Senior Army. It’s an idea.

The Armed Forces only accepts those younger than 35. They've got it backwards. Instead of sending 18-year-olds to fight, they should send old guys. You shouldn't be able to join until you're over 35. Why?

Researchers say 18-year-olds think about sex every 10 seconds. Old guys only think about sex every 15 seconds, leaving more than 28,000 additional seconds per day per recruit to concentrate on the enemy.

Young guys haven't lived long enough to be cranky and grumpy. A cranky and grumpy soldier is a dangerous soldier.

If old guys can't kill the enemy, they could complain them into surrender. "My back hurts!" "I'm hungry!" "Where's the remote control?"

An 18-year-old hasn't had a legal bottle of beer yet and you shouldn't go to war until you're at least old enough to legally drink beer. On the other hand, the average old guy has consumed 26,000 gallons of beer by the time he's 35. A jaunt through the desert with a backpack and an M-60 would do wonders for his beer belly.

An 18-year-old doesn't like to get up before 10 a.m. Old guys get up early just because we can (and to steal the neighbors' newspaper).

If an old guy got captured, he couldn't spill the beans because he'd forget them. Name, rank and serial number would be a real brainteaser.

Boot camp would be easier for old guys; they're used to being screamed at. Plus, they actually like soft food.

Old guys already have a deep appreciation for guns and rifles. They like them almost better than naps.

But the Army would have to lighten up on the obstacle course. Besides, there's not a single 20-foot wall with a rope hanging over the side in the entire desert.

And Drill Sergeant would have to be retrained: "Now, mister, drop down and give me... er... one!"

They could eliminate the running part. That's a waste of good energy. No one has ever outrun a bullet anyway.

Remember the joke about the two bulls standing on a hill looking down at a herd of cows? The young bull said, "Let's run down there and make love to one of those cows." The old bull replied, "Let's walk down there and make love to all those cows!" Patience is something most 18-year-olds simply do not have. And for good reason. An 18-year-old has his whole world ahead of him. He's still learning to shave, to actually carry on a conversation, to learn that a pierced tongue catches food particles, and to learn that a 200-watt 15-inch woofer in the back seat of a Honda will rupture an eardrum. These are all good reasons to keep our sons at home to learn more about life before sending them off to war.

Let us old guys track down the dirty, rotten, filthy cowards who attacked our country. The last thing they'd want to see right now is a million old guys with attitudes!
I know three guys from Korea who went back to serve their required military service. I’ll just say that based on those three, having old men in wheelchairs would be an upgrade. They want to solve their birth rate problem they should require their women to service the US GI’s day and night to keep them happy, because if we ever left for whatever reason, they would be screwed with whatever military they would send out to defend them.
Not a good sign when the war hasnt even started yet and youre already arming the elderly
S Korea has the lowest birth rate in the world iirc. Once Korean boomers start dying of old age in a few years (life expectancy is quite high there at least) the population of S korea will decline by something like 50% every 25 years.

By 2100 S Korea will barely exist as country, assuming trend holds. Total North Korean victory, the bright sun smiles upon the emperor!
S Korea has the lowest birth rate in the world iirc. Once Korean boomers start dying of old age in a few years (life expectancy is quite high there at least) the population of S korea will decline by something like 50% every 25 years.

By 2100 S Korea will barely exist as country, assuming trend holds. Total North Korean victory, the bright sun smiles upon the emperor!
The norks can't be that far in front on rate of repro
Bullet from an old guy will kill you just as dead

What do they have, M16s? Those are too heavy?
No gun owner in South Korea has to worry too much about it. Their government has their back 100%, even though a Communist crazy bastard and his heavily-armed forces are less than 100 miles away. My wife has a good friend who was born and raised there. Yes, you can own a basic hunting rifle (hint: FUDD gun!; nothing more than that!). Yes, it has to be registered with the police; yes you have to have a legitimate reason and endure an extensive background check by the police. Yes, you are required to store your deadly "FUDD Special" at all times in the armory at the local police station. You see, their gun laws are so full of "common sense" and for the interest of public safety! Those jackasses had better hope and pray that Chairman Kim doesn't decide to lose what's left of his remaining functional brain cells and do something very stupid!
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The Armed Forces only accepts those younger than 35. They've got it backwards. Instead of sending 18-year-olds to fight, they should send old guys. You shouldn't be able to join until you're over 35. Why?

Researchers say 18-year-olds think about sex every 10 seconds. Old guys only think about sex every 15 seconds, leaving more than 28,000 additional seconds per day per recruit to concentrate on the enemy.

Young guys haven't lived long enough to be cranky and grumpy. A cranky and grumpy soldier is a dangerous soldier.

If old guys can't kill the enemy, they could complain them into surrender. "My back hurts!" "I'm hungry!" "Where's the remote control?"

An 18-year-old hasn't had a legal bottle of beer yet and you shouldn't go to war until you're at least old enough to legally drink beer. On the other hand, the average old guy has consumed 26,000 gallons of beer by the time he's 35. A jaunt through the desert with a backpack and an M-60 would do wonders for his beer belly.

An 18-year-old doesn't like to get up before 10 a.m. Old guys get up early just because we can (and to steal the neighbors' newspaper).

If an old guy got captured, he couldn't spill the beans because he'd forget them. Name, rank and serial number would be a real brainteaser.

Boot camp would be easier for old guys; they're used to being screamed at. Plus, they actually like soft food.

Old guys already have a deep appreciation for guns and rifles. They like them almost better than naps.

But the Army would have to lighten up on the obstacle course. Besides, there's not a single 20-foot wall with a rope hanging over the side in the entire desert.

And Drill Sergeant would have to be retrained: "Now, mister, drop down and give me... er... one!"

They could eliminate the running part. That's a waste of good energy. No one has ever outrun a bullet anyway.

Remember the joke about the two bulls standing on a hill looking down at a herd of cows? The young bull said, "Let's run down there and make love to one of those cows." The old bull replied, "Let's walk down there and make love to all those cows!" Patience is something most 18-year-olds simply do not have. And for good reason. An 18-year-old has his whole world ahead of him. He's still learning to shave, to actually carry on a conversation, to learn that a pierced tongue catches food particles, and to learn that a 200-watt 15-inch woofer in the back seat of a Honda will rupture an eardrum. These are all good reasons to keep our sons at home to learn more about life before sending them off to war.

Let us old guys track down the dirty, rotten, filthy cowards who attacked our country. The last thing they'd want to see right now is a million old guys with attitudes!
Put me in a squad with Sky Soldier, Fencer, Sgt. Hal and a few others here that I'd trust. We'll do our thing the wright way. Oh and give me tracers. Lots and lots of tracers. The bad guys think that hell is raining on them when they see the rounds coming at them and they realize they can't get out of the way of them.
Put me in a squad with Sky Soldier, Fencer, Sgt. Hal and a few others here that I'd trust. We'll do our thing the wright way. Oh and give me tracers. Lots and lots of tracers. The bad guys think that hell is raining on them when they see the rounds coming at them and they realize they can't get out of the way of them.
Tracers work both ways.

In todays war concealment has never been more important. Which is why things like cans are becoming standard issue.
Tracers work both ways.

In todays war concealment has never been more important. Which is why things like cans are becoming standard issue.
Sounds like you've never had to go toe toe with tracers. If not, you won't understand. Concealment works until the shit hits the fan. Then your spotted. Firepower rules at that point.
Sounds like you've never had to go toe toe with tracers. If not, you won't understand. Concealment works until the shit hits the fan. Then your spotted. Firepower rules at that point.
Shoot tracers at someone in modern combat. Every bored drone operator in the area will be on your ass immediately. And you'll be dead shortly after. And then you can't post on NES anymore.

You're under the assumption that the people who are going to be pinned down by your fire are the ones you need to worry about. That's not how infantry combat works anymore. It's changed a LOT in the past 10 years.
Shoot tracers at someone in modern combat. Every bored drone operator in the area will be on your ass immediately. And you'll be dead shortly after. And then you can't post on NES anymore.

You're under the assumption that the people who are going to be pinned down by your fire are the ones you need to worry about. That's not how infantry combat works anymore. It's changed a LOT in the past 10 years.

Only until the next major wartech upgrade... since small/man-portable drones have become mainstream tools of war, anti-drone and anti-electronic warfare will be the next major push. Then we'll be back to maneuver war since everyone is stuck today afraid to move on the battlefield. Welcome to WWI and trench warfare.
Shoot tracers at someone in modern combat. Every bored drone operator in the area will be on your ass immediately. And you'll be dead shortly after. And then you can't post on NES anymore.

You're under the assumption that the people who are going to be pinned down by your fire are the ones you need to worry about. That's not how infantry combat works anymore. It's changed a LOT in the past 10 years.
So you assume their weaponry is more advanced than ours? Last I knew, the U.S. was pretty up on modern warfare. Obviously I'm not referring to what we can call in as well.
So you assume their weaponry is more advanced than ours? Last I knew, the U.S. was pretty up on modern warfare. Obviously I'm not referring to what we can call in as well.
Anyone can buy off the shelf drones and equip them to drop bombs or fly into positions.

The needed technology to completely out flank and destroy infantry is off the shelf at this time. It's consumer grade.

And when thar drone is used or lost the cost to replace it is trivial.
Only until the next major wartech upgrade... since small/man-portable drones have become mainstream tools of war, anti-drone and anti-electronic warfare will be the next major push. Then we'll be back to maneuver war since everyone is stuck today afraid to move on the battlefield. Welcome to WWI and trench warfare.
It will be super interesting to see how it pans out. There are currently 2 outstanding problems right now

-Anti tank technology has signigiantly outpaced armor protection systems. This is sorta similiar to what we saw in the 1960's where armor designers said f*** it and we ended up with small MBTs for a generation. Then armor systems were able to overcome the problem and we ended up with the much larger MBT's of the 70's to now. Now its finally swung back the other way. Problem is this time the weight of the MBTs is already insane, so adding additional systems to handle missiles while also having enough armor to stop traditional rounds will be a tough problem to solve without being overweight.

-Anti drone tech. It'll be a tricky one. anti drone jamming works now but it's a bullseye for anti radiation systems, so it's sorta a death sentance for the people using them against enemies with modern missile tech. Using things like the Geopard is super cool (and I still find it amazing that anyone ever thought those systems were outdated, they never were) but they can't be everywhere as they are super expensive and are also pretty easy to kill with shit like idirect fire. Maybe lasers will be the answer? Or a combination of everything?

I have no clue. All I know is I'm happy I'm not on the ground to deal with it. When I was in in the mid 00's drones werent a thing really. Plus the people we were looking for didn't have much more than small arms so we always had overmatch over them. And if we had an ounce of worry about our saftey we'd call in Apache's. I had it very easy and I'm thankful for that.
It will be super interesting to see how it pans out. There are currently 2 outstanding problems right now

-Anti tank technology has signigiantly outpaced armor protection systems. This is sorta similiar to what we saw in the 1960's where armor designers said f*** it and we ended up with small MBTs for a generation. Then armor systems were able to overcome the problem and we ended up with the much larger MBT's of the 70's to now. Now its finally swung back the other way. Problem is this time the weight of the MBTs is already insane, so adding additional systems to handle missiles while also having enough armor to stop traditional rounds will be a tough problem to solve without being overweight.

-Anti drone tech. It'll be a tricky one. anti drone jamming works now but it's a bullseye for anti radiation systems, so it's sorta a death sentance for the people using them against enemies with modern missile tech. Using things like the Geopard is super cool (and I still find it amazing that anyone ever thought those systems were outdated, they never were) but they can't be everywhere as they are super expensive and are also pretty easy to kill with shit like idirect fire. Maybe lasers will be the answer? Or a combination of everything?

I have no clue. All I know is I'm happy I'm not on the ground to deal with it. When I was in in the mid 00's drones werent a thing really. Plus the people we were looking for didn't have much more than small arms so we always had overmatch over them. And if we had an ounce of worry about our saftey we'd call in Apache's. I had it very easy and I'm thankful for that.

Afghanistan and Iraq were just ramping up when I got out. My entire time in was spent training for war against peer-foes like Russia and China so I was always told my life expectancy on the battlefield was minutes in combat (first as a 19D and then as an 11B). Ukraine seems to be bearing that out.
Afghanistan and Iraq were just ramping up when I got out. My entire time in was spent training for war against peer-foes like Russia and China so I was always told my life expectancy on the battlefield was minutes in combat (first as a 19D and then as an 11B). Ukraine seems to be bearing that out.

The big difference in Ukraine vs Russia is it's almost completely lacking the air and naval portion of war. It certainly highlights a lot of dangers that everyone would face however.
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