Shoulder is healing.....took the shotgun out for rabbit solo.


NES Member
Jul 26, 2012
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Shoulder is improving. Took the old a5 out for a walk for rabbit in a private land spot i have permission on. Holy shit it's loaded with bunnies. I must have bumped a dozen in 3 hours. Going solo sucks especially hunting thickets.

Going home soaking wet, exhausted, down a half box of #5 high brass......and empty handed

I'm hoping to get the dogs out this week if the snow isn't too deep. The cocker doesn't have much ground clearance, but she loves the bunnies.
Low ground clearance would have been a benefit where I was today. White pine re grow with thickets between the pines. Bunnies love getting in under those young white pines.
Low ground clearance would have been a benefit where I was today. White pine re grow with thickets between the pines. Bunnies love getting in under those young white pines.
It's the snow accumulation on her underpinnings this is a problem. She gets to the point where I have to pick her up and remove the clumps of snow for her to regain mobility. I do have a belly type vest for her this time, to see how that works out. She loves getting down under the brush where her partner the pointer can't fit.
It's the snow accumulation on her underpinnings this is a problem. She gets to the point where I have to pick her up and remove the clumps of snow for her to regain mobility. I do have a belly type vest for her this time, to see how that works out. She loves getting down under the brush where her partner the pointer can't fit.
No snow where I'm at.
Glad to see your shoulder is improving and you are back out giving them hell. What state are you hunting?
Nh. Rabit open till end of January.

Va doc says I have an ac joint sprain.....will take a few months till it's completely healed but it's better......still soar but much better.
Went back after work figured the snow would help me track some. I Tracked a bunch...right into a swamp and they go in deep root balls and holes. All.trqx are like 24 hours old so they are holding tight today. Bastards 😂

I did flush one on the way back to the truck but he disappeared over a knoll before I got a shot off.

These guys are toughy to hunt solo.
Had my first physical therapy apt at rhe va today. First one is a consult. Had to fill out a questionnaire on how the injury effects my life so the therapist can see what goals I have and how it affects my life.

Basically work is not effected because my management job is administrative, supervision, and policy. Social activities......can't shoot a pistol or shoot trap so put down those activities as "connnot take part". She asked what activities I do.......oh boy.....bullseye pistol, trap and hunting. I didn't know where this was gonna go. She was awesome......said the va treats social activity rehab just as important as work. Then asked a bunch of questions about bullseye league and what it entails.....well.....holding a 2 pound pistol straight in front of me with one hand.....she said oof. Gonna be a few months till we can get you there but if you do the exercises we can probably get u there. She asked about recoil with a pistol i said for bullseye I make my own ammo and its soft shooting stuff she said "you make your own ammo dang my husband would like to pick your brain" 😂😂😂

I got work to do but the doc and I are in good hopes that in 3 to 4 months I'll be shooting pistols again. Trap she said hold off til we get the shoulder able to handle 2 pounds straight in front because she's afraid the recoil will mess stuff up. Told me we do the questionnaire every week so to gauge the progress the night before the Apts to hold my pistol and dry fire a few times and gauge the progress for the questionnaire the next day.

Feeling hopeful.
Had my first physical therapy apt at rhe va today. First one is a consult. Had to fill out a questionnaire on how the injury effects my life so the therapist can see what goals I have and how it affects my life.

Basically work is not effected because my management job is administrative, supervision, and policy. Social activities......can't shoot a pistol or shoot trap so put down those activities as "connnot take part". She asked what activities I do.......oh boy.....bullseye pistol, trap and hunting. I didn't know where this was gonna go. She was awesome......said the va treats social activity rehab just as important as work. Then asked a bunch of questions about bullseye league and what it entails.....well.....holding a 2 pound pistol straight in front of me with one hand.....she said oof. Gonna be a few months till we can get you there but if you do the exercises we can probably get u there. She asked about recoil with a pistol i said for bullseye I make my own ammo and its soft shooting stuff she said "you make your own ammo dang my husband would like to pick your brain" 😂😂😂

I got work to do but the doc and I are in good hopes that in 3 to 4 months I'll be shooting pistols again. Trap she said hold off til we get the shoulder able to handle 2 pounds straight in front because she's afraid the recoil will mess stuff up. Told me we do the questionnaire every week so to gauge the progress the night before the Apts to hold my pistol and dry fire a few times and gauge the progress for the questionnaire the next day.

Feeling hopeful.

Glad that you are on the mend and getting to start PT.

PT is all about the therapist you get and doing the exercises exactly as you are told to do them.

The obligatory is she hot? Are her elbows too pointy.🤣
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