Senators Introduce Assault Weapons Ban

New bans are nothing like the old bans, this one bans 205 rifles by name including all AR's, all AK's etc, then has a feature based ban. Finding the new ban list has been impossible but here's an older ban list. The fun starts around page 23.

They even quoted our illustrious Governor.


“Look, I think the assault weapons ban in the commonwealth of Massachusetts, based on all the data that's available, has served this commonwealth well, and I think it would be appropriate at this point for the federal government to adopt something similar.”
—Governor Charlie Baker (R-Mass.) to reporters on February 28, 2018
They even quoted our illustrious Governor.


“Look, I think the assault weapons ban in the commonwealth of Massachusetts, based on all the data that's available, has served this commonwealth well, and I think it would be appropriate at this point for the federal government to adopt something similar.”
—Governor Charlie Baker (R-Ass.) to reporters on February 28, 2018

What a douchebag.
Guys, girls, people - NES is OUR echo chamber.

Politicians are scumbags for the most part. Their allegiance is to themselves, to getting elected and staying elected. That means that they need votes. A less cynical view and the one that they present is that they CARE what the voters in their district want. Either way you slice it, they take polls to find out what their voters want so that their voters continue to put them in office.

I've read some articles over the years that show incredible numbers of voters behind every single person that contacts their senator / congress-critter. IOW, for every letter/email that they receive, there are X number of voters who feel the same way as the person who reached out to them. That's why an organized campaign can have a disproportionate affect - and that's why Bloomturd's winning.

So - take five minutes out of your gdmn busy schedule and WRITE your senator. Even if you feel it's pointless. It isn't pointless, and later on you're not saying "I could have and I didn't". It's five minutes, if that - and doesn't even cost you the price of a stamp.

Here's your starting link: U.S. Senate: Senators
They even quoted our illustrious Governor.


“Look, I think the assault weapons ban in the commonwealth of Massachusetts, based on all the data that's available, has served this commonwealth well, and I think it would be appropriate at this point for the federal government to adopt something similar.”
—Governor Charlie Baker (R-Mass.) to reporters on February 28, 2018
Does Faker have any actual evidence or facts to cite? MA is still far more dangerous (violent crime rate almost 3X) than its neighbors to the immediate north that have no such bans.
I understand your frustration. Seriously and really.
I lived in Connecticut for forty years and Murphy and Blumenthal are co-sponsors of that bill.
If I still lived in CT, I would NOT bother contacting my senators because it would be a waste of my time.

Since I live in Georgia - it's NOT a waste of my time. I wrote both of my senators.
If you live in NH, or anywhere where your senators are either not anti-gun or possibly on the fence - write them.
Senators, congressmen, politicians all care about the vote - show them that you're a voter and you care about this issue.

I specifically told my senators that I moved from Connecticut to Georgia because I wanted to live in a state where I could enjoy my second amendment rights.
I also pointed out that I'm an NRA Range Officer, an IDPA Safety Officer, and that after this weekend I'll be a USPSA certified RO - I'm not just bubba who wants to shoot at street signs...
Great post! And thank u for your service to the State of Connecticut! Haha! It’s a shame that puke Murphy and Rambo Blumenthal ruined your state. But your in a great state now! On a very serious note, call Lizzy Warren and let her know if she wants to be President, then condemn this AWB BS! If enough people from around the country do this and flood her office with calls and emails, that is what might have a chance with her at least. God Bless!
All the "will not comply" chest pumping is meaningless. Existing guns will get grandfathered in but dealers won't sell new ones.

Maybe, maybe not. Existing guns I’m sure will have to be ‘registered’ or ‘certified’ at a minimum - I won’t. We all know Feinstein wants them turned in - I wouldn’t put it past them. If they offered Trump 100% Wall funding ($25B) I bet he would sign off.
Does Faker have any actual evidence or facts to cite? MA is still far more dangerous (violent crime rate almost 3X) than its neighbors to the immediate north that have no such bans.

Rosenthal gave him made up shit from liberal tabloids and ignored John Lott, the Department of Justice Institute for Justice, and John Hopkins scholarly research which says otherwise.
Maybe, maybe not. Existing guns I’m sure will have to be ‘registered’ or ‘certified’ at a minimum - I won’t. We all know Feinstein wants them turned in - I wouldn’t put it past them. If they offered Trump 100% Wall funding ($25B) I bet he would sign off.

Almost certainly. Time to invest in aluminum paperweights again.
I can't wait until Trump makes America great again by going along with this garbage to get his wall.
Lame, at best.

Put the blame where it belongs. The RINO's who pissed on Trumps leg for 2 years and then losing the House. And the 150 Million Gun Owners in America who do little, if anything, to support gun rights and the 2A.

Trump is surrounded by enemies within the RINO Party. Without his shock election many of these controls would have already been enacted. To the Leftists and the RINOS Trump is merely a hic-up. Mueller is fixing that for them.

When the majority of gun rights are lost, and it will happen, I hope history records it correctly that the 150 Million gun owners in America could have wielded a big stick. But for reasons I will never comprehend they failed to seize the day and do so.
That’s it I’m moving to New Hampshire!!!! Even though this is a federal ban, I’m sick of the Freedom snatching senators this state produces! Oh wait, Both senators from New Hampshire are cosponsors of the bill too....
All the "will not comply" chest pumping is meaningless. Existing guns will get grandfathered in but dealers won't sell new ones.

Why is it meaningless? and why is it considered chest pumping? I get a f***ing kick outta some of you people and your fantasy's how you think we are all good little sheep and must follow the sheep off the cliff...Some of us truly dont give a f***, live, online or in person..But don't let me get in the way of the herd mentality the podium is yours.

Who's boots do I have to lick around here for a glass of water?
Really?? so I should call and email Elizabeth Warren and Eddy “ice cream man” Markey right away?...
No, call up those who would actually be on the fence. If you are in Maine I would say Collins would be a prime candidate. Also even if you aren’t, it’s easy to call/email someone and try to persuade them to vote a certain way... even if you don’t live in their state...
No, call up those who would actually be on the fence. If you are in Maine I would say Collins would be a prime candidate. Also even if you aren’t, it’s easy to call/email someone and try to persuade them to vote a certain way... even if you don’t live in their state...
Absolutely! Couldn’t agree with u more! I know there’s people on here from different states so let’s get the word out to them. Forget about The fake Indian and the ice cream man!
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