Rusted J-frame - Advice needed

Jan 19, 2009
Groveland, MA
Feedback: 25 / 0 / 0
I have a fairly rusted Model 34 Smith J frame that I would like to have refinnished. It was carried by family while he was a MA LEO. It won't be cheap, I fear, but the sentimental value is high.

Any recommendations about where to have this work done? Thanks. - Tom
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if truely sentimental and want 100% S&W, Also you could have them engrave his name and badge # if you like.
You might want to ask if they give a discount for LEO ?
I have a fairly rusted Model 34 Smith J frame that I would like to have refinnished. It was carried by family while he was a MA LEO. It won't be cheap, I fear, but the sentimental value is high.

Any recommendations about where to have this work done? Thanks. - Tom

I recommend:

Lou is a great guy and does top notch work. Quick turn around as well.
I would do a few things 1st call S&W refinishing department 2nd maybe have S&W do the research back ground check on it 3rd have S&W redo it. I think this will @ least help it retain its highest value ??????
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