sheriff shot in maine

Actually..... No.

You and I as well as a few others on here know the area and a lot more of the back stories. It's my regular travel route at least 2 weekends a month for the past 22 years and counting. There are many good people in the area surrounded by shit heads.
Yes, and I do apologize to pattymcd, I was craping more on the president of class part of the quote than Maine . . . I was making cheap joke at expense of good mainers. I too spend a good amount of time in Maine (Newport, Corinna, and MDI). Sorry.
I was informed last night the perp's girlfriend was arrested on drug charges earlier in the week.
Well I guess we will all wait and see. It's not the first time Maine SP keeps their jaws closed over something like this until they find the guy. Last time was from a killing in Parkman last year. I have a friend who lives and works in the area and the drug problems are very real.

Yeah, the only issue I have is the jump to conclusions. He may have been a shitbag, a few people have come here with personal knowledge of the cop saying he was a good guy. I am by no means defending him, but unfortunately too many people (On both sides of the coin) will jump right in saying to hang the guy, or that no matter what his past the cop must have been wrong without any info to back it up.
So how is this going to end?

He's facing life in prison, is armed, possibly including whatever guns the cop had, including in his vehicle. He may be drugged out on whatever type of drugs left that residue in the bags and straw he was caught with and he's desperate, hunted and probably scared out of his mind.

Does he give up peacefully, commit suicide, get hunted down and dragged out of the woods, die in a shootout with the cops, what?
So how is this going to end?

He's facing life in prison, is armed, possibly including whatever guns the cop had, including in his vehicle. He may be drugged out on whatever type of drugs left that residue in the bags and straw he was caught with and he's desperate, hunted and probably scared out of his mind.

Does he give up peacefully, commit suicide, get hunted down and dragged out of the woods, die in a shootout with the cops, what?

Dead! Dont really care how.
Is 17 days of jail and 1 yr probation consistent with felony?

Of course its not

What he was charged with doesnt match up with the penalty

This isnt even fake news.....its just retarded reporting

And you are assuming that MA has the lock on stupid judges. LOL Look at his age and the date. 11 years ago. He was 18. I could TOTALLY see a judge running time-served and probation on a felony burglary case. Is it smart? I can't say without knowing those facts.

Oh, in Maine? That must have been a very high bar.

Oh sorry, that must have been like a very high bar (just wanted to sound more like a tenth grader).


That's BAH, not bar. Get it right! ;)

If it was Mass, they would shutdown a city/region and do armed door to door searches - haven't seen any of that in Maine.

Pfft. I'm several hundred miles away and and I'm already sheltering in place.
I'm glad I was wrong about my other assumption. I just re-read everything and can see that wasn't the case.

I know several people in the Skow-town area and they all say the officer was a good guy. I'm coming down firmly on the side of the cop on this one.
Fact 1: the perp is a convicted felon.
Fact 2: he stole the cop's cruiser after the fact and then committed a robbery.
Fact 3: somebody's father, husband, son isn't coming home.
If it was an accident or somehow a justified self-defense shooting, he didn't stay to render assistance. He fled, committed another crime, and is now on the run. I don't need to wait and hear the exact circumstances of the initial altercation to know that this bushy-headed midgit should be put down.
The trouble he got into down in Mass is neither here nor there.

Pat you should start up a news agency because this one singular post is more informative than anything the so called "media" up there has written about this guy.

What are the chances this guy is still in the area? Escape to Canada? Head south or west? Maybe laying in the woods with a self inflicted hole in the head?
I honestly believe the cops will do everything they can to arrest this guy.
Of course, if he's armed and makes any threatening moves, all bets are off.

New Hampshire SWAT team is over here in their Saracen, or whatever they call it.
My eyes!!! Yuck!!

Seriously folks, meth is bad.

WTF did you expect being hooked up with a meth head?

Driving up 95N just south of Portland this afternoon a NH K9 trooper passed me at all of 100MPH with lights and siren going. No idea of where he was going but he was clearly well north of the border.

Hunting season in the area has been postponed.
Hope they catch the dirt bag quickly or that he crosses the path of well armed citizen...

And if the well armed citizen is in Mass, they're goign to jail, as well. Why? because the cops wouldn't get their fair share of retribution....
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