Small 9mm for carry - what to get?

Ross, I know what you are asking for, but power, low weight and size seem to be mutually exclusive or elusive in MA ("List" and AG vs. few "non-compliant" guns that come on the FTF secondary market).

I bought the S&W 642 (hammerless) .38SP revolver for just those times where it had to be a pocket gun only (vs. no gun).
Coyote33 said:
Note that there are NO dealers in MA. [angry]

Len, I hear what you're saying, but there are a few guns that appear to be about the size of the Walther that are chambered in 9mm. The CS9, G26, Keltec P11 all seem to be in close range to that size. And I wouldn't have thought of them without this thread. So my purpose here is to get ideas of what to look for. One person has already contacted me about a Keltec, and I'll look at it next weekend (which is why I asked for any opinions if folks had them regarding the gun).

Frankly, with the G26 and the CS9 still to look at, this thread has been very useful to me! Let me say it again: Thank you to all of you who've given replies and comments. Even if I reject the suggestion, you are all being very helpful and I appreciate it.
dwarven1 said:
Let me repeat this: this will be for pocket carry.

right now, when I'm at work, on the left side of my belt are 2 cell phones (work and personal). On the right side are two pouches: a NiteIze holding my LEDFire M62 flashlight, Leatherman Supertool, awl and wire spudger, and a Ripoffs holding a punchdown tool, scissors and wire cutters. (I could get technical and mention the brand of punchdown tool, scissors & wire cutters, too, but let's not get distracted from the main point)

There ain't no room for a holster! Plus if I'm moving around on ladders, under desks, etc, I'm liable to flash the world with anything in a belt holster. Not real cool to do. [rolleyes]

So I'm looking for a DA semi-auto that can be carried safely hammer down on a loaded chamber, in 9mm, small enough to fit in a pocket holster.

(which isn't to say that I won't throw a few rounds through your G19, Roger! [smile] But I also want to give Betsy a workout, too. (the Garand now has a name!)

Hey, Ross, I can read and comprehend that you want a DA semi-auto, but I really do think you should consider a snub revolver, like an Airweight.

Get one and take DeBethencourt's Mastering the Snub Revolver course. For course info, look here:

You'll be defensively deadly!
dwarven1 said:
Note that there are NO dealers in MA. [angry]

Len, I hear what you're saying, but there are a few guns that appear to be about the size of the Walther that are chambered in 9mm. The CS9, G26, Keltec P11 all seem to be in close range to that size. And I wouldn't have thought of them without this thread. So my purpose here is to get ideas of what to look for. One person has already contacted me about a Keltec, and I'll look at it next weekend (which is why I asked for any opinions if folks had them regarding the gun).

Frankly, with the G26 and the CS9 still to look at, this thread has been very useful to me! Let me say it again: Thank you to all of you who've given replies and comments. Even if I reject the suggestion, you are all being very helpful and I appreciate it.


I believe that the G26 and my SW99 compact are approximately the same size. Trust me on this one, it ain't gonna work for pocket carry. For that matter, neither will the Kel-Tec p-11 - The Powder Keg had one in the case when I bought the Miroku, and while it's a nice, solid gun, it's about the same size as a Makarov, which is most decidedly NOT a pocket gun...

The baby Kahr (PM9) is about the best you're gonna do, and good luck finding a MA-legal one.

I'll second (third) the recommendation of LenS (and our esteemed lawyer friend) and offer either the S&W 6/442 hammerless .38 special or the 340PD .357 Magnum for a pocket gun. I frequently carry my 360PD in my pocket in the summer, and it's light enough to get away with it. A good leather holster and the revolver outline doesn't print...
Hey, Ross, I can read and comprehend that you want a DA semi-auto, but I really do think you should consider a snub revolver, like an Airweight.

Get one and take DeBethencourt's Mastering the Snub Revolver course. For course info, look here:

You'll be defensively deadly!

Let me now return the compliment and agree with what Darius has said. It what you want above all else in a pocket carry firearm, then a J-frame S&W would fit the bill. Loaded with a good round and sporting a CTC laser-grip, this combination will serve you.

I have not (yet) taken the course but in addition to Darius, several other knowledgeble people I listen to have the same opinion give DeBethencourt high marks for the value of his class.
Coyote33 said:
Too bad we don't have an obudsman at the state who watches out for consumers' rights. Who could help with consumer issues?

Contact the AG's Office, that is there job!

[rofl] [laugh2] [rofl2] [rolleyes]
Ross.............Take a serious look at the SIG 239. (OK.. So I'm partial cuz I work there). It's very accurate, good to shoot for it's size and weight, holds 8 rnds of 9mm. It comes in SA/DA, which I prefer, and DAK (DAO). I've shot many hundreds of them and wouldn't recomend it if it was anything less than a quality pistol.
It's also a bit pricey, and at least 1/2" longer than the PPK and also over 1" taller than the PPK. (less if I measure with the finger rest mag in, but still bigger).

The form factor I'm looking for is PPK sized or smaller. I'm sure the 239 is a great gun (most of the Sig owners I know love their guns) but it's just not what I'm looking for.
Jarhead said:
How small are your pockets man?
Hey, I wear jeans that FIT me, not ones that are so baggy they're in danger of falling down around my ankles from the weight of a S&W 500... or a punchdown tool and a leatherman tool, either. [grin]
I think a Glock 26 might work as a pocket gun, but they'de have to be fairly roomy pockets. One of my favorite carry guns is the Walther P99C, which is just a tad larger than the G26 but weighs a little less. I've been thinking about rigging up a carry system for the large pockets in cargo shorts. Basically need to sew something in place to keep the gun right-side-up and retained in the holster.
Hey Ross,

Let's meet at Riverside and you can try my Glock 26. You can also try my Bertha Thunder Delux which is an Argentinian improvement on your PPK if you are interested.

NEtracker said:
For me the CS9 just didn't feel right.
3913 works for me (pre-TSW, no rail). Very slim, 8+1.
Not for pocket (well....maybe winter coat), but good for IWB.

I picked up the 908S (poor mans 3913) and love it. It's my primary carry now, just because it's so comfortable.
If size/weight are issues (and they are for me), I would second the CS 9. The trigger is LONG and heavy, but that's a good thing for a carry gun w/o a manual safety. Like my Beretta .25, I can carry it safely hammer down on a loaded chamber and just point and pull if the crisis requires it.

I was quite surprised at its accuracy! I went from the shop to the range and put a box of aluminum Blazers through it at 50'. Only 2 shots outside the scoring rings and none off the paper. Not rapid fire, but I wanted to get the feel of the gun and start breaking it in.
dwarven1 said:
Small - pocket sized.

This is what (might) kill the whole thing right here. In MA that means you're
looking for a pre-98 Kahr MK9, or a PM9, or Rohrbaugh R9 that
someone moved in with thats willing to part with it. (An R9 in MA is
probably made of more than unobtainium due to their limited production, price,
and most peoples non-willingness to sell).

IMO the best bet is the G26, in some type of IWB holster. After that is
the G19... IMO, the G19 isnt that much bigger and you get 15+1 round
capacity, with "preban" mags.

If the gun -must- go in the pocket, in MA you're probably better off
with a S+W centennial hammerless type, like a 642 or something. I owned
one and it was very reliable, but I could never shoot it very well at all, mainly
because I spend 99% of my time with autos. So I ended up just selling
it and I carry a G29 or G19 IWB most of the time.

Unfortunately, I got a chance to get my dwarf-paws on a CS9 and a G26 at Boston Gun Range this afternoon. [crying] They both just do not feel right in my hand - the grip is too freakin' wide!!!

WHY when they've got a tiny cartridge like the 9mm do they have to make the grip so freakin' wide? WHY? From front to back, I swear those grips are bigger than the grips on my CZ75, than on my buddy's Firestar .40, and even bigger than my 1911!!!

I'm not a happy dwarf right now... The only gun that I tried that felt right was a H&K USP .40... and it's still too big for pocket carry.

Well, Bill at BGR says there are Pachmayr grips that will shroud the hammer on an Airweight, so I may have to go over to the dark side and carry a wheelgun if I want something bigger than .380. [frown] (I'd want those so the hammer won't catch on my pocket when I draw.)
Coyote33 said:
I repeat, have you tried a Makarov?
Looked at them a few years back, but I was hoping to get a 9mm so practice costs would be less.

What's a box of 9mm Mak go for? And what are the ballistics like? My copy of Lyman's 47th edition reloading handbook doesn't seem to have that in there.

Also, there are probably a LOT more different options for 9mm Luger/Para vs 9mm Mak ammunition.
Cross-X said:
Some dwarves are near impossible to please.

I'll be pleased if we can get Larry Frisoli into office so he can open up some more options for firearms in this state!

Seriously, Darius, if I can find something very close to the PPK in size in a 9mm, I will be happy. Unfortunately, I have short fingers so large grips are not comfortable for me. I'll find something. It's gotta be out there somewhere.
If the Glock 26 was OK other than the grip, you really should check out a Walther P99C. Much better grip than the Glock, IMHO, with two different backstraps you can use to get the best possible fit to your hand.
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