SHTF, long term disruption of medical services, and hollistic medicine.

I've been building an I,munity it iocane powder.

But my wife just scored a largish elder , you know : the thing elderberries come from. Twice last winter while surrounded by people with sickness I had some elderberry extract and stopped the first symptoms of flu in its tracks.
I've been building an Imunity it iocane powder.

Black cherry juice works for gout. I dont have it myself but I know several people who swear by it.

I have been using cherry extract in pill form from GNC for gout flare ups. Seems to help a little if you catch it early. Not really sold on it yet, could just be in my head.

I've found that the R.W. Knudsen's Just Black Cherry juice works wonders for my gout when it flares up.
If you are planning on relying on herbs in a post collapse, keep in mind that most medicinal herbs have a shelf life of about a year. Given that there is not a huge demand outside of a minority community, I would not expect shipments to start showing up at the ports for a few years after an event. You would need to have a plan that involves herbs that can be grown locally.
The good news is that a lot of herbs found in TCM Materia Medica can or already do grow in the North East (Mint, Rhubarb, Dandelion, Peony). Many more can be grown in other areas of north America (Ephedra, Ginseng, Safflower), so it’s possible that some sort of trade pattern would eventually establish. Some of the harder things to procure, will be tree resins like frankincense and myrrh, as these products tend to come from unfriendly places. I would bet that there are suitable substitutions to found in North America, but they have yet to be researched and categorized into TCM text.
The bad news, is that using them effectively is going to require a bit of study. The good news (about the bad news) is that the Chinese have been compiling data for at least the last 2000 years, and they were working off data compiled by Indians for a 1000 or so years before that. In this regard, we stand on the shoulders of giants. If anyone is up for it, the underlying theories are accessible to people of normal intelligence.
Vacuum seal meds in foil laminate pouches (blocks light) with dissicant and oxygen-absorber packets, and then keep in the freezer. Pills/Tablets will last a very long time when hydrolysis and oxidation is minimized, once the refrigeation fails.

Me? I'll just be sneezing and pissing 3+ times nightly. Survivable...
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