NES Member
Hello competitors!
Below please find the link to register for the MetroWest Tactical September Postal Match (to be held at Harvard Sportsmen's Club September 26, 2020). Here is your chance to shoot locally but compete nationally! Link to Postal Match details at the bottom of this post. This match will be composed of five stages from the Postal Match and one stage with a proved pickup gun (stage designed by MWT).
Shooting this match with earn you two points towards IDPA Nationals!!
Registration is now open!
Note: registration for this match is $40 as dictated by IDPA HQ.
Also note (info directly from IDPA HQ): “…scores can be submitted once for each participant. If scores are submitted more than once for any shooter, all scores for that shooter will be deleted and that shooter will not be represented in the match.”
MWT IDPA COVID-19 Match Protocol
September 26 2020
6 Outdoor Stages (5 stages from IDPA 2020 Postal Match plus 1 additional stage)
Pre-registration and pre-pay through PractiScore (PLEASE NOTE: Registration fee for this match is $40)
HSC Liability Waiver signed on PractiScore
No walk-ins
6 Squads 15 including SO and ASO
Squad #1 will require masks at all times when within the stage boundary, shooter will be allowed to lower mask before load and make ready, and replace it after unload and show clear.
5 squads masks optional
6 ft social distancing will be required when not wearing a mask
Shooters will report directly to their pit
Safety Brief will be given by each SO at their pit
Shooters will retrieve their own magazines after shooting
SOs will use and keep their own timers
Tablets will stay with the pit, and will be wiped down with sanitary wipe when transferred to another ASO, and before the squad leaves the stage
Only one squad allowed in each pit
Sanitary wipes and hand sanitizer will be available at each pit
Shooters should bring their own beverages to stay hydrated
All IDPA and HSC rules and regulations will be enforced
No spectators allowed in the pits with the squads of 15 shooters
If you don’t feel well on match day, please stay home
Please use hand sanitizer and sanitary wipes often
Below please find the link to register for the MetroWest Tactical September Postal Match (to be held at Harvard Sportsmen's Club September 26, 2020). Here is your chance to shoot locally but compete nationally! Link to Postal Match details at the bottom of this post. This match will be composed of five stages from the Postal Match and one stage with a proved pickup gun (stage designed by MWT).
Shooting this match with earn you two points towards IDPA Nationals!!
Registration is now open!
Note: registration for this match is $40 as dictated by IDPA HQ.
Also note (info directly from IDPA HQ): “…scores can be submitted once for each participant. If scores are submitted more than once for any shooter, all scores for that shooter will be deleted and that shooter will not be represented in the match.”

Home | PractiScore
MWT IDPA COVID-19 Match Protocol
September 26 2020
6 Outdoor Stages (5 stages from IDPA 2020 Postal Match plus 1 additional stage)
Pre-registration and pre-pay through PractiScore (PLEASE NOTE: Registration fee for this match is $40)
HSC Liability Waiver signed on PractiScore
No walk-ins
6 Squads 15 including SO and ASO
Squad #1 will require masks at all times when within the stage boundary, shooter will be allowed to lower mask before load and make ready, and replace it after unload and show clear.
5 squads masks optional
6 ft social distancing will be required when not wearing a mask
Shooters will report directly to their pit
Safety Brief will be given by each SO at their pit
Shooters will retrieve their own magazines after shooting
SOs will use and keep their own timers
Tablets will stay with the pit, and will be wiped down with sanitary wipe when transferred to another ASO, and before the squad leaves the stage
Only one squad allowed in each pit
Sanitary wipes and hand sanitizer will be available at each pit
Shooters should bring their own beverages to stay hydrated
All IDPA and HSC rules and regulations will be enforced
No spectators allowed in the pits with the squads of 15 shooters
If you don’t feel well on match day, please stay home
Please use hand sanitizer and sanitary wipes often