Scott Brown Is A Horrible American!

I wrote on the comments "Scott, how can we miss you if you don't go away?" So sick of this damn RINO. He was miles better than Fauxcohontas, but the bar wasn't set very high.
I sent him this message through his facebook site.

Your latest post is exactly why you lost the last election. I collected signatures to get you on the ballot in the special election, gave money, and generally campaigned for you. You will never get my vote again.
someone tell Scotty it's too late to present his a**h*** to moonbats. May be he thinks that another seat is opening up.

The problem is he has been saying all along that the Ma. guns laws are fine and that the AWB was a good thing. He hasn't changed his tune at all. Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on me.

If live shot Kerry does get the Sec. of State and Scotty runs again he has some explaining to do to all the pro gun voters who voted for him the first go around.
Not that Scott Brown cares but I sent him an e-mail telling him of my "disappointment."
I promised him that should he run for any elected office, he will not have my support.
Best regards.
Don't kid yourself folks. FB is a piece of shit and everyone knows it. Brown, or whom ever does not read the comments or the mail that goes to it. The reason being that ANYONE can "like" and then post on there.

Want to make an actual difference? Go to his actual website and send an e-mail/call/whatever through his official .gov website. Here:

I can't say he will actually read it, but you would be shocked at the attention you can get when you go through the "proper" channels. Messaging him (or his handler) on FB can be done by any hack, but it shows a slight bit more discipline when you go through his formal website.

I know it needs not be said.. but I will anyway. Be polite, try and sound intelligent, indicate you are a voter. As often as the system fails, sometimes it actually works.

Also: here is the White House contact info. Obama may be a lieing sack of shit, but the comments made through the phone system are taken fairly seriously.
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