Sons Of Liberty--Anybody In Dire Need Of AR Mags?

As much as ARFcom rips on Mass, they go out of their way to help

ARFCOM is also heavily influenced by both Christianity and the Code Of The West. It creates a culture of fundamental decency, where nobility can thrive. And it does.

NES on the other hand is sprung more from like the scene in No Country For Old Men where Llewelyn Moss filtches the MP5 mag from the bloody, dying messican in the bullet riddled pickup truck who begs him for water.

Llewelyn just snorts and says: I ain't got no agua.

Which is kind of a shame.


ETA: You guys do know I'm just busting your balls, right?

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This makes 20 boxes in USPS hands since Wed. (most of them $20 AR mags)
Seriously... someone just paid for a single Glock mag and I'm scrounging for something smaller than a shoebox to put it in !

Yet I've gone through and reduced a good number of the prices on my FS ads.
Please buy multiples so I can justify using that refrigerator box!

I'm starting to get dirty looks when I come up to the counter to have them checked in...
Not all heroes wear capes.
I'm super late to this thread, but does anyone else have any available? I bought my first pre-ban AR a few months back, and currently only have 2 10 round mags and nothing else. I do have an M11 as well that's missing a metal pre-ban mag to go with it. I'm in the Northshore area if that matters.
If you don’t have an arfcom account I can get you in touch with a guy offering this:

Group 1:
10x undated, various manufacturers
Surplus condition, so expect paint, tape or tape residue, sand, imperfect baseplates, and possibly some imperfect feedlips, but I sorted out any mags that were clearly bad. Followers move freely
$220 shipped AVAILABLE

Group 2:
5x undated, various manufacturers
Surplus condition, so expect paint, tape or tape residue, sand, imperfect baseplates, and possibly some imperfect feedlips, but I sorted out any mags that were clearly bad. Followers move freely
$120 shipped AVAILABLE
I'm super late to this thread, but does anyone else have any available? I bought my first pre-ban AR a few months back, and currently only have 2 10 round mags and nothing else. I do have an M11 as well that's missing a metal pre-ban mag to go with it. I'm in the Northshore area if that matters.
GearJammer351 might still have his very nice mags.

He's got 15 of them on offer. If you're interested I'll see if he still has them and put you in touch.

ETA 8:30pm: Yeah, he's still got them.

GearJammer351 wrote:

I just checked, and I have 15 30 round GI mags. Most are date-coded '91 or '92. All have just basic pouch wear besides one with a scratched-up baseplate.

I have one 20 rounder. I have helped out a behind-the-lines Arfcommer before. I guess it's time to do it again.

I've posted them in the EE. Priority action will be taken for MA residents to ensure they get these on time.
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GearJammer351 might still have his very nice mags.

He's got 15 of them on offer. If you're interested I'll see if he still has them and put you in touch.

ETA 8:30pm: Yeah, he's still got them.

GearJammer351 wrote:

I just checked, and I have 15 30 round GI mags. Most are date-coded '91 or '92. All have just basic pouch wear besides one with a scratched-up baseplate.

I have one 20 rounder. I have helped out a behind-the-lines Arfcommer before. I guess it's time to do it again.

I've posted them in the EE. Priority action will be taken for MA residents to ensure they get these on time.

Is he on AR15? I just signed up for an account earlier tonight and it apparently needs to be approved or such. Happy to take a few off his hands. Being a relatively new poster, what is EE?
Is he on AR15? I just signed up for an account earlier tonight and it apparently needs to be approved or such. Happy to take a few off his hands. Being a relatively new poster, what is EE?

EE is the Equipment Exchange.

The PreBan Mags To MA thread seems to be creating it's own weather system inre: preban pricing.

That and the ticking clock.

Prices are falling nicely, it seems.

If you are still locked out of ARFCOM, get me (or anybody you know with an active account) your best contact information and I/they will get it to whoever is offering the mags you want.

Just so you know, once you make a committment to buy something on ARFCOM you cannot back out. It is a bannable offense. You get negative reps, it will dog you forever, and no one will let you live it down. It is an honor culture. A stated committment to buy is like a handshake. Think of it like The Code Of The West. If your word means nothing, if your handshake means nothing, YOU are nothing.
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FYI, has preban mags for various diff guns. Sorry no glocks. Orders must be in by 7/31. And you have to reply to the order confirmation with a copy of your LTC.

EE is the Equipment Exchange.

The PreBan Mags To MA thread seems to be creating it's own weather system inre: preban pricing.

That and the ticking clock.

Prices are falling nicely, it seems.

If you are still locked out of ARFCOM, get me (or anybody you know with an active account) your best contact information and I/they will get it to whoever is offering the mags you want.

Just so you know, once you make a committment to buy something on ARFCOM you cannot back out. It is a bannable offense. You get negative reps, it will dog you forever, and no one will let you live it down. It is an honor culture. A stated committment to buy is like a handshake. Think of it like The Code Of The West. If your word means nothing, if your handshake means nothing, YOU are nothing.

I did a deal via pm. Went to collect, got shit on.

Well known dealer.

I will not out them.

If I commit, I’ll follow through
I did a deal via pm. Went to collect, got shit on.

Well known dealer.

I will not out them.

If I commit, I’ll follow through

If someone welches on a deal at, either party, you report it to the mods and they investigate.

That little red number under your avatar will draw venemous comments and comtempt for as long as you post on ARFCOM.

If you feel that you were wronged, and it is perfectly clear cut, I'd report it.

Your call.
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If someone welches on a deal, either party, you report it to the mods and they investigate.

That little red number under your avatar will draw venemous comments and comtempt for as long as you post on ARFCOM.

If you feel that you were wronged, and it is perfectly clear cut, I'd report it.

Your call.

Long story short. I asked about a gun. Price out the door. Got a reply, one left.

I said I’ll take it and said I’d show up between 10-12.

No reply back, I thought that meant it was accepted


Got there with cash and while I skipped the line (not intentionally) said I skipped the line I’ll give you cash to hold it. I was told nope. First come first served and get in line. They would not hold it.

Other dealers know my word is my bond.

Got the same gun for $70 less. Paid cash

Long story short. I asked about a gun. Price out the door. Got a reply, one left.

I said I’ll take it and said I’d show up between 10-12.

No reply back, I thought that meant it was accepted


Got there with cash and while I skipped the line (not intentionally) said I skipped the line I’ll give you cash to hold it. I was told nope. First come first served and get in line. They would not hold it.

Other dealers know my word is my bond.

Got the same gun for $70 less. Paid cash
OK. Not to be unsympathetic, and I don't blame you for beingn pissed, but the linchpin of your story is:

I said I’ll take it and said I’d show up between 10-12.

No reply back, I thought that meant it was accepted.

Glad you found it somewhere else for less.
OK. Not to be unsympathetic, and I don't blame you for beingn pissed, but the linchpin of your story is:

I said I’ll take it and said I’d show up between 10-12.

No reply back, I thought that meant it was accepted.

Glad you found it somewhere else for less.

My word is my bond.

A reply back saying first come first served would have been nice. I looked at my pm’s

If I waited 1-5 hours only to be told it was sold. I’d have been pissed and been very vocal about it.

i have a well known member here as a witness to this.

Again. Not calling anyone out. But if this Chris from nes makes a deal, he honors it. Lol
Things have slowed down - a LOT.

Don't Forget - From/To most places, Priority Mail going out Monday can still get things to deserving MA recipients by Wednesday.

I have a few things I don't have time to list before I head out for the day. Please let me know if you're interested in any and we can connect tonight or tomorrow. Proper ads will be up in the Classifieds tonight.

Eagle Mags (clear plastic) - - dirt cheap
- AR-15
- Mini-14
Surface Rusted AK mags
An AR-15 version of a 75 round 7.62x39 drum
3 G17 square notch mags
2 Sig 229-40/357 mags (a little light surface rust)
5-ish .223 marked Colt 20 round mags
Anybody truly in need--repeat: TRULY in need--of free (yes, no cost) AR mags?

If so, shoot me a PM.

Code Of The West applies.

ETA: To clarify--there are also low cost mags, guys doing other guys solids--but those donating/offering Bro Deals want/need some peace of mind that they aren't getting run dry by flippers. They absolutely want to get them into the hands of people who need them.

BAMA writes: There's a few guys posting offers with galil, Glock uzi mags a few other things. It's gonna go a long way if you can halfway vouch for these people. I know it's difficult. And I know you're trying.
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STEVE8140 Wrote:

To help new people navigate a little easier (at the EE), here’s direct links to the EE for different sections.

AR15 Magazine
AR15 Magazines

Handgun Magazines
Handgun Magazines

AK47 Magazines
AK47 Magazines

All Other Rifle Magazines
All Other Rifle Magazines

Pistol Caliber Carbine Magazines
Pistol Caliber Carbine Magazines

Below is a link to the Equipment Exchange and some pictures of what to click on to navigate to different sections.
Equipment Exchange Main Menu
Equipment Exchange Main Memu

Would love to snag a few (new to shooting and don’t have any!). Please help! :)


And just as a public service announcement:

Yes, there still are mags on offer. Basically guys in Free States are emptying out their closets looking for preban mags to offer in solidarity with guys from MA.

Let me know what kinds of mags you are looking for, what rifles, what types, what capacity. What condition, even.

Are you willing to pay $25 for a mint-condition Nam-Era 30 round mag? $20?

Would you happily pay replacement cost for usable 20's and 30's?

Here is what current USGI mags would cost guys to replace (also factor in effort and shipping costs):

AR-15 USGI/5.56 Magazines - Bravo Company USA

(Must be nice).

Get back to me with what you want and I'll post to, or you can join and go straight to the source yourself.


I just posted notice for for an NES'er on the last page of this thread. Check it out:

URGENT: MA PreBan AR-15 mags 'permissibility window' CLOSES as of 8/1 - Send/sell your PreBans NOW - Page 9 - AR15.COM
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I was sent here from ARF. I have a bunch of Pre-Ban AR mags that I bought back when I was in NY. I'm not going to give them away, but I'm willing to deal if someone wants them. I'd rather unload the whole lot as opposed to piecemeal. I have more pictures if someone is interested.

Pre-Ban AR Mags - AR15.COM

If those prices listed are your actual ask and not posted to deter flippers, I think you should pony up the $24 to join the site (per site rules) and post them in the NES EE.

Or you could try Armslist.

Which is my nicest way of saying f*ck off, I guess.

Have a nice day.
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Stand-up dudes on want to help out guys who are in need mags. Some guys are offering free mags to the cause. Some want $20 for mint Nam-era Colts.

Neckbeards, flippers, and greedy, fat b*stards with massive mag forts should f*uck right off.

This is intended for guys who DON"T have all the mags they need, and maybe can't even afford them.

If that is you, reach out.

If you need reasonably-priced mags, this may be your best/last chance.
Yes, please I don’t have any. Who do I need to contact? Thank you!
I posted a thank you to the guys over there. I am rarely on those forums because the text is hard to read and I don't care for the layout.
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