Shooting in RI - can i convert my SBR to a Pistol?

Sep 21, 2010
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I understand that RI does not allow SBR's.

Can I swap the stock to a shoulder brace, call it a pistol and shoot it? Then convert it back to a rifle in MA? I feel like I'm probably breaking a law somewhere...

My other option would be to run a 16" upper on the SBR'd lower. I'm assuming this ok?
It is my understanding that you can legally Reconfigure to non SBR , >16" barrel and >26" overall for use in RI. Then return to SBR configuration if you wish when back in your home state, no paperwork required for this.

Rifle to pistol is a nono. Short barrelled rifle to pistol is still a nono. Again, that is my understanding, someone correct me if I am wrong.
Thats kind of what I figured. Is the rifle to pistol a federal nono? Can you point to the law?
Not that I doubt you, I'm still learning the ways of the NFA and don't want to screw this up.
I believe if it originally started as a pistol and you got a stamp to make it to a rifle, you can notify the ATF and remove it from SBR status back to a pistol. But if it started as a rifle then it can never become a pistol.

Best way to use it would be to put a 16" upper on it.
If, when it was first assembled into a complete gun, it was assembled as a pistol, you may convert it to a pistol. (Pistol -> Rifle -> Pistol is fine) You can temporarily convert it to non-NFA status to transport into RI as long as you do not have the parts to assemble it back into an SBR in your possession

If, when it was first assembled into a complete gun, it was assembled as a rifle, you may not convert it into a pistol as it becomes a "weapon made from a rifle" which is defined as an NFA firearm.
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More reason the NFA needs to go. It's senseless. What's to keep anyone with an AR from saying it was first an AR pistol?
For MA residents, state law. For everybody else, nothing -- assuming the AR was built from a stripped lower or 80% kit.
I understand that RI does not allow SBR's. Can I swap the stock to a shoulder brace, call it a pistol and shoot it? Then convert it back to a rifle in MA? I feel like I'm probably breaking a law somewhere...My other option would be to run a 16" upper on the SBR'd lower. I'm assuming this ok?
If you put a "brace" on a SBR while you are in MA, is it still an SBR, or does MA law consider this configuration to be a pistol in violation of the MA-AWB?
It would still be an SBR even if using a brace. The paperwork is complete to register as an SBR, you would just have a pistol brace that you could legally shoulder.

Also, our MA firearm record bureau doesn't recognize a rifle with less than 16" barrel. If you call and ask how to fill out the registration form they will tell you to register it as a handgun. We've had this discussion here in another thread but it just goes to show that MA doesn't know its ass from its mouth.
It would still be an SBR even if using a brace. The paperwork is complete to register as an SBR, you would just have a pistol brace that you could legally shoulder.

Also, our MA firearm record bureau doesn't recognize a rifle with less than 16" barrel. If you call and ask how to fill out the registration form they will tell you to register it as a handgun. We've had this discussion here in another thread but it just goes to show that MA doesn't know its ass from its mouth.

When not in short barrel rifle configuration, it is not an SBR. At that point it is a title I (non-NFA) firearm and is not subject to any of the restrictions of the NFA.
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