shooting papers getting boring

There are tons of people with tukatron stuff, hell i run a CZ 1012 and probably have 3000 rnds through it. I still want a Beretta A400... gas guns are less punishing.
I just shot my o/u this past weekend after a few hunts/rounds with my ati

Noticeable difference

I like the ati better than i liked my 300.. that was stupid light but kicked a little bit more

I want an a400 as well tho
There are tons of people with tukatron stuff, hell i run a CZ 1012 and probably have 3000 rnds through it. I still want a Beretta A400... gas guns are less punishing.
I enjoyed pissing off some of the crusty f***s at Georgetown with my A300 the short time I played. Hearing them mutter about shells getting thrown left me warm and fuzzy with my 18-22 average
your right im not good enough with my junk to justify a big money gun. best round so far is 21
If you can hit 21 you can hit 25.
I shot Remington Express for years , 25s came after some practice and tips.
Eventually I got a dedicated trap gun. Did not really make things easier but was more comfortable
Why not bring your own? My buddy and I used to shoot steel in the machine gun pit there. Needless to say the fuds there frowned upon that . Haven't been back since
When others ran the machinegun range and the 100, I had their permission to bring my own steel. They're not there anymore and I think those days are long gone.
Was going to say the same thing...Our deer season starts this Saturday the 16th. I sat in my blind today on my property and saw, in the space of 30 minutes, eight deer stroll across my back yard...I hunted almost every year in NH since I was 16 and only got to shoot at one and missed it. The first year I was here, I had a nice sized doe walk out into the back field after sitting there for 10 minutes and I dropped it with one shot at about 130-140 yards with a 30-30 lever action Marlin.

In my county, we can buy up to five doe only permits and one antlered/non-antlered permit per season. I'm heading out tomorrow to buy 3 permits and should be able to fill them all in a few days of sitting out there in the blind. Because I'm over 65, there is no fee for a license, I just need to pay $7 per tag...such a deal.
Was going to say the same thing...Our deer season starts this Saturday the 16th. I sat in my blind today on my property and saw, in the space of 30 minutes, eight deer stroll across my back yard...I hunted almost every year in NH since I was 16 and only got to shoot at one and missed it. The first year I was here, I had a nice sized doe walk out into the back field after sitting there for 10 minutes and I dropped it with one shot at about 130-140 yards with a 30-30 lever action Marlin.

In my county, we can buy up to five doe only permits and one antlered/non-antlered permit per season. I'm heading out tomorrow to buy 3 permits and should be able to fill them all in a few days of sitting out there in the blind. Because I'm over 65, there is no fee for a license, I just need to pay $7 per tag...such a deal.
What state are you in now?
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