SKS Hi Cap mags: Which ones are "pre ban"?


Resident HK Guru
Mar 1, 2006
Not in the PRM.
Feedback: 26 / 0 / 0
Hey everyone,

Yet another "which mag can I have in the PRM" thread, but this one's a bit different: I bought a beautiful unissued SKS at the show this past weekend, and bought a 30 round mag as well. I originally bought a metal mag, that had no distinguishing marks on it, nor any date stamp or serial number. The dealer I bought it from is a Mass FFL, so I "assume" that it was pre ban. The problem is, the metal mag didn't fit the gun (wouldn't lock into the action and feed rounds properly), so I contacted the dealer and swapped it for a plastic mag (also 30 round). The plastic mag works perfectly, but it appears to be unused ("new"?) and, like the rest of us, I don't want to become a felon overnight for having some "post-ban" mag. I also assume that the hi-cap laws apply to long guns, pre-ban or not. I searched the forums at length for any info on SKS mag types, and came up short. Could someone shed some light on this for me?

If the mag was made post 9/13/94, possession in MA is a felony.

I have no idea how you (or anyone else) would tell it was pre-ban or banned.

Thanks for the info. I was pretty sure that the hi-cap ban would be in effect, but my issue is more to the point of trying to identify the mag's age (if possible) I intend on taking the gun to the range, and although the likelyhood of anyone being able to determine one way or the other if the mag is pre or post ban, I'd sleep a lot better if I had some info to "hang my hat on", showing that it is in fact pre ban. There's so much info and pictures available on Glock and Sig mags, I've got to imagine that there's some reputable source of info on SKS mags. For what it's worth I've done quite a bit of online research and the info is inconclusive as to the age of this type of mag. From what I can tell the "Zylex" or synthetic mag has been made for the past twenty years, and I could find no running manufacturing changes. This doesn't mean that there weren't any though... I wonder, do you think any other group of citizens on this planet goes "out of their way" to follow the law more than we do here in the PRM? Un-freakin-believeable.

Any other opinions?
I've got another related question.... does adding a large capacity mag to an SKS turn it into a banned "assault rifle" in Massachusetts?

I've seen opinion both ways, most of it coming down to the question of whether this would be a "high capacity, detachable magazine" stated in the definition of assault weapons. It would be high-capacity, but the mag is essentially locked-in by the trigger housing during normal operation, so is not readily detachable, like on an AK-47 type gun.

If the non-issued mag does change the rifle, you've got the bayonet and grenade launcher (on the Yugo 59/66) to meet the two characteristics requirement. Presto! Assault Weapon!

I've also read that the SKS has Curio and Relic status that exempts it from the 922r import rules regarding number of foreign vs U.S. parts. If you change the gun from its original configuration and lose its C&R status, you now have to "count parts."

I got this from reading through this very long piece of information - please read it for yourself if interested:

If someone knows for sure, please let me know!
USMA-82 said:
I've got another related question.... does adding a large capacity mag to an SKS turn it into a banned "assault rifle" in Massachusetts?

I've seen opinion both ways, most of it coming down to the question of whether this would be a "high capacity, detachable magazine" stated in the definition of assault weapons. It would be high-capacity, but the mag is essentially locked-in by the trigger housing during normal operation, so is not readily detachable, like on an AK-47 type gun.

If the non-issued mag does change the rifle, you've got the bayonet and grenade launcher (on the Yugo 59/66) to meet the two characteristics requirement. Presto! Assault Weapon!

I've also read that the SKS has Curio and Relic status that exempts it from the 922r import rules regarding number of foreign vs U.S. parts. If you change the gun from its original configuration and lose its C&R status, you now have to "count parts."

I got this from reading through this very long piece of information - please read it for yourself if interested:

If someone knows for sure, please let me know!

Couple quick answers:
1. Keeping everything else original and adding a detactable mag to an SKS, can make it an assualt weapon if it then has enough "evil features". For example a yugo SKS would have a detachable mag w/ bayonet, and grenade launcher and not be legal, where as Russian would just have the bayonet and detachable mag and would be legal. But See #2...
2. Keeping everything else original and adding a detactable mag to an C&R SKS (Or any SKS imported after 1989 for that matter) would require US parts to 1st "Convert" the rifle to domestic manufacture, as it is no longer C&R and has become an unimportable rifle.
Rather than exempting target guns, why not get this situation fixed? This is ridiculous.
Coyote33 said:
Rather than exempting target guns, why not get this situation fixed? This is ridiculous.

It's not like we aren't trying, dear. You are familiar with the old expression of "shoveling $hit against the tide.", aren't you? You've been in MA long enough to know what we're up against.
Here's another dumb question, that shows how little I know. FS sells 30 round mags for the WASR, these are legal but the 30 round mag for the SKS isn't?
Well, you have to look at the definition of an "assault weapon":

any semiautomatic rifle that has an ability to accept a detachable magazine (includes the WASR) and has at least 2 of the following features or sets of features:

a folding or telescoping stock (WASR does not have);
a pistol grip that protrudes "conspicuously" beneath the action of the weapon (WASR DOES have)
a bayonet mount (WASR does not have);
a flash suppressor or a threaded barrel "designed to accommodate a flash suppressor" (WASR does not have);
a grenade launcher (WASR does not have)

So by strict definition, the WASR, which only has one of the five "evil" features, is NOT an assault weapon!

Here's an informative link to check out:

The SKS is NOT regulated by STATE Law so much as it's regulated by FEDERAL Law. SKS's are imports, and that ban is still valid. The WASR gets by it due to parts count. You CAN add enough US Parts to an SKS to comply with Federal Law. It should meet Mass Law, once you remove the Grenade Launcher or Bayonet Lug, if you've complied with the Fed Import Ban. I have a source for SKS Compliance Parts.

Having started this thread, and having it morph into a broader discussion about the legalities of modifying the SKS period, I have started a new thread in gun laws (the great SKS debacle continues). Could you read my post there and reply to the best of your knowledge? Just like the rest of us, I'm just trying to have a cool comfortable gun without breaking 86 federal laws.

Could you also share your source for SKS compliance parts, as I'd really like to make this config and keep it legal.


Having started this thread, and having it morph into a broader discussion about the legalities of modifying the SKS period, I have started a new thread in gun laws (the great SKS debacle continues). Could you read my post there and reply to the best of your knowledge? Just like the rest of us, I'm just trying to have a cool comfortable gun without breaking 86 federal laws.

Could you also share your source for SKS compliance parts, as I'd really like to make this config and keep it legal.


did you ever find a preen mag that works? i am looking for one or more myself
the mags for the WASR are ak magazines that were made prior to the ban so they are legal to be had. The SKS was designed to have a metal box magazine and be loaded via the top by stripper clips. Only after 1994 did someone figure out a design of the plastic duck bill magazine so they are all post ban magazines. I have heard of people having their sks reciever milled out at a gun shop so that it accepts ak magazines but it is $$$ and can result in a picky feeding gun. You are best off looking for a larger metal box mag. I believe there are chinese made 20 round box mags with a star on the side butthey run about $100 now.

looks like this
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the mags for the WASR are ak magazines that were made prior to the ban so they are legal to be had. The SKS was designed to have a metal box magazine and be loaded via the top by stripper clips. Only after 1994 did someone figure out a design of the plastic duck bill magazine so they are all post ban magazines. I have heard of people having their sks reciever milled out at a gun shop so that it accepts ak magazines but it is $$$ and can result in a picky feeding gun. You are best off looking for a larger metal box mag. I believe there are chinese made 20 round box mags with a star on the side butthey run about $100 now.

looks like this

ok so with a pro mag plastic mag it has no date stamp so would that be something that could be post or preen and because it doesn't have a date could be legal to own? my cousin said he had a magazine that had no date and got stopped by the police and his ar15 was the rifle with the no date mag and he said the sops said because no date they couldn't give him the mag back because they didn't know if it was post ban or preban.. i am asking because i don't want to get into trouble
ok so with a pro mag plastic mag it has no date stamp so would that be something that could be post or preen and because it doesn't have a date could be legal to own? my cousin said he had a magazine that had no date and got stopped by the police and his ar15 was the rifle with the no date mag and he said the sops said because no date they couldn't give him the mag back because they didn't know if it was post ban or preban.. i am asking because i don't want to get into trouble

He got stopped for what?

Why was the AR even an issue?

Did he OK a VOLUNTARY search of his car? If so, he was a fool . . . never do that, ever.

The police still had no right to keep the mag, period. I'd be filing a written complaint with a demand for the return of stolen property (mag)!
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