SBR Engraving Font Question.

Jan 9, 2012
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As i sit here waiting ever so patiently for my SBR stamp, i'm wondering if i can have my information engraved in any font without legal issues??

Here is what i would ultimately like to do. This is not by any means my real address or trust name.

Short barrel rifle trust
somewhere, ma


Short Barrel Rifle Trust
Somewhere, Ma
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Just steer clear of Comic Sans

You only need to engrave the trust name, city, and state. If no serial # or caliber was originally specified on the receiver, you also must add those specifications.

There is a standard for depth and letter height (minimum depth of .003″ with a height no smaller than 1/16″), and I'd imagine also legibility, no olde english gothic. Some engravers say they use "a font specified by the ATF", but I don't know which one.
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Oh ya, City, State.... My bad. Edited original post.
I'll try Ident Markings to see if they will do it.
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