Some video of LST 1171 from '60' duty ship


NES Member
Nov 9, 2008
N/W of Boston
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If you're interested in spending a bit of time viewing a bunch of short videos of an amhib ship here you go. The short movies are shot aboard an LST (Tank Landing Ship) which is used to transport Marines and their armored vehicles, jeeps, trucks, etc. Film is from the 1960's, when I was active.

Although the film is shot aboard LST 1175, I actually served on LST 1171. You can see a short clip of my ship, LST 1171, if you scroll about 1/2 way down the list of videos. LST 1171 is coming along side to perform a high-line transfer to/from LST 1175. All the sailors you see along the rails are used to man the line and keep it taut as the ships drift apart and back. There are more videos near the bottom of the page too.

If you look at the films you'll see these ugly platforms strapped to the sides of the ships. Those were carried sometimes to be lowered and linked together end to end to form a temporary pier on the beach. Seabees would do the erection of these causway sections.

These ships are about 425 feet in length and are flat bottomed so that they can actually "park", nose in, on the beach to unload. You gotta notice how rough these ships ride, even in relatively light seas. Lotta sea sick Marines.

Anyway, here's a link.
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