Shooting glasses


NES Member
Jan 14, 2006
South Eastern, MA
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I'll admit, I don't normaly use shooting glasses. I know I should but where I shoot its usually up to the shooter if they want to wear them or not. In fact the pumpkin shoot was the first time I'd worn them in a long time.
Main reason I don't wear them is because the lenses are easy to scuff or smudge and once either of those things happens, visibility sucks and they get tossed. I saw quite a few people at the shoot wearing what looked like quality glasses. What I'd like to know is where can I get a pair that are scratch resistant and comfortable to wear? And what's an average price for a good pair?
You can buy Z87 or better rated safety glasses for $1.50 a pair at Northern Tool in Stoughton. They have them in clear and UV blocking grey/green tint, these are good for those bright sunny days on the range.

For that price, I use a new pair about every second or third time I go shooting and save those that get scratched for other people who forget theirs or use them doing other types of work.

Consider yourself harshly admonished for not wearing safety glasses when you shoot.[smile]

Seriously, you only get two eyes and they may not heal from a catastrophic injury.
I wear Oakley Halfjackets and have a few different tint lenses. I use a hard case and they manage to stay in good shape. I've heard really good things about Rudy Projects and I've had Nike and Smith glasses with changeable lenses and they've worked well.

Yes, they are more money but what you see is a pretty big factor when you are shooting. Like scopes, quality optics are worth it.
ESS ICE is a great system for short money. 3 sets of lenses that even resist bullets/shot for ~$35 or less from

BTW, wasn't it WT Tool in Stoughton not Northern Tool? If WT Tool, the manager (John) is a competitive shooter and a real nice guy.
ESS ICE is a great system for short money. 3 sets of lenses that even resist bullets/shot for ~$35 or less from

BTW, wasn't it WT Tool in Stoughton not Northern Tool? If WT Tool, the manager (John) is a competitive shooter and a real nice guy.

Yes, it was....WT Tool......I had Northern Tool on my mind as I had been looking over the catalog earlier in the day. Thanks for the correction.
I use the Oakley M Frames and have several different lens colors including one that is prescription.

I also have the ESS glasses, another pair made by my local eye glass supplier and some cheap shit glasses I picked up here and there.

The Oakley glasses far surpass all I have tried due to the precision with which the lens is made. The are optically superior to anything I have tried and they work as far as protection and clarity of vision.

As for the ESS glasses, I use them for work when operating power equipment. hat is all they are good for.

I understand the Rudy and Decot glasses are excellent also but have had no need to try them since getting Oakley glasses 5 years ago.

Remember, you get what you pay for.

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