Savage Axis/Edge .223 magazine capacity????

Apr 10, 2009
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I just picked up a new Savage Axis .223 rifle and I'm confused about the magazine capacity. The Savage Arms website lists the rifle as having a 4 round capacity. When I did a search online looking for spare magazines they are all listed as 3 round capacity. When I loaded the magazine that came with the rifle I was able to load 5 rounds. I haven't had a chance to fire the rifle yet so I thought I would ask here if anyone knows what is going on here. How many rounds does your magazine hold?
I don't own one, but the website is probably just a typo.

There is a thread over at Sniper's Hide with a guy selling 10 round mags as well as some info on the 3/4 round mixup.

It is not unheard of to be able to stuff an extra round in a magazine, but it may not feed properly. have you tested it?
I don't own one, but the website is probably just a typo.

There is a thread over at Sniper's Hide with a guy selling 10 round mags as well as some info on the 3/4 round mixup.

It is not unheard of to be able to stuff an extra round in a magazine, but it may not feed properly. have you tested it?
Haven't had a chance to test it yet. Hope to do so soon. I'll check Sniper's Hide.
I own that rifle, magazine capacity is 4, you can stuff a 5th one in.... But... Yeh, she don't like it... I load 4+1.... Put one in the mag, load it in the chamber, drop the mag and load 4 more....
I own that rifle, magazine capacity is 4, you can stuff a 5th one in.... But... Yeh, she don't like it... I load 4+1.... Put one in the mag, load it in the chamber, drop the mag and load 4 more....
I'm hoping to test it out tomorrow with the warm weather forecast. Gonna have to sneak out of work early though.
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