Shooters Outpost going into Amherst NH (old Sportsmans Trading) Status

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Here is a post from Jim in an earlier thread here on NES (emphasis added):

I came to one of your machine-gun shoots a few years ago, and let people shoot a PKM and a few others for free. I also sent that club $500.00 to help with their legal fees so we will have a place to shoot long into the future. I do support NES in many ways, and in fact have thousands of Mass. Customers. I don't have time to do a lot of what I'd like to, but will try to organize some great NES exclusive sales in our Amherst, NH location after it opens sometime this year. Thank you all for your business!

Shooters outpost exhibit

Like the part about a special NES exclusive sale!
I came to one of your machine-gun shoots a few years ago, and let people shoot a PKM and a few others for free. I also sent that club $500.00 to help with their legal fees so we will have a place to shoot long into the future. I do support NES in many ways, and in fact have thousands of Mass. Customers. I don't have time to do a lot of what I'd like to, but will try to organize some great NES exclusive sales in our Amherst, NH location after it opens sometime this year. Thank you all for your business!
That would be pretty cool.
ETA: lol posted at like the same time
See highlighted.

We employ 25 people at Shooters Outpost. I can't be there for every transaction, but buying parts and pieces do not require showing your ID. 0nly ammunition & magazines. If anyone here ever is told different - ask for me and it will be corrected. It's hard to get 25 cats herded together and speak the same tune. With my new addition coming in 2017, part of that is a large classroom where my employees will have many meetings addressing these, and other issues. The classroom will also be used for re-loading classes & product knowledge classes for all sales people. We're not perfect, and never will be - but will never stop trying. If anyone feels they can do better than the people already working here, come apply for a job. To the person that says Shooters is like Four Seasons North - I take that as a compliment. Carl is a friend, and has one hell of an operation in Woburn.....

Jim McLoud 603.396.6540 cell
I never called you a liar, do not bet and do not drink. I just believe there is more to the story.
I don't think there is more to the story. It's well-known they ask for driver's licenses when you try to purchase ammo and if you have a MA license they require you to produce an LTC. It's not surprising they'd require ID for magazines as well.
They don’t know if the magazines will stay in New Hampshire and if you like it so much here and really do own property why not just get a New Hampshire drovers license? Might save you a few dollars in taxes as well.

Personally, I agree with the shooters outpost policies. Why should you be allowed to buy something here thst you can’t buy at home? It’s bad enough that you can carry here and New Hampshire residents are denied that right when they visit Massachusetts. So, no not fvck SO, fvck you!

Holy shit!! Are you this miserable in real life of just on the www? Why should you care what's legal or not to own out of the state? Blaming us for you not being able to carry in this state is kinda lame. We here on NES had nothing to do with it but if it keeps a**h***s like you out of the state I'm good with that.
a lie of omission is still a lie. if you call bullshit, make the call and verify you're wrong....I posted their number....or is there more to the story?

Of course there is. There is always more to the story. Do you really think making a phone call and asking a ma$$hole question like that is going to get you an honest answer? That explains a lot.
For a mag? Never in my life have I been asked to produce a DL to buy a mag. Ever. There has to be more to the story.

There is, The owner uses the excuse that he doesn't want have to deal with a law suit with his good friend Maura, So he enforces the law of that state in New Hampshire, thus conditioning folks that this is the way it is, and should be. He doesn't have the sack to tell his lawyers to send that witch a letter that any litigation initiated by her office will be considered harassment and a violation of The United States Constitution, Commerce Clause.
There is, The owner uses the excuse that he doesn't want have to deal with a law suit with his good friend Maura, So he enforces the law of that state in New Hampshire, thus conditioning folks that this is the way it is, and should be. He doesn't have the sack to tell his lawyers to send that witch a letter that any litigation initiated by her office will be considered harassment and a violation of The United States Constitution, Commerce Clause.

This is why a lot of us will no longer do business with shooters......their shop, their rules......there are lots of other places that have better prices on most items within 15-30 min drive that dont have retarded rules.
I vaguely remember a situation years ago when Mike Dukakis sent the Mass State Police to NH to monitor people with MA plates buying liquor at those state-run liquor stores. The troopers would watch folks with MA plates loading up their cars and follow them back across the border and charge them with tax evasion. People complained and NH started stopping the troopers and charging them with harassment.
I strongly agree with FisherTech. Shooters Outpost has no obligation to follow Massachusetts' ridiculous laws. A magazine can be bought on eBay, Gunbroker, whatever without a FFL (although most sellers won't ship "high capacity" mags to MA). I have bought plenty of 10-round and under mags by mail.
I vaguely remember a situation years ago when Mike Dukakis sent the Mass State Police to NH to monitor people with MA plates buying liquor at those state-run liquor stores. The troopers would watch folks with MA plates loading up their cars and follow them back across the border and charge them with tax evasion. People complained and NH started stopping the troopers and charging them with harassment.
I strongly agree with FisherTech. Shooters Outpost has no obligation to follow Massachusetts' ridiculous laws. A magazine can be bought on eBay, Gunbroker, whatever without a FFL (although most sellers won't ship "high capacity" mags to MA). I have bought plenty of 10-round and under mags by mail.

The Late Governor Meldrim Thompson Had those Mass Troopers Arrested. Boy, we need more folks like him again.
Given this some thought, If Jimmy likes Mass Laws so much that he enforces them in another state, Maybe he ought to close up shop in New Hampshire and Move back to his home state where those laws are actually enforceable.
Since you're calling me a liar, why not give them a call and ask? 603-232-6125. I bet you a bottle of Scotch.....

The question should go something like this:

"Will you statist fvcks sell a standard cap magazine to a MA resident with LTC and P&R who has stated they will only keep it at their house in NH?"

You can pretty it up.....or see that there isn't MOAR to the story.

....or you can depose my son...he would still be salty about it if I hadn't driven up the street to another FFL and bought them there instead.

Not that it should matter anyways, a magazine isn't even a regulated item in most states, it's a piece of plastic or metal. That's probably why most people
are aggravated, but the solution is simple, don't buy that stuff there, or don't shop there at all.

For whatever it is or isn't worth I know a bunch of other shops in NH or MA for that matter that apply policy that clearly isn't enshrined in the law- and if I black crossed all of them, I wouldn't have any place left to shop at. For example, we used to be able to buy a neutered AR in NH and bring it back to MA, good luck doing
that now, despite the fact that healey's interpretative dance bullshit is clearly NOT law, but most NH shops are "scared" as a matter of policy. Hell I had one very good shop in NH that wouldn't sell me a neutered WASR long before healyban "because MA cooties". That's no different than what SO is doing with the magazines, in functional terms. At least the argument with a gun is its a regulated item and more sensitive, but it's still the same issue- shops imposing standards above the
law. Every person has to decide what they're willing to deal with, but anyone who is a puritanical absolutist is likely not going to have anywhere left to shop at... [rofl]

Mike, In one of my previous posts on the this thread, I listed several places, that don't have anal retentive issues. So how about quitting with that line of garbage.
Mike, In one of my previous posts on the this thread, I listed several places, that don't have anal retentive issues. So how about quitting with that line of garbage.

Line of garbage? Go to an NH gun shop as an MA resident and try to buy an AR-15 clone that complies to actual MA law. You likely can't do it- because they're "afraid" of dimples the tyrant, not because the law blocks it. So they are imposing a policy based on "opinion" not law. Of course, as it stands, it doesn't help
that the ATF is running around apparently and telling some of these dealers that Healey's shit is gospel.

There are lots of NH (and MA) gun shops that have stupid policies if you do enough digging. The existence of said policies largely doesn't stop me from shopping at any of them. I'm just pointing out that most people complaining about this stuff are at least, to some extent, hypocrites. And thats OK, because I think all humans are to some degree... [laugh] it's just not "comfortable" when someone points that out...

When I lived in MA I was never bothered by the "show DL/LTC" policy at Shooter's.
You have to show it in MA anyway. Should it be necessary? No. But, I blame MA AG more than a NH business owner. Anyone here who wants to open their own shop, be my guest. I'll pay you a visit.

I will visit the Amherst loc when it opens (I drive by it most weekends) and if they have decent powder prices I will likely become a sporadic customer. If there's any NES bonuses to be had, it would be even better.
Mike, It seems that you are mixing apples and oranges here, to validate your claim. A Firearm is a "Federally regulated item" That requires IDENTIFICATION in order for the transaction to take place, and under Federal Regulations and Law a FIREARM that is restricted is subject to that standard. The items that that we are referencing here are so regulated by FEDERAL LAW and REGULATION. So now want to try again.
Runnings, In Claremont and Hinsdale, Bass Pro, Riley's, Plus others.

FWIW, a clerk at rileys (some guy with a beard?) tried to shake me down on some HK mags I was buying there a number of years ago "You're not from MA are you?" but I more or less pulled the "these aren't the droids you're looking for" on the clerk and still purchased the magazines. (for the hall monitor types reading, these were a gift for a friend of mine who lived in Jaffrey at the time... )

A magazine can be bought on eBay, Gunbroker, whatever without a FFL (although most sellers won't ship "high capacity" mags to MA).
This! I've bought "hi cap" preban mags online and had them shipped to my house. Some sellers wanted a copy of LTC prior to shipping and some didn't. Some sellers were gun shops and some were just random people.
Mike, It seems that you are mixing apples and oranges here, to validate your claim. A Firearm is a "Federally regulated item" That requires IDENTIFICATION in order for the transaction to take place, and under Federal Regulations and Law a FIREARM that is restricted is subject to that standard. The items that that we are referencing here are so regulated by FEDERAL LAW and REGULATION. So now want to try again.

It's still a shop imposing something that is NOT BASED ON LAW. If you follow the legal train, Maura's bullshit is not the actual law, and federal law would not
ostensibly block the sale. A lot of shops wouldn't sell stuff like that even before healeyban, just based on "MA cooties" fear, alone. Just pointing out that people are being ideologically inconsistent.

I don't get emotionally invested in shops stupid policies (or lack thereof) I just shop based on who has what I want at a price and level of service I'm willing to deal with.

To me this is no different than some shop that refuses to sell lorcins or something, just another business policy. If the business policy is too wide and covers too many items, then I won't go there. I haven't had a shop in MA or NH yet though that I have had to "black cross" because of that kind of stuff.

ETA: I have black crossed a few shops based off total shit prices or other issues though, like "AG glock ratting" and things that are actually hurtful to gun owners, but that's a whole different ballgame from the minor annoyances being discussed here.

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Should I not be able to buy lower taxed booze when i drink up there? Maybe not buy fireworks? Maybe I should send the sales tax when I go to a store down to Maura. YOUR statist non-libertarian attitudes are why NH is becoming MA North. The rules are good enough for ME, just not you other people.

You technically are supposed to report un-taxed sales and pay the MA tax rate on the item(s) if they would otherwise be taxable here. Ive never seen DOR go after an individual for not reporting Amazon purchases before the Wayfair decision.
This sounds like good urban legend territory . . . tax on goods purchased outside of Mass is payable on your State income tax filings as "use tax" not due as soon as you cross the border . . .

I vaguely remember a situation years ago when Mike Dukakis sent the Mass State Police to NH to monitor people with MA plates buying liquor at those state-run liquor stores. The troopers would watch folks with MA plates loading up their cars and follow them back across the border and charge them with tax evasion. People complained and NH started stopping the troopers and charging them with harassment.
I strongly agree with FisherTech. Shooters Outpost has no obligation to follow Massachusetts' ridiculous laws. A magazine can be bought on eBay, Gunbroker, whatever without a FFL (although most sellers won't ship "high capacity" mags to MA). I have bought plenty of 10-round and under mags by mail.
You technically are supposed to report un-taxed sales and pay the MA tax rate on the item(s) if they would otherwise be taxable here. Ive never seen DOR go after an individual for not reporting Amazon purchases before the Wayfair decision.

so I stop and buy a widget at the walmart in NH and use it at my NH place and I should pay taxes on it? Hard pass. It only applies to stuff you bring back into the commiewealth.

Backing away from thread drift a notch. I am just saying their shit policy and running ascared of the Maura threat of a lawsuit is a shit policy, and it's why I'll just go down the road.
so I stop and buy a widget at the walmart in NH and use it at my NH place and I should pay taxes on it? Hard pass. It only applies to stuff you bring back into the commiewealth.

In practice nobody pays use tax. Hell some pol in MA bragged on TV that nobody pays it, himself included. IMHO the only time it happens is when the state
starts pointing a gun, etc. Or now with this new supreme court bullshit a lot of internet stuff is taxed now that wasnt before. I just bought like $180 worth of cigars and had to pay like 11 bucks tax on it...

Backing away from thread drift a notch. I am just saying their shit policy and running ascared of the Maura threat of a lawsuit is a shit policy, and it's why I'll just go down the road.

Yup, buy stuff from whoever is going to meet your needs etc. I am grateful the market is big enough to accomodate that sort of thing.

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so I stop and buy a widget at the walmart in NH and use it at my NH place and I should pay taxes on it? Hard pass. It only applies to stuff you bring back into the commiewealth.

Backing away from thread drift a notch. I am just saying their shit policy and running ascared of the Maura threat of a lawsuit is a shit policy, and it's why I'll just go down the road.

Right - I forgot to add that in my post. Seemed easy to make that conclusion, but anyway...
I vaguely remember a situation years ago when Mike Dukakis sent the Mass State Police to NH to monitor people with MA plates buying liquor at those state-run liquor stores. The troopers would watch folks with MA plates loading up their cars and follow them back across the border and charge them with tax evasion. People complained and NH started stopping the troopers and charging them with harassment.
I strongly agree with FisherTech. Shooters Outpost has no obligation to follow Massachusetts' ridiculous laws. A magazine can be bought on eBay, Gunbroker, whatever without a FFL (although most sellers won't ship "high capacity" mags to MA). I have bought plenty of 10-round and under mags by mail.

They did the same exact thing with the fireworks stores until NH told them if they were caught they would be subject to arrest.
I vaguely remember a situation years ago when Mike Dukakis sent the Mass State Police to NH to monitor people with MA plates buying liquor at those state-run liquor stores. The troopers would watch folks with MA plates loading up their cars and follow them back across the border and charge them with tax evasion. People complained and NH started stopping the troopers and charging them with harassment.
While it captures the spirit of the incident and gets the names of the governors in the dispute correct, the facts are tough to nail down.

This sounds like good urban legend territory . . . tax on goods purchased outside of Mass is payable on your State income tax filings as "use tax" not due as soon as you cross the border . . .

Governor Thomson was quoted (NYT, 12/20/1976) as saying that out‐of-state tax agents, whom he called “tax stool pigeons,” would continue to be detained and questioned by the state police when found loitering around liquor stores. At one point he threatened to arrest them for "loitering".
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