Scott Brown Is A Horrible American!

You got devaul saying you can't buy that "aw" in mass that was used in the shooting(last I heard the rifle was found in the car) ... Then you got lesbo warren saying we should reinstate the awb in mass....... Sales in mass are reported to be 10x what they normally are.

I wish s&w , glock, sig, and the other big company's that supply the police and military tell the .gov to go pound sand. if they try to pass a law banning semi autos out right they'll cut them off. Not all of them can survive and keep those production lines open just for the .gov....

Same thing with company's who make mags .
How do you think it would look the U.S. gov buying only guns made out side of the USA after putting alot of place out of business ..

You know ruger will cave like they did with there 10 rd limit...
[popcorn] All this talk about Assault rifles being ban?!?!.. Didn't the CT shooting happen with a sig and a glock hand gun??.. They found a .223 rifle in his trunk After he offed himself.. read it in USA today..
I posted a screen shot of it, here, I'll post it again.

I'll blank another election if it's between Scotty and a moonbat. I felt almost sick after back GWB's second run with amnesty and Med-D and No Child Left Behind and what ever else I have blocked.

Scotty, you've proven yourself to be a politician with a moistened finger - that's it.
And to think I voted for him. I would rather have a commie like Warren, at least she doesn't mince words.

While I think Scott has sold his soul, to say Warren does not mince words tells me you did not see her inaugural speech or that she out and out lied...but yes Scott is a shitbag
I had one foot out of his camp when he supported the crap going on with the TSA. I still voted for him as the lesser of two evils. Now I'm out. 100% out.
the sad part is they have evidence that may suggest that the attack was premeditated, sadly if someone wants to do something stupid everyone else pays the price
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