Savage Model 99

Dec 21, 2019
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Hi all,

I have a savage model 99 from 1907 and I was wondering where would be best to value it or if anyone is familiar with it as it's somewhat outside my remit. It was passed down from a previous generation or two ago. Any help in identifying and valuing would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Caliber? Barrel length? Is barrel round, octagon, or half octagon? Takedown?
Value is anywhere from $2000 for a mint, rare example, to $100 for a the common beater.

The Savage forum is the place to learn about all kinds of Savages from the 99 to the modern production guns. Those guys know Savages and overall its one of the better specialty forums. Definitely look around there and if you decide to post, do them a solid by posting plenty of clear, hi-res photos.

Is the .300 ammo still being made for it? Jack.

Yup, most major brands still sell .300 Savage ammo.

Is the .300 ammo still being made for it?
Sure is! My 89 yo grandfather has had a 99 in 300 savage since the 50s or 60s for deer hunting in Maine. He's no longer able to hunt unfortunately...I suspect I'll be inheriting that gun.

My dad has the exact same rifle as my grandfather (also in 300 savage) and they both have taken a ton of deer with it over the years.
My dad said he had one dud with Remington ammo over the years but hasn't had any issues with Federals.
Thanks for the advice guys. I'll head over to the other forum and post on there and see what I can find out. I have a hunch it may be on the cheaper side but was curious. It is a pretty unique gun.

It is in .300 savage and is a 28" barrel, round indicator on the side and all serial numbers match. It is in pretty good condition all things considered but it hasn't been test fired yet. I'll update as I find out more info and post any useful links I get along the way.

Thanks for the help and I hope you all had a merry christmas!
They definately still make the 300 SAV round. I bought some for my Remington 760 pump not too long ago. Love that round.

I have a Savage 99 in .243. with a vintage weaver scope on it, and flip over mounts, Its a thin barrel version made in 1950's in Chicopee Falls. Not to long after that they moved to Westfield I believe. I believe the CF guns are better quality somewhat and better wood. They made moves to cheapen things up in the latter years, and used some real crappy wood and finishes, and the box magazines were ugly.

The value on these keeps rising, they are very popular deer rifles in the midwest, and northeast states, and many guys are buying them as nostalgia because its what their dad used. I think the average price for one in the condition I have (90%) is nearly 800 dollars.

My uncle had one in .358 Winchester which was a very rare round in that gun. I wish he would have kept it, because I would have it now and knowing my uncle it would be in near perfect condition. I saw one at Cabelas in South Carolina in that caliber and they wanted 2K for it in about 90% condition.
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