Snap Ring Pliers - Do Any Not Suck?

Problem i have is everything is paid for bought in younger years i don't buy to much anymore but did have too get the new pliers couple years back that you can pickup a Nickle. Besides that it's rebuilds on torque multipliers or re cal torque wrenchs which my last ones I bought from cdi which is the manufacturer. I break sockets on the regular no mater who's cheap ones are good for low torque but explode at higher levels. Always wrap them in tape. I have hytorc stuff 1.5" and 2" drive that's good for over 30,000 ft lbs that shit breaks too but they are good about it. That's what we do the wind towers with.
Same been at 30 years so bulk tools is long bought. So basically wearing shit out and failing tools now.

I have not had any tool debt since 1995
Only thing I financed was my last scanner
2021 Autel Elite put it on a no interest CC for 18 months and they kicked back $500 for spending $2000
I paid $2800 for the scanner -$500 in points
$2300- $130 month
Seriously, Blue Point isn't Snap-On, everyone knows that. It exists for those that don't want to pay for the Snap-On warranty. Bitching about it now is disingenuous.
And frankly, those Snap-On look "modified" to me too. They look like both the angle has been "adjusted" and at least one tip filed/ground.

And please tell me you usually clean you tools, those pliers and that cab are filthy .
Cab is 30 years old and has lived in some awful environments.
I do modify tools but not this particular set.
The next slow day I will polish my tools , I promise
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Seriously, Blue Point isn't Snap-On, everyone knows that. It exists for those that don't want to pay for the Snap-On warranty. Bitching about it now is disingenuous.
And frankly, those Snap-On look "modified" to me too. They look like both the angle has been "adjusted" and at least one tip filed/ground.

And please tell me you usually clean you tools, those pliers and that cab are filthy .
Blue point is not snap on you’re right but it’s sold by snap on with a warranty.
Snap on has really changed their level of warranty up until about 10 years ago. I could literally smash his socket into pieces in front of the guy and he would warrant it now they have different levels of warranty.
And you will see more and more that they’re gonna have to send it in to be evaluated whether they’re gonna warrantee or not. Pack you go back to the 90s the snap on dealer I had would actually come in and ask you about your sockets if you had any ones that were worn out and starting the slip and just replace them it was great but then again that was back when it was a lifetime guarantee

Anyway, I’m on the tail end of this career. I just gotta squeeze by for another 10 years or so I won’t be making any large purchases from this point on. I’ll buy a few specialty tools here and there to make my life easy and if it saves me some time. I’ll update my scanner every year cause it’s useful.
Thats usually how its done.
Plus so much rot bu the time I need to get any snap rings on and off pliers are usless

I have several custom tools for suck tasks
...and there's less chance that the ring goes flying off the crappy pliers, bouncing off your eye, to never to be found again...
Experience taught me: Every time I think to grab my snap ring pliers, I grab a punch.🤣
...and there's less chance that the ring goes flying off the crappy pliers, bouncing off your eye, to never to be found again...
Experience taught me: Every time I think to grab my snap ring pliers, I grab a punch.🤣
I have heard about these things……
Completed a project with PITA snap rings. The Knipex pliers passed with flying colors. Zero 4-letter words, I swear...
I wrenched for Aamco after high school. Got sucked into the flexing on the poors attitude. I paid snappy too much for tools that were just eye candy. Matco swivel impact sockets were tye longest lasting. I have broken snapon screwdrivers that are broken and when I hunted down the truck he said to get warranty approval. Fvck that noise, grinder fixed it just fine.

I have all kinds of hand tools but impact sockets are all quality.
Also gone is the so called affordable on truck payment plan
Heres the chart on the truck
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The truck guys are no longer financing your purchases, Snap On has a credit operation now so they are doing the financing, running credit checks, etc etc etc

It makes it a little easier when a deadbeat moves to another shop outside of their territory, they don't have to chase him for money they have put out of pocket.

I bought another scanner last summer, I wanted one for Florida.

$3000 if you open a SO credit account

So I tell the SO guy OK I'll open the account, and I am going to pay the tool off 30 seconds after he bills it

A couple of weeks later I get my bill which I expect to be zero and there is some BS $75 charge SO credit added to file some sort of stupid paperwork with the State of NH listing them as a co-owner or security interest holder on my tool in case they have to snatch it back

Needless to say the SO guy got an earful and he paid the $75

I have not had a balance on a tool truck in 25 years, if I can't pay cash for it I don't buy it

I just updated the software on the older of the 2 scanners from 2022 to the most current 2024 release and it was effn $1200

Again, pictures of dead presidents

And as for all the nice air or electric tools in the pictures, almost everyone has gone to Milwaukee's M12 or M18 "Fuel" series electric tools, they are a 1/4 of the price and the tool and battery are warrantied for 5 years vs the 2 Snap On tools are.

The only reason I have a compressor here in FL is for the motorcycle lift and my die grinder.

I have taken the rest of my air tools and put them in the junk drawer of my box, some I took back north and gave to my brother
I wrenched for Aamco after high school. Got sucked into the flexing on the poors attitude. I paid snappy too much for tools that were just eye candy. Matco swivel impact sockets were tye longest lasting. I have broken snapon screwdrivers that are broken and when I hunted down the truck he said to get warranty approval. Fvck that noise, grinder fixed it just fine.

I have all kinds of hand tools but impact sockets are all quality.
The SO screwdrivers, like their Torque wrenches and a few other items can be bought under their Williams Industrial line for pennies on the dollar.

Ya you are not going to get the tool truck warranty exchange, but SO is denying any warranty claim where when they inspect the tool back at HQ and suspect abuse, they deny the claim and charge it back to the local franchisee.

So knowing they are going to deny the claim, buy the Williams Industrial tool off Amazon and self insure the warranty.

$71 for Williams, $243 for SO

Or buy Craftsman.

The truck guys are no longer financing your purchases, Snap On has a credit operation now so they are doing the financing, running credit checks, etc etc etc

It makes it a little easier when a deadbeat moves to another shop outside of their territory, they don't have to chase him for money they have put out of pocket.

I bought another scanner last summer, I wanted one for Florida.

$3000 if you open a SO credit account

So I tell the SO guy OK I'll open the account, and I am going to pay the tool off 30 seconds after he bills it

A couple of weeks later I get my bill which I expect to be zero and there is some BS $75 charge SO credit added to file some sort of stupid paperwork with the State of NH listing them as a co-owner or security interest holder on my tool in case they have to snatch it back

Needless to say the SO guy got an earful and he paid the $75

I have not had a balance on a tool truck in 25 years, if I can't pay cash for it I don't buy it

I just updated the software on the older of the 2 scanners from 2022 to the most current 2024 release and it was effn $1200

Again, pictures of dead presidents

And as for all the nice air or electric tools in the pictures, almost everyone has gone to Milwaukee's M12 or M18 "Fuel" series electric tools, they are a 1/4 of the price and the tool and battery are warrantied for 5 years vs the 2 Snap On tools are.

The only reason I have a compressor here in FL is for the motorcycle lift and my die grinder.

I have taken the rest of my air tools and put them in the junk drawer of my box, some I took back north and gave to my brother
That payment plan is “truck credit”

Funny im groinf tired of the battery tools
Mileaukee set up here. Battery warranty has been BS for me. Out of the 8 5.0 batteries that have died since 2022 5 went back for warranty and only 1 was warrantied. My tools are crapping out right out of warranty. I tried getting my ratchet under warranty. Nope cant see serial number , of course serial number is right on grip.
10+ years ago I had very little warranty issues also notice Guaranty is almost non existent these days , its warranty with dis claimers.
I will mostly go back to air tools.
I can by a 1/2” impact gun for short money that will last 3-5 years vs $1000 for one that last 2 if lucky

So it leads into, either you submit all your shit in for warranty few months before its out and hope they do or just plan on fail a week out of warranty . Its been really bad lately with tools . Quality is lacking all around. Guy next to me bought the latest greatest snap on 3/8 inpact 6 months ago.
The light failed at 3 weeks , light was kind of useless so he kept using it . Then one day it just stopped working. Hes going on 8 weeks now waiting for word on repair or replace.
Thats just BS should not take 8 weeks
So all this talk about snap rings reminded me of the broken ones I had.
Today being Snap On day I brought 2 out to the truck
And with out fail snap on failed and worsened the bad vibe

1st complaint was I took grinder to tips.
Nope thats how they came and they suck 2nd was a blue point - discontinued mo warranty for you

Also had to warranty my pitman arm puller as it was starting to crack- i was shocked there was not a warranty issue
As with most things - have to order it . Will be a few weeks.
Yet the tips on the 20 year old SK are holding up. ?
IMG_5472.jpeg Well finally got the replacement :
I bought these new about 8 years ago , i brought the problem to the attention of the dealer then. Before he could replace them he quit. My last job we went years with out any SO truck coming over a 18 year period .
These have useful tips but still look a tad rough on the grinding

As for the blue point. Truck told me to take it up with SO corporate , being discontinued and all.


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i was re-reading this thread...yeah, i dunno why either...but my takeaway was there are a few here that are very passionate about their snap ring pliers. to hell with the wife and kids, all i need is my snap ring pliers and i'm good to go. so a ball peen hammer thread later, maybe?
i was re-reading this thread...yeah, i dunno why either...but my takeaway was there are a few here that are very passionate about their snap ring pliers. to hell with the wife and kids, all i need is my snap ring pliers and i'm good to go. so a ball peen hammer thread later, maybe?
Snap on was pushing their “new” $75 thin vise grips for grabbing sway bar link studs/boss….. about 30 years late . Anyone doing this shit regularly already made their own.
Same with those pliers they push that can pick up a nickel by the lip.
I dont make much picking up nickels so I passed on those…..
I have SK branded ones from a time when SK did not suck a large pair for things like wheel bearings and a small pair. The small one is only good for outside rings

I have a set of blue points I bought 25 years ago . I hardly use them for the most part they fail me. I end up using the pick and pry method …….sadly
Have SK also, no problems
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