Sandy Hook Task Force; Recommendations almost ready for Malloy; yippee...


NES Member
Feb 23, 2014
GA; (CT escapee)
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Here's the link:

Find your own barf bag.

Having trouble copy/pasting, so am going to type, please excuse the typo's that almost certainly going to ensue...

The commission acknowledges the United States' long tradition of gun ownership and the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. The Commission also notes l... that the right to bear arms is a personal right it is not absolute.

the Commission is deeply concerned about the proliferation, throughout the civilian population, of weapons that were specifically designhed for military use during wartime. ... AR-15, as well as large capacity magazines... no legitimate place in the civilian population.... eliminating civilian ownership and posession of assault weapons and LCM';s can be realized with only a minimal burden on person s who want to hunt, engage in target practice or use weapons for self-defense. They remain free to engage inj those activities with a vast array of long guns and handguns...

They want registration of EVERY firearm, including certificates of registration.
Require firearms to be renewed regularly, including test of handling capacity as well as test of understanding of laws /regulations.
Institute ban on tracers.
Allow only purchase of ammo for registered firearms.
Regulate the purchase of ammo through the internet.
Study limiting the amount of ammo that can be purchased.

"Prohibit the possession, sale or transfer of any firearm capable of firing more than 10 rounds without reloading. This prohibition would extend to military-style firearms as well as handguns.

Require that any shell casing for ammunition sold or posessed in Connecticut have a serial number laser etched on it for tracing purposes.

THERE'S MORE, SO MUCH MORE -- i'm supposed to be working, have to go back to that.

There's suitability screening, new prohibiitions on individuals' ability to purchase a firearm that reflect evidence-based risk of dangerousness, etc...

Bear in mind, this is a TASK FORCE making recommendations. But, it's Dannel Malloy's hand-picked task force, and he's likely to try and ram through some/many of these recommendations just as he did last time.

I don't have answers, just a lot of dismay.
Sofa king we todd did.

I'd say this thing doesn't have a chance in hell, well, at least if it goes before public scrutiny, but Malloy doesn't do things that way. It'd get run through on the tails of some BS and sneaked in, or just crammed down our throats with no public input.

Additionally, this state is so F'd up nothing would not surprise me in the least.

Who dreams this stuff up? I have abandoned all hope that our elected representatives are genuinely concerned about its' citizens, but instead are only concerned with keeping in bed with specialized groups that merely keep them employed all on our dime.

Beware of the second term governor.

Look what happened with Patrick in Mass.

Second termers have nothing to lose.
This group's charter was to come up with recommendations with no constitutional restrictions.

The reality is that these recommendations are blatantly unconstitutional. No legislature would pass this. Even in CT.


- - - Updated - - -

Beware of the second term governor.

Look what happened with Patrick in Mass.

Second termers have nothing to lose.

Malloy has nothing to do with it. It has to pass both houses of the legislature.
Here's the link:

Find your own barf bag.

Having trouble copy/pasting, so am going to type, please excuse the typo's that almost certainly going to ensue...

The commission acknowledges the United States' long tradition of gun ownership and the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. The Commission also notes l... that the right to bear arms is a personal right it is not absolute.

the Commission is deeply concerned about the proliferation, throughout the civilian population, of weapons that were specifically designhed for military use during wartime. ... AR-15, as well as large capacity magazines... no legitimate place in the civilian population.... eliminating civilian ownership and posession of assault weapons and LCM';s can be realized with only a minimal burden on person s who want to hunt, engage in target practice or use weapons for self-defense. They remain free to engage inj those activities with a vast array of long guns and handguns...

They want registration of EVERY firearm, including certificates of registration.
Require firearms to be renewed regularly, including test of handling capacity as well as test of understanding of laws /regulations.
Institute ban on tracers.
Allow only purchase of ammo for registered firearms.
Regulate the purchase of ammo through the internet.
Study limiting the amount of ammo that can be purchased.

"Prohibit the possession, sale or transfer of any firearm capable of firing more than 10 rounds without reloading. This prohibition would extend to military-style firearms as well as handguns.

Require that any shell casing for ammunition sold or posessed in Connecticut have a serial number laser etched on it for tracing purposes.

THERE'S MORE, SO MUCH MORE -- i'm supposed to be working, have to go back to that.

There's suitability screening, new prohibiitions on individuals' ability to purchase a firearm that reflect evidence-based risk of dangerousness, etc...

Bear in mind, this is a TASK FORCE making recommendations. But, it's Dannel Malloy's hand-picked task force, and he's likely to try and ram through some/many of these recommendations just as he did last time.

I don't have answers, just a lot of dismay.

Who exactly is this commission, and do they have authority on anyone outside of the town which they are from?

What is to stop any one of us from starting a "commission", and have them come up with "findings" to impose on everyone?

Is there a list of names of who is on this "commission"? Do they have email? Phones? Cell phones? Do another one of those Internet form letter forms, and send them a message.
This is why I don't live in CT either....the state is infested with liberal scum and diseased with political corruption. It's only a matter of time when that spreads to all the states
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The problem isn't gun control. it is crime/criminal control. The failure is at the government level when we have occurrences such as these. The government mandates schools to be "gun free" zones yet they allocate no money whatsoever to enforce that mandate. If you declare an area or a building a "gun free" zone then you need to dedicate human resources to ensuring that the zone is in fact gun free.

This was not done. At the very least even if one officer was dedicated to this facility and this person came in and to do what he did, even if the officer was killed as long as he delayed the perp lives could have been saved. All the lives? Doubt it. But what if it were one or two or three? Those parents would be overjoyed.

People say they want to do whatever it takes to protect our children. They would give their own lives in place of their child's. They would give all their wealth to save their child. Then why not allocate some funds or full time police officers at public gun free institutions? I guess that costs too much.

So this isn't about protecting the children. It is about confiscating and banning firearms.

We have undercover federal marshals on planes. we have to be strip searched to even get on a plane. Our civil rights are destroyed once we enter an airport. We can't afford that level of security for our children in schools?

Bomb sniffing dogs, drug sniffing dogs and metal detectors should be installed at all of our schools. We should have armed police officers on scene everyday to prevent what has happened in Newtown from happening again.

If you want to make a gun free zone then you had better protect it from attacks such as this.

But again, this isn't about protecting the children. It's about taking our guns.
I know of a couple of towns where the schools complained when the police showed a presence at the schools.

One town would park a cruiser in the lot during pickup and drop off time. It made them "uncomfortable"

The least they could do is get out and direct traffic, if they're getting paid anyhow. No room on the roads for cars anymore, let alone parked cars waiting to get into pick up kids.

Sort of dupe:
Sandy Hook Advisory Commission met today,recommendations( IE, Gun ban)
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Who exactly is this commission, and do they have authority on anyone outside of the town which they are from?

What is to stop any one of us from starting a "commission", and have them come up with "findings" to impose on everyone?

Is there a list of names of who is on this "commission"? Do they have email? Phones? Cell phones? Do another one of those Internet form letter forms, and send them a message.

To answer your questions:

"The Sandy Hook Advisory Commission is a 16-member panel of experts created by Governor Malloy to review current policy and make specific recommendations in the areas of public safety, with particular attention paid to school safety, mental health, and gun violence prevention."

That's a direct quote taken from

There's a list of the members right on the first page.

And as for what's to stop any of us from starting our own commission - we're not the governor of the state of CT...
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Final recommendations are out; might be worth reading...


Selected quotes from skimming report, (emphasis added):

The connection between the extent of the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School and the lethality of weapons used in the attack on the school is self-evident and beyond dispute. The Commission is deeply concerned about the proliferation, throughout the civilian population, of weapons that were specifically designed for military use during wartime. ―Assault weapons‖ like the AR-15, as well as large capacity magazines often used with those weapons, have no legitimate place in the civilian population. The Commission finds that the cost to society of easy civilian access to assault weapons and large capacity magazines vastly outweighs the benefits of civilian ownership. By contrast, the Commission finds that the significant benefit to society from eliminating civilian ownership and possession of assault weapons and large capacity magazines can be realized with only a minimal burden on persons who want to hunt, engage in target practice or use weapons for self-defense. They remain free to engage in those activities with a vast array of long guns and handguns. In short, the Commission‘s first goal is simply to limit the possession and use of weapons designed for wartime use to members of our military services and law enforcement personnel.

RECOMMENDATION NO. 2. Require registration, including a certificate of registration, for every firearm. This certificate of registration should be issued subsequent to the completion of a background check and is separate and distinct from a permit to carry.
Status: Not adopted. The Commission reaffirms its recommendation requiring the registration of all firearms and requests that the Governor resubmit this recommendation for reconsideration by the General Assembly during the 2015 legislative session.

RECOMMENDATION NO. 6. Allow ammunition purchases only for registered firearms.
Status: Not adopted in absence of firearm registration requirement. The Commission reaffirms its position that the law should only permit individuals to purchase ammunition for registered firearms and requests that the Governor submit this recommendation to the General Assembly for reconsideration during the 2015 legislative session.

RECOMMENDATION NO. 3. Require firearms permits to be renewed on a regular basis. This renewal process should include a test of firearms handling capacity as well as an understanding of applicable laws and regulations.
Status: Not adopted. (Note: Under existing law, a firearm permit is good for five years and may be renewed without the recommended process.

RECOMMENDATION NO. 7. Evaluate best practices for determining the regulation or prohibition of the sale and purchase of ammunition via the Internet.

RECOMMENDATION NO. 8. Evaluate the effectiveness of federal law in limiting the purchase of firearms via the Internet to only those individuals who have passed the appropriate background screening.

RECOMMENDATION NO. 9. Limit the amount of ammunition that can be purchased at any given time.

RECOMMENDATION NO. 10. Prohibit the possession, sale or transfer of any firearm capable of firing more than 10 rounds without reloading. This prohibition would extend to military-style firearms as well as handguns. Law enforcement and military would be exempt from this ban.
Status: Not adopted. Instead, the General Assembly created of a list of specific semiautomatic rifles, pistols and shotguns that are banned. See P.A. 13-3, §§ 25-31. The Commission requests the Governor to submit this request to the General Assembly for reconsideration during the 2015 legislative session

***** Editorial note - I don't know if these "distinguished people" realize that 10+1 is more than the 10 round magazine limit they passed last time around..., or if they realize that the firearm itself doesn't determine the round capacity, it's the magazine. I'm pretty sure that a mechanically inclined person could could manufacture a 30 round mag r my Colt mustang which normally runs a 6 round mag. So legislation based on this logic would essentially make any mag based firearm illegal.

As a friend of mine says "scary sht, boys and girls" *****

RECOMMENDATION NO. 14. Require gun clubs to report any negligent or reckless behavior with a firearm, or illegal possession of any firearm or magazine, to the Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, Commissioner of Public Safety, and local law enforcement.

RECOMMENDATION NO. 16. Require that any shell casing for ammunition sold or possessed in Connecticut have a serial number laser etched on it for tracing purposes.
Rationale: ―Straw purchases‖ of ammunition enable individuals to circumvent many laws intended to help prevent or reduce gun violence and to assist law enforcement personnel in solving gun-related crimes. In addition to urging the General Assembly to reconsider Recommendation No. 6, which would limit purchases of ammunition to owners of registered firearms and solely for the specific type of firearm, the Commission also believes that making every round of ammunition traceable will discourage the use of firearms and ammunition for unlawful purposes. At the same time, applying technological advances to both ammunition and firearms provides a clear and unique economic development opportunity for manufacturers in and beyond

RECOMMENDATION NO. 17. Any person seeking a license to sell, purchase or carry any type of firearm in the state should be required to pass a suitability screening process.
Rationale: The Commission finds that certain individuals are not suited to own, possess or use firearms. A mental health diagnosis, alone, should not serve as a basis for unsuitability.11


There's so much more to the document. Take the time to read it. This is a commission formed by Malloy with great fanfare. He and our elected legislators have already used their recommendations and Malloy's "common sense" gun control laws to ram his agenda down our throat.

I sincerely believe that he and our legislators will pick and choose recommendations from this report, quote them in front of the tv cameras and try to pass them "for the children" in the name of "common sense gun control legislation".

Read it, think about it, do what you will.
But don't ignore it, stand by idly and then complain afterwards in the forums...

I know - I'm a cheerful SOB first thing in the morning before I have any coffee; what can I say? Reading this crap was depressing.
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