***SOLD OUT*** Woot, In case you need them...

derek said:
Only one of my Radios doesn't work from the $20 deal... [angry]

I can't wait to see what kind of hoops I have to jump through to get my money back...

I also had a problem with one of my radios. I switched the battery pack's from on radio to the other and now both of them work. Fool with the batteries some or try them with non-rechargable bateries. Also, one of mine is a little finiky with the power button.

It may be easier to fool with them than get your money back.
Neptune Cat said:
I also had a problem with one of my radios. I switched the battery pack's from on radio to the other and now both of them work. Fool with the batteries some or try them with non-rechargable bateries. Also, one of mine is a little finiky with the power button.

It may be easier to fool with them than get your money back.

I switched batteries with no luck. I'll buy some regular ones and try that as well. For $20 it just isnt worth the hassle of sending them back....
I had a similer problem, I simply took the batteries out, re installed them and now both radios work fine. I think the battery pack has to be placed just right in order to charge. You might also try charging the battery pack outside of the radio.
I'm really sorry Derek.

All four of my radios work. But, like Neptune, I have one with a stubborn power button.

I used them on a trip to NH last Saturday and they sound really good. Granted we were all following each other in cars. So, the farthest that any of us got was maybe a couple of miles from each other... But they still sounded really good.

I'm impressed with 40 bucks worth of radio.
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