Shooters Outpost going into Amherst NH (old Sportsmans Trading) Status

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Christ with all the drama in New Hampshire I'll continue supporting my Mass gun shows at least they know what they can and can't sell me.
Christ with all the drama in New Hampshire I'll continue supporting my Mass gun shows at least they know what they can and can't sell me.

[rofl] Not sure if serious. You mean the same gun shows where the vendors rat on other vendors, and then cajole the promoter into banning vendors because the one vendor had better pricing than them? Yeah I think most of us will pass on that.

[rofl] Not sure if serious. You mean the same gun shows where the vendors rat on other vendors, and then cajole the promoter into banning vendors because the one vendor had better pricing than them? Yeah I think most of us will pass on that.

Of course I'm not serious about the gun show, but the drama, lets just say a lot of northerners are in denial
For a mag? Never in my life have I been asked to produce a DL to buy a mag. Ever. There has to be more to the story.

I just bought a mag for my SIG 9mm a couple of weekends ago at SO. I got asked for my DL.
This is a whacky position really. Why sell anyone a gun, they might hurt someone with it! They arent responsible for what their customers do with anything they sell. Ive bought ammo there lots of times with a mass LTC, why is a magazine different? Should they sell to NH residents because they might drive across the MA border?

They don’t know if the magazines will stay in New Hampshire and if you like it so much here and really do own property why not just get a New Hampshire drovers license? Might save you a few dollars in taxes as well.

Personally, I agree with the shooters outpost policies. Why should you be allowed to buy something here thst you can’t buy at home? It’s bad enough that you can carry here and New Hampshire residents are denied that right when they visit Massachusetts. So, no not fvck SO, fvck you!
This is a whacky position really. Why sell anyone a gun, they might hurt someone with it! They arent responsible for what their customers do with anything they sell. Ive bought ammo there lots of times with a mass LTC, why is a magazine different? Should they sell to NH residents because they might drive across the MA border?

A magazine is different because a Massachusetts resident can buy and have Ammo with the proper license but new magazines over 10 rounds are completely prohibited. Why should a New Hampshire dealer sell thst which you cannot buy in your state of residence? And I repeat my earlier question to all thos3 who claim to own property in NH why mot just get a NH drivers license? Thst will solve many of your problems.
A magazine is different because a Massachusetts resident can buy and have Ammo with the proper license but new magazines over 10 rounds are completely prohibited. Why should a New Hampshire dealer sell thst which you cannot buy in your state of residence? And I repeat my earlier question to all thos3 who claim to own property in NH why mot just get a NH drivers license? Thst will solve many of your problems.
Because technically speaking they are residents of MA. And if this became a thing eventually someone would have to explain how they ended up with a MA resident LTC and a NH drivers license (which requires you to be a resident of NH). If people want to do this anyway I say, it's your life do what you think is best, but remember PSGWSP.
A magazine is different because a Massachusetts resident can buy and have Ammo with the proper license but new magazines over 10 rounds are completely prohibited. Why should a New Hampshire dealer sell thst which you cannot buy in your state of residence? And I repeat my earlier question to all thos3 who claim to own property in NH why mot just get a NH drivers license? Thst will solve many of your problems.

because by getting a NH driver's license if you aren't a resident more than 6 months a year there is fraud. Are you suggesting part time residents commit fraud? And nice inference...'claim to own property'. The tax bills are online.
This sounds like good urban legend territory . . . tax on goods purchased outside of Mass is payable on your State income tax filings as "use tax" not due as soon as you cross the border . . .

Mass Troopers at the Rest Area Liquor Stores is not "Urban Legend" it actually happen.
Yes, I remember when NH SP detained them. They woould radio plate numbers back to MSP troopers waiting for them just over the MA border.

so I stop and buy a widget at the walmart in NH and use it at my NH place and I should pay taxes on it? Hard pass. It only applies to stuff you bring back into the commiewealth.

Backing away from thread drift a notch. I am just saying their shit policy and running ascared of the Maura threat of a lawsuit is a shit policy, and it's why I'll just go down the road.
I am certain that MA DOR's position would be that if you are a MA resident that you owe the "use tax" regardless of where the product ends up. I'm in the process of moving to NH and am in the same situation . . . and no, I'm not going to pay MA "use tax" on stuff bought in NH for my NH house.
Yes, I remember when NH SP detained them. They would radio plate numbers back to MSP troopers waiting for them just over the MA border.

I am certain that MA DOR's position would be that if you are a MA resident that you owe the "use tax" regardless of where the product ends up.

Yes - but when is that use tax due? Surely not the moment you step over the border . . .

So much NES jabber ;)
Yes - but when is that use tax due? Surely not the moment you step over the border . . .

So much NES jabber ;)
It's on the tax return and TurboTax asks about it, so my guess is April 15th.
Supposedly when you file your tax return.

Right, so I am wondering how a cop could watch for someone crossing the border and get them for not paying taxes.

Although isn't it technicly illegal to transport any alcohol no matter how little, back across the border to MA? Not that anyone ever obeys that of course. But a cop could try to get some for that. Years back in Maine I wanted to buy a case of delicious local fruit wine and bring it back to MA but they told me I could not because it was illegal to cross state borders with it.
Yes, I remember when NH SP detained them. They woould radio plate numbers back to MSP troopers waiting for them just over the MA border.

I am certain that MA DOR's position would be that if you are a MA resident that you owe the "use tax" regardless of where the product ends up. I'm in the process of moving to NH and am in the same situation . . . and no, I'm not going to pay MA "use tax" on stuff bought in NH for my NH house.

No - it depends on where the primary use is. If you’re a MA resident, not a trade or business, but an ordinary schmoe like most of on here, and you buy a fridge for your weekend/vacation house in NH, then there’s no problem. If you buy that same fridge in NH for use of your primary residence in MA, then technically you should report that as an untaxed purchase.

I’m sorry I even pointed it out in the first place.
Right, so I am wondering how a cop could watch for someone crossing the border and get them for not paying taxes.

Although isn't it technicly illegal to transport any alcohol no matter how little, back across the border to MA? Not that anyone ever obeys that of course. But a cop could try to get some for that. Years back in Maine I wanted to buy a case of delicious local fruit wine and bring it back to MA but they told me I could not because it was illegal to cross state borders with it.

Allow me to introduce you to Gerard Comeau:

R v Comeau - Wikipedia

In the NH versus Mass context, here's a hypo:

Mass cop sits on the NH border on a road where he can look into NH. Say Route 3. The Mass cop can see who is going into and out of NH package stores. He sees people go in, come out with liquor, then drive into Mass (assume Mass license plates rather than RI, CT, NY, etc.). That's what happened with Gerard Comeau because the New Brunswick/Quebec border has a bridge and the NB police knew people buying booze in QC would have to cross the bridge to get back home. If the cop can make an arrest over say tax violations, there's a search incident to lawful arrest and the cop can go through everything to find a receipt. Alternatively, the cop makes an arrest for something else like an OUI. Or better yet, the cop can just pull the car over and get the driver's consent to answer questions or be searched.


Check out Commonwealth v. Blodgett, 53 Mass. 56 (1846), a case about RI militia going into Mass and arresting RI residents in Mass after the Dorr War. Similar to the Meldrim Thomson versus MSP situation. If Sununu were to arrest Mass police inside NH, Blodgett would come up.
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Although isn't it technicly illegal to transport any alcohol no matter how little, back across the border to MA? Not that anyone ever obeys that of course. But a cop could try to get some for that. Years back in Maine I wanted to buy a case of delicious local fruit wine and bring it back to MA but they told me I could not because it was illegal to cross state borders with it.
There is indeed a MGL that makes it illegal to "import" ANY amount of alcoholic beverages into MA! I found it accidentally when perusing some US Customs rules about bringing booze into the US and later I confirmed it with a former NES Mod who owns some liquor stores in MA.

I was surprised but I guess I shouldn't be . . . everything is indeed illegal in MA except being an illegal!

No - it depends on where the primary use is. If you’re a MA resident, not a trade or business, but an ordinary schmoe like most of on here, and you buy a fridge for your weekend/vacation house in NH, then there’s no problem. If you buy that same fridge in NH for use of your primary residence in MA, then technically you should report that as an untaxed purchase.
I'm sorry you missed my sarcastic comment about MA DOR.
They probably ask for a driver's license when you try to buy one.
For a mag? Never in my life have I been asked to produce a DL to buy a mag. Ever. There has to be more to the story.

I just realized why I had to show Shooters Outpost my MA LTC-A/ALP
to buy two pairs of 5.11[[+]] Tacticool Pants -
The pants were high-capacity.
(42W 30L).

This thread delivers.

In practice nobody pays use tax
I didn't realize my guffaw upon reaching that line in the form last weekend
could be heard all the way to the Tri-Towns...

... with all the drama in New Hampshire I'll continue supporting my Mass gun shows at least they know what they can and can't sell me.
[rofl] Not sure if serious. You mean the same gun shows where the vendors rat on other vendors, and then cajole the promoter into banning vendors because the one vendor had better pricing than them?
I think he means the gun shows where the vendors would
traditionally sell felony mags to all comers,
and lie to the buyer's face about them being "pre-ban".
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Given this some thought, If Jimmy likes Mass Laws so much that he enforces them in another state, Maybe he ought to close up shop in New Hampshire and Move back to his home state where those laws are actually enforceable.
Funny coming from a guy who enforced MA gun laws and takes a MA pension to be taking so much shit to private business owner who employs 100 Americans and can be taken to court by the MA AG for arbitrary shit.
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Funny coming from a guy who enforced MA gun laws and takes a MA pension to be taking so much shit to private business owner who employs 100 Americans and can be taken to court by the MA AG for arbitrary shit.
It will be nice having them close by. I bought a shiny new to me P238 in Feb. The tag said it came with 2 holsters but they weren't in the box and I thought I must have confused it with another one I was looking at. They called me today and they have the holsters and when I asked they agreed to mail them to me. I appreciate not having to make that drive since I wouldn't have time to get up there for a few weeks. Anyone can make a mistake so I'm not mad they missed them. I appreciate the effort to make it right. They could have just swept it under the rug since it's been 2 months.
I am heading "up that way" later today (Amherst st). Last time I was by there, it looked like they had just gotten their furnishings, and were getting the floor plan laid out. I'm ready for them to open as well....

Some construction was going on there yesterday.
Through a previous job I know of several disarmament enthusiasts in Amherst, NH. When do the protests begin?
I can see by reading this thread that in such a case, there are some NES members that would not lend a hand in supporting the new gun store.
I wonder if we can ever have a SO thread without the pig pile.....
Probably not, but wouldn't it be nice if we were all on the same side of the 2A issue?
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