Schumer to Bring AWB to Senate Floor

The bill’s sponsor, Senator Murray (Dem-WA), took the opportunity to issue a statement, which the media largely ignored. The usual lies and deceptions. If gun safety laws work (the debate is over) - why do we keep needing more?

” Weapons of war have no place on our streets or in our communities. Gun safety laws work—despite what the gun lobby and their Republican allies in Congress would have you believe, this debate is settled. The majority of Americans support banning assault-style weapons, and it’s infuriating to see Republicans once again put the gun lobby ahead of the people they represent by blocking our Assault Weapons Ban today.

Common-sense gun safety laws save lives—and every time our nation lives through the horror and heartbreak of another mass shooting, we hear desperate pleas from people back home begging Congress to do something. Washington state has made important progress on gun safety laws, including passing an Assault Weapons Ban earlier this year, but state laws alone are insufficient when it’s still so easy to acquire an assault weapon or evade a background check just across the border in a different state.

“Federal action is essential to tackling the epidemic of gun violence head-on, and whether it’s funding research into gun violence prevention, or pushing for universal background checks, or calling for a vote on the Assault Weapons Ban bill like we did today—as long as I’m in Congress, I’ll keep fighting to advance common-sense gun safety measures that will make our communities safer.”

Meanwhile, non-compliance with Illinois’ broad registration requirements is massive, with fewer than 0.2% of FOID holder registering AR15s, mags >10rd, shotguns with pistol grips, etc.

” Governor J.B. Pritzker signed the Protect Illinois Communities Act in January of 2023. Its purpose is to regulate the sale and distribution of weapons, ammunition, and accessories. However, some gun owners are reluctant to comply with the new law even though they might face criminal charges.

“Right now, the rules are really unclear,” Executive Director of the Illinois State Rifle Association Richard Pearson said. “It’s very vague, and so it becomes a real problem for law-abiding gun owners to meet the requirements.”

… The Act calls for not only rifles to be registered, but also shotguns, pistols, accessories, magazines, and a whole list of other requirements that could change the view of an otherwise acceptable weapon to an assault weapon.”

Illinois officials are furiously backpedaling to try to get greater compliance before the grace-period is over 12/31/2023. Illinois State Police are “clarifying” the law in statements designed to mollify gun owners wrt potential seizures/arrests for loaning registered gun to others, modifying registered guns, etc. Not gonna work, says the opposition.

"Hundreds of thousands of people will absolutely not comply," said Rep. Brad Halbrook (R-Shelbyville). "It is up to the governor and the legislature to truly decide if they're prepared to declare war on law-abiding gun owners or not. One thing will be certain. This we will defend, the right to bear arms shall not be infringed."
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The bill’s sponsor, Senator Murray (Dem-WA), took the opportunity to issue a statement, which the media largely ignored. The usual lies and deceptions. If gun safety laws work (the debate is over) - why do we keep needing more?

” Weapons of war have no place on our streets or in our communities. Gun safety laws work—despite what the gun lobby and their Republican allies in Congress would have you believe, this debate is settled. The majority of Americans support banning assault-style weapons, and it’s infuriating to see Republicans once again put the gun lobby ahead of the people they represent by blocking our Assault Weapons Ban today.

Common-sense gun safety laws save lives—and every time our nation lives through the horror and heartbreak of another mass shooting, we hear desperate pleas from people back home begging Congress to do something. Washington state has made important progress on gun safety laws, including passing an Assault Weapons Ban earlier this year, but state laws alone are insufficient when it’s still so easy to acquire an assault weapon or evade a background check just across the border in a different state.

“Federal action is essential to tackling the epidemic of gun violence head-on, and whether it’s funding research into gun violence prevention, or pushing for universal background checks, or calling for a vote on the Assault Weapons Ban bill like we did today—as long as I’m in Congress, I’ll keep fighting to advance common-sense gun safety measures that will make our communities safer.”

Meanwhile, non-compliance with Illinois’ broad registration requirements is massive, with fewer than 0.2% of FOID holder registering AR15s, mags >10rd, shotguns with pistol grips, etc.

” Governor J.B. Pritzker signed the Protect Illinois Communities Act in January of 2023. Its purpose is to regulate the sale and distribution of weapons, ammunition, and accessories. However, some gun owners are reluctant to comply with the new law even though they might face criminal charges.

“Right now, the rules are really unclear,” Executive Director of the Illinois State Rifle Association Richard Pearson said. “It’s very vague, and so it becomes a real problem for law-abiding gun owners to meet the requirements.”

… The Act calls for not only rifles to be registered, but also shotguns, pistols, accessories, magazines, and a whole list of other requirements that could change the view of an otherwise acceptable weapon to an assault weapon.”

Illinois officials are furiously backpedaling to try to get greater compliance before the grace-period is over 12/31/2023. Illinois State Police are “clarifying” the law in statements designed to mollify gun owners wrt potential seizures/arrests for loaning registered gun to others, modifying registered guns, etc. Not gonna work, says the opposition.

"Hundreds of thousands of people will absolutely not comply," said Rep. Brad Halbrook (R-Shelbyville). "It is up to the governor and the legislature to truly decide if they're prepared to declare war on law-abiding gun owners or not. One thing will be certain. This we will defend, the right to bear arms shall not be infringed."
"Some gun owners are reluctant to comply..."

"...fewer than 0.2% of FOID holders registering AR-15's..."

99.8%= "some"? 😆
this debate is settled
it was a truly genious approach that those damn commies came up with - with this 'science is settled' shit, so it will be now pushed on an every single thing small and large.
and when they will repeat it at least a 1000 times it will start to be taken for a granted, and can be put after any random bulshit propaganda of theirs - just add ' is settled' in the end, and it becomes a proven fact.
it was a truly genious approach that those damn commies came up with - with this 'science is settled' shit, so it will be now pushed on an every single thing small and large.
and when they will repeat it at least a 1000 times it will start to be taken for a granted, and can be put after any random bulshit propaganda of theirs - just add ' is settled' in the end, and it becomes a proven fact.

Ah yes. The ol' push for senate bills during holiday season when nobody is looking. This is how the federal reserve act got passed.
There's a reason the Shysters at the FED put Woodrow Wilson on the 100,000.00 bill ...


Only one nation refused to accept the psychology of submission. The
Chechens never sought to please, to ingratiate themselves with the bosses;
their attitude was always haughty and indeed openly hostile.... And here is the
extraordinary thing—everyone was afraid of them. No one could stop them
from living as they did. The regime which had ruled the land for thirty years
could not force them to respect its laws.

— Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago
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Here's the real source of the problem:

View attachment 824714
I know its a bit off-topic but why are white people so weak? Look at the top countries, all white. To my fellow white people: please stop being so weak & embarrassing. White people created the best countries on Earth and their loser white offspring sits around sad about it.
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Brace for horrific mass shootings to give the RINOs the air cover they need to vote yes.

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