Show Me Your Gun Books

Feb 25, 2013
Communist Wealth of MA
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I did a search and did not find anything so if this is a dupe my apologies, point me in the right direction and delete.

Call me a "gun nut" or whatever (and yes I can admit I do have a problem). lol I am starting a library in the man cave/bunker (don't worry I have PLENTY of room and it will not impede or take up any place a boom stick will go). Yes the web/YouTube are great resources but some folks still like and prefer ink and paper.

So post them or list them: Good gun/firearms/long range shooting etc; reference books. Whether it be Lugers, Enfields, Antique Firearms, Military Firearms, C&R Firearms, Gun Smithing, Reloading, Mausers, Colts, Muskets etc etc.
Any of Jerry Kuhnhausen's shop manuals.

If you're into older stuff, a copy of Numrich Arms catalog is nice to have. Even if you never order from them, it's got illustrated parts breakdowns for a lot of different guns.

Hatchers Notebook.

Off the top of my head.....I'd have to look at the shelves again, my first impulse now for information is the internet.
ok, so not exactly print books, but i feel very helpful nevertheless so here I share with you as I'm glad someone shared with me a few years ago…

as I'm younger, I don't have too many actual books other than reloading manuals and a 1994 gun digest my grandfather gave me for a specific article inside. has been amazing. the site allows you to download the files to your computer. I always do. that way even if the internet is down I have access to the files. I have files I haven't even read on guns I don't even own, why just because. knowledge is power, or in my case something to read during say storms or something. I always have the option of printing them out, and can easily back up thousands of books onto a single flash drive. and the site above makes it easy to access info from any computer if need be. a big thanks to steve for starting that site, he died sometime recently but one of his friends is keeping it alive! rip steve
My father had, among the huge collection of militaria he gave me before he passed away, tons of books. Everything from Civil War uniforms, gear and weapons identification to Modern Sub machineguns. I sold/ donated a lot of them but still have a bunch I was interested in. I'll have to dig them out for a photo shoot.
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