drawback of the AK line is that the long mags make it really hard to shoot from a rest or a bench.
The dimples are meant to hold the mag within the receiver and keep it from wobbling. That is their sole purpose. The WASR doesnt have them because the rifle was intended for a single stack 10 round mag. The US importer dremels out the opening to accept the standard large capacity mag.
And then plates are welded inside of the receiver on either side of the mag well to take the place of the dimples.
One drawback of the AK line is that the long mags make it really hard to shoot from a rest or a bench.

There's double-stack 5/10/20 round mags available. I don't have any for my AKs, but I encountered the same problem when using 30 rd mags with my ARs so I bought about a half dozen 20 round mags and a couple of 10 round mags.
Romanian AK style rifles

Well Again i asked the right group and got some good answers,
thank you all!! and of course now im getting an extreem itch
oh yea for you know what, i think its called AK-itess ?? im
feeling left out, so what shall i do?? any words of wisdom out
there HeeeeeeeeLp Meeeee
im dreaming of suger-plums and Bannana Clips dancing in my head,
Holy Christmass Santa" is it OK to ask for an AK ??? "

Well Again i asked the right group and got some good answers,
thank you all!! and of course now im getting an extreem itch
oh yea for you know what, i think its called AK-itess ?? im
feeling left out, so what shall i do?? any words of wisdom out
there HeeeeeeeeLp Meeeee
im dreaming of suger-plums and Bannana Clips dancing in my head,
Holy Christmass Santa" is it OK to ask for an AK ??? "


Grab one now before a new ban grabs em' all. Four Seasons has WASR10s but the price is comparable to what I've seen SAR1s go for recently at gun shows. I'm sending you a PM Sheriff with some links to shops I know.

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Milsurps, how does the Romainan WASR compare to Norinco MAC 90 or another AK?

Is it more reliable, more accurate?

What's the major draw of this rifle, besides a very agreeable price?
Romanians are cheaply built, and not too pretty. Most Norincos and other variants are well blued and assembled to tighter tolerances, plus have better triggers with less or no slap. All Aks serve their function and most will usually shoot loaded with a handfull of mud. The milled receiver models usually have a better feel and less recoil IMO, but that doesn't mean some Romanians can't shoot just as well as a top of the line Nornico or Polytech.
The drawback of the WASR is the fact that its usually modified by the importer to accept high cap mags and has plates welded in place to prevent magazine wobble where as the SAR1 had a dimple to hold the mag and was made to take high cap mags from the start.

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