Scenario: Man grabs for your firearm

Nov 12, 2008
People's Republic of Mass, in the U.S.S.A.
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I placed an order with midway yesterday, and one item I purchased was a KA-BAR self defense knife which got me thinking:

Suppose you are out in public one day, carrying concealed. You lean over to pick something up, or make another movement that allows your firearm to print just enough for an individual to see it behind you. That individual now wants to take your gun away from you. As he reaches for your gun, you grab his hand and hold it in the holster. You are carrying said self defense knife on your weak side.

Are you legally allowed to draw the knife to keep possession of your firearm? What other options do you have in this scenario?
My pistol is on my side. Someone is grabbing for my pistol, I swing my arm between their arm and body, coming up and grabbing their shoulder and pull them to the ground. They either have to stop reaching for my pistol or eat concrete, gravel, or asphalt.
A lethal threat would justify a lethal response.

My pistol is on my side. Someone is grabbing for my pistol, I swing my arm between their arm and body, coming up and grabbing their shoulder and pull them to the ground. They either have to stop reaching for my pistol or eat concrete, gravel, or asphalt.

Seems a little offense.
My pistol is on my side. Someone is grabbing for my pistol, I swing my arm between their arm and body, coming up and grabbing their shoulder and pull them to the ground. They either have to stop reaching for my pistol or eat concrete, gravel, or asphalt.

Please take no makes no sense.
I understand what Doobie is trying to say, If your carrying strong side (right for me), you swing across with your left arm, tuck your arm between your body and their arm, grab their left shoulder, assuming there reacing with their left, and pull them foward. A bit of interference with your (my) right foot, and you can easily put them to the ground.

I learned this in a maritime security course I took, but honestly dont believe Ive practiced it enough to smoothly execute it should the need arise.

I wear appropriate (read proper) fitting clothes, and when carrying strong side, I really have to try, even with just a t-shirt, to reveal my G27.
I would swing my arm around, catching his. continue swinging and he now gets turned around and is back to you. You now have him in a hold that could very easily wrech his arm out of socket or better yet break bones.

(I actually really do have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do)
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Ok guys leave the Karate for the Karate guys.

In that case you do whatever you need to do to keep the gun out of his/her hands.

Situations such as this is why I prefer Krav Maga over any type of 'Martial Art'.

What better way to defend against a threat than fighting in the same fashion as the Israeli military?
Heh. A Bruce Lee-a-thon.

Yes, a gun grab is considered a lethal threat. There are a number of different systems for handgun retention. I suggest you find a class in handgun retention.

I've taken the Lindell system, which is proven, but, unfortunately, diagnostic:

I've also taken the Insights system, which I found to be too complex for me:

For those who haven't taken a class in handgun retention, you might be surprised just how fast someone can take away your gun if they are trained and close.
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Pin and Spin

Yup pin & spin is the only appropriate response. For all you know it's a kid or some mentally handicapped asshat grabbing it because they thnk it looks cool.

If you punch, stab or take any other offensive moves and it's not a biker or skinhead you're in deep doodoo.

Also while some will consider a grab for a gun a lethal threat the law probably won't. If you try to grab an officers gun he's not going to grab a knife and kill you nor will he punch you in the face. He's going to go into handgun retention and distance himself from you. If that fails or if you continue to threaten him the force will escalate appropriately. Someone just touching your gun is not a lethal threat to your life. Someone trying to pull it out of the holster may be considered a lethal threat depending on the situation.
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I'll use the five finger death punch on the attacker.

Problem solved.

Not sure about five, but I would use 4 extended knuckles straight to the throat and drive it forcefully in. Person can't breate, they can't function. Multiple blows will kill.
Situations such as this is why I prefer Krav Maga over any type of 'Martial Art'.

What better way to defend against a threat than fighting in the same fashion as the Israeli military?

No kidding. By the looks of things, a lot of people plan for the Chuck Norris defense.
Yup pin & spin is the only appropriate response. For all you know it's a kid or some mentally handicapped asshat grabbing it because they thnk it looks cool.

If you punch, stab or take any other offensive moves and it's not a biker or skinhead you're in deep doodoo.

Also while some will consider a grab for a gun a lethal threat the law probably won't. If you try to grab an officers gun he's not going to grab a knife and kill you nor will he punch you in the face. He's going to go into handgun retention and distance himself from you. If that fails or if you continue to threaten him the force will escalate appropriately. Someone just touching your gun is not a lethal threat to your life. Someone trying to pull it out of the holster may be considered a lethal threat depending on the situation.

Please take what I"m saying with a "grain of salt" personal offense intended. When push comes to shove, you will use "whatever" force needed to secure your life and the lives of your family. You will not (I hope) be thinking of laws.

I think we are being led down the "merry path" of political correctness...and in that venue....the perp will come out on top every time because the "victim" is afraid to act due to laws. Cut the crap. Someone threatens you or your family....disable and/or kill. End of story.
in practice, the one that works best for me is to grab their hand and press it down into my holster with my left hand (assuming they are lucky enough to get their hand on my weapon), so they cannot get the gun out and I have them relatively pinned to me, then bash them in the face a few times with the elbow of my right arm, then kinda just work it from there. depending on how big they are, i'd go for the throat instead of the nose. I carry on my right side.
If someone goes for my gun I will pump my legs as quickly as possible a random direction while reaching for my cell phone to call 911, asking the nearest victim what the number for 911 is, and hoping that the gun-grabber is a democrat (bad shot).

If you have a good holster the gun shouldn't come out very easily for them.
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