Senator John Kerry's Sister Mugged In NYC

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She deserves it.

Anyone who is in favor of gun control deserves whatever criminal violence befalls them. I am so f-ing sick of these people that I just dehumanize them any more.
She deserves it.

She deserves it?


Then perhaps you deserve the reputation you have worked so hard to earn amongst the more civilized people on this board.

No one deserves to be the victim of a crime. I sincerely hope that none of your relatives who might not agree with your attitudes ever have to go through something like this.
She deserves it?


Then perhaps you deserve the reputation you have worked so hard to earn amongst the more civilized people on this board.

No one deserves to be the victim of a crime. I sincerely hope that none of your relatives who might not agree with your attitudes ever have to go through something like this.

Then I guess you don't realize how fed up I am of "compromise" with those who seek to disarm and eventually enslave us.

Yes, she does deserve it. Along with every gun-hater in the world. They are despicable, beneath contempt, and not worthy of compassion.

She, and people like her, are the enemy.
One more thing, Frosty.

Spare me the sanctimoniuos crap. Secretly, most people on this board are saying "serves the bitch right". I bet even you do.

Like The Guy from Boston, I have the balls to say what most are thinking.
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